Source code for camel.interpreters.ipython_interpreter

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import queue
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional

from camel.interpreters.base import BaseInterpreter
from camel.interpreters.interpreter_error import InterpreterError

    from jupyter_client import BlockingKernelClient, KernelManager


[docs] class JupyterKernelInterpreter(BaseInterpreter): r"""A class for executing code strings in a Jupyter Kernel. Args: require_confirm (bool, optional): If `True`, prompt user before running code strings for security. Defaults to `True`. print_stdout (bool, optional): If `True`, print the standard output of the executed code. Defaults to `False`. print_stderr (bool, optional): If `True`, print the standard error of the executed code. Defaults to `True`. """ def __init__( self, require_confirm: bool = True, print_stdout: bool = False, print_stderr: bool = True, ) -> None: self.require_confirm = require_confirm self.print_stdout = print_stdout self.print_stderr = print_stderr self.kernel_manager: Optional[KernelManager] = None self.client: Optional[BlockingKernelClient] = None def __del__(self) -> None: r"""Clean up the kernel and client.""" if self.kernel_manager: self.kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() if self.client: self.client.stop_channels() def _initialize_if_needed(self) -> None: r"""Initialize the kernel manager and client if they are not already initialized. """ if self.kernel_manager is not None: return from jupyter_client.manager import start_new_kernel self.kernel_manager, self.client = start_new_kernel() @staticmethod def _clean_ipython_output(output: str) -> str: r"""Remove ANSI escape sequences from the output.""" ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B[@-_][0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') return ansi_escape.sub('', output) def _execute(self, code: str, timeout: float) -> str: r"""Execute the code in the Jupyter kernel and return the result.""" if not self.kernel_manager or not self.client: raise InterpreterError("Jupyter client is not initialized.") self.client.execute(code) outputs = [] while True: try: msg = self.client.get_iopub_msg(timeout=timeout) msg_content = msg["content"] msg_type = msg.get("msg_type", None) if msg_content.get("execution_state", None) == "idle": break if msg_type == "error": print(msg_content.keys()) print(msg_content) traceback = "\n".join(msg_content["traceback"]) outputs.append(traceback) elif msg_type == "stream": outputs.append(msg_content["text"]) elif msg_type in ["execute_result", "display_data"]: outputs.append(msg_content["data"]["text/plain"]) if "image/png" in msg_content["data"]: outputs.append( f"\n![image](data:image/png;base64," f"{msg_content['data']['image/png']})\n" ) except queue.Empty: outputs.append("Time out") break except Exception as e: outputs.append(f"Exception occurred: {e!s}") break exec_result = "\n".join(outputs) return self._clean_ipython_output(exec_result)
[docs] def run(self, code: str, code_type: str) -> str: r"""Executes the given code in the Jupyter kernel. Args: code (str): The code string to execute. code_type (str): The type of code to execute (e.g., 'python', 'bash'). Returns: str: A string containing the captured result of the executed code. Raises: InterpreterError: If there is an error when doing code execution. """ self._initialize_if_needed() if code_type == "bash": code = f"%%bash\n({code})" try: result = self._execute(code, timeout=TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: raise InterpreterError(f"Execution failed: {e!s}") return result
[docs] def supported_code_types(self) -> List[str]: r"""Provides supported code types by the interpreter. Returns: List[str]: Supported code types. """ return ["python", "bash"]
[docs] def update_action_space(self, action_space: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: r"""Updates the action space for the interpreter. Args: action_space (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary representing the new or updated action space. Raises: RuntimeError: Always raised because `JupyterKernelInterpreter` does not support updating the action space. """ raise RuntimeError( "SubprocessInterpreter doesn't support " "`action_space`." )