Source code for camel.types.enums

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import re
from enum import Enum, EnumMeta

[docs] class RoleType(Enum): ASSISTANT = "assistant" USER = "user" CRITIC = "critic" EMBODIMENT = "embodiment" DEFAULT = "default"
[docs] class ModelType(Enum): GPT_3_5_TURBO = "gpt-3.5-turbo" GPT_4 = "gpt-4" GPT_4_TURBO = "gpt-4-turbo" GPT_4O = "gpt-4o" GPT_4O_MINI = "gpt-4o-mini" O1_PREVIEW = "o1-preview" O1_MINI = "o1-mini" GLM_4 = "glm-4" GLM_4_OPEN_SOURCE = "glm-4-open-source" GLM_4V = 'glm-4v' GLM_3_TURBO = "glm-3-turbo" GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_8B = "llama-3.1-8b-instant" GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_70B = "llama-3.1-70b-versatile" GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_405B = "llama-3.1-405b-reasoning" GROQ_LLAMA_3_8B = "llama3-8b-8192" GROQ_LLAMA_3_70B = "llama3-70b-8192" GROQ_MIXTRAL_8_7B = "mixtral-8x7b-32768" GROQ_GEMMA_7B_IT = "gemma-7b-it" GROQ_GEMMA_2_9B_IT = "gemma2-9b-it" STUB = "stub" LLAMA_2 = "llama-2" LLAMA_3 = "llama-3" VICUNA = "vicuna" VICUNA_16K = "vicuna-16k" QWEN_2 = "qwen-2" # Legacy anthropic models # NOTE: anthropic legacy models only Claude 2.1 has system prompt support CLAUDE_2_1 = "claude-2.1" CLAUDE_2_0 = "claude-2.0" CLAUDE_INSTANT_1_2 = "claude-instant-1.2" # Claude3 models CLAUDE_3_OPUS = "claude-3-opus-20240229" CLAUDE_3_SONNET = "claude-3-sonnet-20240229" CLAUDE_3_HAIKU = "claude-3-haiku-20240307" CLAUDE_3_5_SONNET = "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620" # Nvidia models NEMOTRON_4_REWARD = "nvidia/nemotron-4-340b-reward" # Gemini models GEMINI_1_5_FLASH = "gemini-1.5-flash" GEMINI_1_5_PRO = "gemini-1.5-pro" # Mistral AI models MISTRAL_LARGE = "mistral-large-latest" MISTRAL_NEMO = "open-mistral-nemo" MISTRAL_CODESTRAL = "codestral-latest" MISTRAL_7B = "open-mistral-7b" MISTRAL_MIXTRAL_8x7B = "open-mixtral-8x7b" MISTRAL_MIXTRAL_8x22B = "open-mixtral-8x22b" MISTRAL_CODESTRAL_MAMBA = "open-codestral-mamba" # Reka models REKA_CORE = "reka-core" REKA_FLASH = "reka-flash" REKA_EDGE = "reka-edge" @property def value_for_tiktoken(self) -> str: if self.is_openai: return self.value return "gpt-4o-mini" @property def supports_tool_calling(self) -> bool: return any([self.is_openai, self.is_gemini, self.is_mistral]) @property def is_openai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is an OpenAI-released model.""" return self in { ModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO, ModelType.GPT_4, ModelType.GPT_4_TURBO, ModelType.GPT_4O, ModelType.GPT_4O_MINI, ModelType.O1_PREVIEW, ModelType.O1_MINI, } @property def is_azure_openai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is an OpenAI-released model from Azure. """ return self in { ModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO, ModelType.GPT_4, ModelType.GPT_4_TURBO, ModelType.GPT_4O, } @property def is_zhipuai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is an ZhipuAI model.""" return self in { ModelType.GLM_3_TURBO, ModelType.GLM_4, ModelType.GLM_4V, } @property def is_open_source(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is open-source.""" return self in { ModelType.LLAMA_2, ModelType.LLAMA_3, ModelType.QWEN_2, ModelType.GLM_4_OPEN_SOURCE, ModelType.VICUNA, ModelType.VICUNA_16K, } @property def is_anthropic(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is Anthropic-released model. Returns: bool: Whether this type of models is anthropic. """ return self in { ModelType.CLAUDE_INSTANT_1_2, ModelType.CLAUDE_2_0, ModelType.CLAUDE_2_1, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_OPUS, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_SONNET, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_HAIKU, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_5_SONNET, } @property def is_groq(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is served by Groq.""" return self in { ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_8B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_70B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_405B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_8B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_70B, ModelType.GROQ_MIXTRAL_8_7B, ModelType.GROQ_GEMMA_7B_IT, ModelType.GROQ_GEMMA_2_9B_IT, } @property def is_mistral(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is served by Mistral.""" return self in { ModelType.MISTRAL_LARGE, ModelType.MISTRAL_NEMO, ModelType.MISTRAL_CODESTRAL, ModelType.MISTRAL_7B, ModelType.MISTRAL_MIXTRAL_8x7B, ModelType.MISTRAL_MIXTRAL_8x22B, ModelType.MISTRAL_CODESTRAL_MAMBA, } @property def