Source code for camel.societies.workforce.worker

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# ========= Copyright 2023-2024 @ All Rights Reserved. =========
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List

from colorama import Fore

from camel.societies.workforce.base import BaseNode
from camel.societies.workforce.task_channel import TaskChannel
from camel.societies.workforce.utils import check_if_running
from camel.tasks.task import Task, TaskState

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Worker(BaseNode, ABC): r"""A worker node that works on tasks. It is the basic unit of task processing in the workforce system. Args: description (str): Description of the node. """ def __init__( self, description: str, ) -> None: super().__init__(description) def __repr__(self): return f"Worker node {self.node_id} ({self.description})" @abstractmethod async def _process_task( self, task: Task, dependencies: List[Task] ) -> TaskState: r"""Processes a task based on its dependencies. Returns: 'DONE' if the task is successfully processed, 'FAILED' if the processing fails. """ pass async def _get_assigned_task(self) -> Task: r"""Get the task assigned to this node from the channel.""" return await self._channel.get_assigned_task_by_assignee(self.node_id) @staticmethod def _get_dep_tasks_info(dependencies: List[Task]) -> str: result_lines = [ f"id: {}, content: {dep_task.content}. " f"result: {dep_task.result}." for dep_task in dependencies ] result_str = "\n".join(result_lines) return result_str
[docs] @check_if_running(False) def set_channel(self, channel: TaskChannel): self._channel = channel
@check_if_running(False) async def _listen_to_channel(self): """Continuously listen to the channel, process the task that are assigned to this node, and update the result and status of the task. This method should be run in an event loop, as it will run indefinitely. """ self._running = True"{self} started.") while True: # Get the earliest task assigned to this node task = await self._get_assigned_task() print( f"{Fore.YELLOW}{self} get task {}: {task.content}" f"{Fore.RESET}" ) # Get the Task instance of dependencies dependency_ids = await self._channel.get_dependency_ids() task_dependencies = [ await self._channel.get_task_by_id(dep_id) for dep_id in dependency_ids ] # Process the task task_state = await self._process_task(task, task_dependencies) # Update the result and status of the task task.set_state(task_state) await self._channel.return_task(
[docs] @check_if_running(False) async def start(self): r"""Start the worker.""" await self._listen_to_channel()
[docs] @check_if_running(True) def stop(self): r"""Stop the worker.""" self._running = False return