Source code for camel.toolkits.weather_toolkit

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import os
from typing import List, Literal

from camel.toolkits.base import BaseToolkit
from camel.toolkits.function_tool import FunctionTool

[docs] class WeatherToolkit(BaseToolkit): r"""A class representing a toolkit for interacting with weather data. This class provides methods for fetching weather data for a given city using the OpenWeatherMap API. """
[docs] def get_openweathermap_api_key(self) -> str: r"""Retrieve the OpenWeatherMap API key from environment variables. Returns: str: The OpenWeatherMap API key. Raises: ValueError: If the API key is not found in the environment variables. """ # Get `OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY` here: OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY = os.environ.get('OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY') if not OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY: raise ValueError( "`OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY` not found in environment " "variables. Get `OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY` here: " "``." ) return OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY
[docs] def get_weather_data( self, city: str, temp_units: Literal['kelvin', 'celsius', 'fahrenheit'] = 'kelvin', wind_units: Literal[ 'meters_sec', 'miles_hour', 'knots', 'beaufort' ] = 'meters_sec', visibility_units: Literal['meters', 'miles'] = 'meters', time_units: Literal['unix', 'iso', 'date'] = 'unix', ) -> str: r"""Fetch and return a comprehensive weather report for a given city as a string. The report includes current weather conditions, temperature, wind details, visibility, and sunrise/sunset times, all formatted as a readable string. The function interacts with the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve the data. Args: city (str): The name of the city for which the weather information is desired. Format "City, CountryCode" (e.g., "Paris, FR" for Paris, France). If the country code is not provided, the API will search for the city in all countries, which may yield incorrect results if multiple cities with the same name exist. temp_units (Literal['kelvin', 'celsius', 'fahrenheit']): Units for temperature. (default: :obj:`kelvin`) wind_units (Literal['meters_sec', 'miles_hour', 'knots', 'beaufort']): Units for wind speed. (default: :obj:`meters_sec`) visibility_units (Literal['meters', 'miles']): Units for visibility distance. (default: :obj:`meters`) time_units (Literal['unix', 'iso', 'date']): Format for sunrise and sunset times. (default: :obj:`unix`) Returns: str: A string containing the fetched weather data, formatted in a readable manner. If an error occurs, a message indicating the error will be returned instead. Example of return string: "Weather in Paris, FR: 15°C, feels like 13°C. Max temp: 17°C, Min temp : 12°C. Wind: 5 m/s at 270 degrees. Visibility: 10 kilometers. Sunrise at 05:46:05 (UTC), Sunset at 18:42:20 (UTC)." Note: Please ensure that the API key is valid and has permissions to access the weather data. """ # NOTE: This tool may not work as expected since the input arguments # like `time_units` should be enum types which are not supported yet. try: import pyowm except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install `pyowm` first. You can install it by running " "`pip install pyowm`." ) OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY = self.get_openweathermap_api_key() owm = pyowm.OWM(OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY) mgr = owm.weather_manager() try: observation = mgr.weather_at_place(city) weather = # Temperature temperature = weather.temperature(temp_units) # Wind wind_data = wind_speed = wind_data.get('speed') # 'N/A' if the degree is not available wind_deg = wind_data.get('deg', 'N/A') # Visibility visibility_distance = visibility = ( str(visibility_distance) if visibility_units == 'meters' else str('miles')) ) # Sunrise and Sunset sunrise_time = str(weather.sunrise_time(timeformat=time_units)) sunset_time = str(weather.sunset_time(timeformat=time_units)) # Compile all the weather details into a report string weather_report = ( f"Weather in {city}: " f"{temperature['temp']}°{temp_units.title()}, " f"feels like " f"{temperature['feels_like']}°{temp_units.title()}. " f"Max temp: {temperature['temp_max']}°{temp_units.title()}, " f"Min temp: {temperature['temp_min']}°{temp_units.title()}. " f"Wind: {wind_speed} {wind_units} at {wind_deg} degrees. " f"Visibility: {visibility} {visibility_units}. " f"Sunrise at {sunrise_time}, Sunset at {sunset_time}." ) return weather_report except Exception as e: error_message = ( f"An error occurred while fetching weather data for {city}: " f"{e!s}." ) return error_message
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[FunctionTool]: r"""Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit. Returns: List[FunctionTool]: A list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit. """ return [ FunctionTool(self.get_weather_data), ]