is_nvidia(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is Nvidia-released model. Returns: bool: Whether this type of models is nvidia. """ return self in { ModelType.NEMOTRON_4_REWARD, } @property def is_gemini(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is Gemini model. Returns: bool: Whether this type of models is gemini. """ return self in {ModelType.GEMINI_1_5_FLASH, ModelType.GEMINI_1_5_PRO} @property def is_reka(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is Reka model. Returns: bool: Whether this type of models is Reka. """ return self in { ModelType.REKA_CORE, ModelType.REKA_EDGE, ModelType.REKA_FLASH, } @property def token_limit(self) -> int: r"""Returns the maximum token limit for a given model. Returns: int: The maximum token limit for the given model. """ if self is ModelType.GLM_4V: return 1024 elif self is ModelType.VICUNA: # reference: return 2048 elif self in { ModelType.LLAMA_2, ModelType.NEMOTRON_4_REWARD, ModelType.STUB, ModelType.REKA_CORE, ModelType.REKA_EDGE, ModelType.REKA_FLASH, }: return 4_096 elif self in { ModelType.GPT_4, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_8B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_70B, ModelType.GROQ_GEMMA_7B_IT, ModelType.GROQ_GEMMA_2_9B_IT, ModelType.LLAMA_3, ModelType.GLM_3_TURBO, ModelType.GLM_4, ModelType.GLM_4_OPEN_SOURCE, }: return 8_192 elif self in { ModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO, ModelType.VICUNA_16K, }: return 16_384 elif self in { ModelType.MISTRAL_CODESTRAL, ModelType.MISTRAL_7B, ModelType.MISTRAL_MIXTRAL_8x7B, ModelType.GROQ_MIXTRAL_8_7B, }: return 32_768 elif self in {ModelType.MISTRAL_MIXTRAL_8x22B}: return 64_000 elif self in {ModelType.CLAUDE_2_0, ModelType.CLAUDE_INSTANT_1_2}: return 100_000 elif self in { ModelType.GPT_4O, ModelType.GPT_4O_MINI, ModelType.GPT_4_TURBO, ModelType.O1_PREVIEW, ModelType.O1_MINI, ModelType.MISTRAL_LARGE, ModelType.MISTRAL_NEMO, ModelType.QWEN_2, }: return 128_000 elif self in { ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_8B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_70B, ModelType.GROQ_LLAMA_3_1_405B, }: return 131_072 elif self in { ModelType.CLAUDE_2_1, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_OPUS, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_SONNET, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_HAIKU, ModelType.CLAUDE_3_5_SONNET, }: return 200_000 elif self in { ModelType.MISTRAL_CODESTRAL_MAMBA, }: return 256_000 elif self in {ModelType.GEMINI_1_5_FLASH, ModelType.GEMINI_1_5_PRO}: return 1_048_576 else: raise ValueError("Unknown model type")
[docs] def validate_model_name(self, model_name: str) -> bool: r"""Checks whether the model type and the model name matches. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model, e.g. "vicuna-7b-v1.5". Returns: bool: Whether the model type matches the model name. """ if self is ModelType.VICUNA: pattern = r'^vicuna-\d+b-v\d+\.\d+$' return bool(re.match(pattern, model_name)) elif self is ModelType.VICUNA_16K: pattern = r'^vicuna-\d+b-v\d+\.\d+-16k$' return bool(re.match(pattern, model_name)) elif self is ModelType.LLAMA_2: return ( self.value in model_name.lower() or "llama2" in model_name.lower() ) elif self is ModelType.LLAMA_3: return ( self.value in model_name.lower() or "llama3" in model_name.lower() ) elif self is ModelType.QWEN_2: return ( self.value in model_name.lower() or "qwen2" in model_name.lower() ) elif self is ModelType.GLM_4_OPEN_SOURCE: return ( 'glm-4' in model_name.lower() or "glm4" in model_name.lower() ) else: return self.value in model_name.lower()
[docs] class EmbeddingModelType(Enum): TEXT_EMBEDDING_ADA_2 = "text-embedding-ada-002" TEXT_EMBEDDING_3_SMALL = "text-embedding-3-small" TEXT_EMBEDDING_3_LARGE = "text-embedding-3-large" MISTRAL_EMBED = "mistral-embed" @property def is_openai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is an OpenAI-released model.""" return self in { EmbeddingModelType.TEXT_EMBEDDING_ADA_2, EmbeddingModelType.TEXT_EMBEDDING_3_SMALL, EmbeddingModelType.TEXT_EMBEDDING_3_LARGE, } @property def is_mistral(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of models is an Mistral-released model. """ return self in { EmbeddingModelType.MISTRAL_EMBED, } @property def output_dim(self) -> int: if self is EmbeddingModelType.TEXT_EMBEDDING_ADA_2: return 1536 elif self is EmbeddingModelType.TEXT_EMBEDDING_3_SMALL: return 1536 elif self is EmbeddingModelType.TEXT_EMBEDDING_3_LARGE: return 3072 elif self is EmbeddingModelType.MISTRAL_EMBED: return 1024 else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown model type {self}.")
[docs] class TaskType(Enum): AI_SOCIETY = "ai_society" CODE = "code" MISALIGNMENT = "misalignment" TRANSLATION = "translation" EVALUATION = "evaluation" SOLUTION_EXTRACTION = "solution_extraction" ROLE_DESCRIPTION = "role_description" GENERATE_TEXT_EMBEDDING_DATA = "generate_text_embedding_data" OBJECT_RECOGNITION = "object_recognition" IMAGE_CRAFT = "image_craft" MULTI_CONDITION_IMAGE_CRAFT = "multi_condition_image_craft" DEFAULT = "default" VIDEO_DESCRIPTION = "video_description"
[docs] class VectorDistance(Enum): r"""Distance metrics used in a vector database.""" DOT = "dot" r"""Dot product.""" COSINE = "cosine" r"""Cosine similarity.""" EUCLIDEAN = "euclidean" r"""Euclidean distance."""
[docs] class OpenAIBackendRole(Enum): ASSISTANT = "assistant" SYSTEM = "system" USER = "user" FUNCTION = "function" TOOL = "tool"
[docs] class TerminationMode(Enum): ANY = "any" ALL = "all"
[docs] class OpenAIImageTypeMeta(EnumMeta): def __contains__(cls, image_type: object) -> bool: try: cls(image_type) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] class OpenAIImageType(Enum, metaclass=OpenAIImageTypeMeta): r"""Image types supported by OpenAI vision model.""" # PNG = "png" JPEG = "jpeg" JPG = "jpg" WEBP = "webp" GIF = "gif"
[docs] class OpenAIVisionDetailType(Enum): AUTO = "auto" LOW = "low" HIGH = "high"
[docs] class StorageType(Enum): MILVUS = "milvus" QDRANT = "qdrant"
[docs] class OpenAPIName(Enum): COURSERA = "coursera" KLARNA = "klarna" SPEAK = "speak" NASA_APOD = "nasa_apod" BIZTOC = "biztoc" CREATE_QR_CODE = "create_qr_code" OUTSCHOOL = "outschool" WEB_SCRAPER = "web_scraper"
[docs] class ModelPlatformType(Enum): OPENAI = "openai" AZURE = "azure" ANTHROPIC = "anthropic" GROQ = "groq" OPEN_SOURCE = "open-source" OLLAMA = "ollama" LITELLM = "litellm" ZHIPU = "zhipuai" DEFAULT = "default" GEMINI = "gemini" VLLM = "vllm" MISTRAL = "mistral" REKA = "reka" TOGETHER = "together" OPENAI_COMPATIBILITY_MODEL = "openai-compatibility-model" SAMBA = "samba-nova" @property def is_openai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is openai.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.OPENAI @property def is_azure(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is azure.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.AZURE @property def is_anthropic(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is anthropic.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.ANTHROPIC @property def is_groq(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is groq.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.GROQ @property def is_ollama(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is ollama.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.OLLAMA @property def is_vllm(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is vllm.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.VLLM @property def is_together(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is together.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.TOGETHER @property def is_litellm(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is litellm.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.LITELLM @property def is_zhipuai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is zhipu.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.ZHIPU @property def is_mistral(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is mistral.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.MISTRAL @property def is_open_source(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is opensource.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.OPEN_SOURCE @property def is_openai_compatibility_model(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this is a platform supporting openai compatibility""" return self is ModelPlatformType.OPENAI_COMPATIBILITY_MODEL @property def is_gemini(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is Gemini.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.GEMINI @property def is_reka(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is Reka.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.REKA @property def is_samba(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this platform is Samba Nova.""" return self is ModelPlatformType.SAMBA
[docs] class AudioModelType(Enum): TTS_1 = "tts-1" TTS_1_HD = "tts-1-hd" @property def is_openai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of audio models is an OpenAI-released model.""" return self in { AudioModelType.TTS_1, AudioModelType.TTS_1_HD, }
[docs] class VoiceType(Enum): ALLOY = "alloy" ECHO = "echo" FABLE = "fable" ONYX = "onyx" NOVA = "nova" SHIMMER = "shimmer" @property def is_openai(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether this type of voice is an OpenAI-released voice.""" return self in { VoiceType.ALLOY, VoiceType.ECHO, VoiceType.FABLE, VoiceType.ONYX, VoiceType.NOVA, VoiceType.SHIMMER, }
[docs] class JinaReturnFormat(Enum): DEFAULT = None MARKDOWN = "markdown" HTML = "html" TEXT = "text"