Source code for camel.agents.deductive_reasoner_agent

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import re
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from camel.agents.chat_agent import ChatAgent
from camel.logger import get_logger
from camel.messages import BaseMessage
from camel.models import BaseModelBackend
from camel.prompts import TextPrompt
from camel.types import RoleType

logger = get_logger(__name__)

# AgentOps decorator setting
    import os

    if os.getenv("AGENTOPS_API_KEY") is not None:
        from agentops import track_agent
        raise ImportError
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    from camel.utils import track_agent

[docs] @track_agent(name="DeductiveReasonerAgent") class DeductiveReasonerAgent(ChatAgent): r"""An agent responsible for deductive reasoning. Model of deductive reasoning: - L: A ⊕ C -> q * B - A represents the known starting state. - B represents the known target state. - C represents the conditions required to transition from A to B. - Q represents the quality or effectiveness of the transition from A to B. - L represents the path or process from A to B. Args: model (BaseModelBackend, optional): The model backend to use for generating responses. (default: :obj:`OpenAIModel` with `GPT_4O_MINI`) """ def __init__( self, model: Optional[BaseModelBackend] = None, ) -> None: system_message = BaseMessage( role_name="Insight Agent", role_type=RoleType.ASSISTANT, meta_dict=None, content="You assign roles based on tasks.", ) super().__init__(system_message, model=model)
[docs] def deduce_conditions_and_quality( self, starting_state: str, target_state: str, role_descriptions_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]]]: r"""Derives the conditions and quality from the starting state and the target state based on the model of the deductive reasoning and the knowledge base. It can optionally consider the roles involved in the scenario, which allows tailoring the output more closely to the AI agent's environment. Args: starting_state (str): The initial or starting state from which conditions are deduced. target_state (str): The target state of the task. role_descriptions_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): The descriptions of the roles. (default: :obj:`None`) role_descriptions_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): A dictionary describing the roles involved in the scenario. This is optional and can be used to provide a context for the CAMEL's role-playing, enabling the generation of more relevant and tailored conditions and quality assessments. This could be generated using a `RoleAssignmentAgent()` or defined manually by the user. Returns: Dict[str, Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]]]: A dictionary with the extracted data from the message. The dictionary contains three keys: - 'conditions': A list where each key is a condition ID and each value is the corresponding condition text. - 'labels': A list of label strings extracted from the message. - 'quality': A string of quality assessment strings extracted from the message. """ self.reset() deduce_prompt = """You are a deductive reasoner. You are tasked to complete the TASK based on the THOUGHT OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING, the STARTING STATE A and the TARGET STATE B. You are given the CONTEXT CONTENT to help you complete the TASK. Your answer MUST strictly adhere to the structure of ANSWER TEMPLATE, ONLY fill in the BLANKs, and DO NOT alter or modify any other part of the template ===== MODELING OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING ===== You are tasked with understanding a mathematical model based on the components ${A, B, C, Q, L}$. In this model: ``L: A ⊕ C -> q * B``. - $A$ represents the known starting state. - $B$ represents the known target state. - $C$ represents the conditions required to transition from $A$ to $B$. - $Q$ represents the quality or effectiveness of the transition from $A$ to $B$. - $L$ represents the path or process from $A$ to $B$. ===== THOUGHT OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING ===== 1. Define the Parameters of A and B: - Characterization: Before delving into transitions, thoroughly understand the nature and boundaries of both $A$ and $B$. This includes the type, properties, constraints, and possible interactions between the two. - Contrast and Compare: Highlight the similarities and differences between $A$ and $B$. This comparative analysis will give an insight into what needs changing and what remains constant. 2. Historical & Empirical Analysis: - Previous Transitions according to the Knowledge Base of GPT: (if applicable) Extract conditions and patterns from the historical instances where a similar transition from a state comparable to $A$ moved towards $B$. - Scientific Principles: (if applicable) Consider the underlying scientific principles governing or related to the states and their transition. For example, if $A$ and $B$ are physical states, laws of physics might apply. 3. Logical Deduction of Conditions ($C$): - Direct Path Analysis: What are the immediate and direct conditions required to move from $A$ to $B$? - Intermediate States: Are there states between $A$ and $B$ that must be traversed or can be used to make the transition smoother or more efficient? If yes, what is the content? - Constraints & Limitations: Identify potential barriers or restrictions in moving from $A$ to $B$. These can be external (e.g., environmental factors) or internal (properties of $A$ or $B$). - Resource and Information Analysis: What resources and information are required for the transition? This could be time, entity, factor, code language, software platform, unknowns, etc. - External Influences: Consider socio-economic, political, or environmental factors (if applicable) that could influence the transition conditions. - Creative/Heuristic Reasoning: Open your mind to multiple possible $C$'s, no matter how unconventional they might seem. Utilize analogies, metaphors, or brainstorming techniques to envision possible conditions or paths from $A$ to $B$. - The conditions $C$ should be multiple but in one sentence. And each condition should be concerned with one aspect/entity. 4. Entity/Label Recognition of Conditions ($C$): - Identify and categorize entities of Conditions ($C$) such as the names, locations, dates, specific technical terms or contextual parameters that might be associated with events, innovations post-2022. - The output of the entities/labels will be used as tags or labels for semantic similarity searches. The entities/labels may be the words, or phrases, each of them should contain valuable, high information entropy information, and should be independent. - Ensure that the identified entities are formatted in a manner suitable for database indexing and retrieval. Organize the entities into categories, and combine the category with its instance into a continuous phrase, without using colons or other separators. - Format these entities for database indexing: output the category rather than its instance/content into a continuous phrase. For example, instead of "Jan. 02", identify it as "Event time". 5. Quality Assessment ($Q$): - Efficiency: How efficient is the transition from $A$ to $B$, which measures the resources used versus the desired outcome? - Effectiveness: Did the transition achieve the desired outcome or was the target state achieved as intended? - Safety & Risks: Assess any risks associated with the transition and the measures to mitigate them. - Feedback Mechanisms: Incorporate feedback loops to continuously monitor and adjust the quality of transition, making it more adaptive. 6. Iterative Evaluation: - Test & Refine: Based on the initially deduced conditions and assessed quality, iterate the process to refine and optimize the transition. This might involve tweaking conditions, employing different paths, or changing resources. - Feedback Integration: Use feedback to make improvements and increase the quality of the transition. 7. Real-world scenarios often present challenges that may not be captured by models and frameworks. While using the model, maintain an adaptive mindset: - Scenario Exploration: Continuously imagine various possible scenarios, both positive and negative, to prepare for unexpected events. - Flexibility: Be prepared to modify conditions ($C$) or alter the path/ process ($L$) if unforeseen challenges arise. - Feedback Integration: Rapidly integrate feedback from actual implementations to adjust the model's application, ensuring relevancy and effectiveness. ===== TASK ===== Given the starting state $A$ and the target state $B$, assuming that a path $L$ always exists between $A$ and $B$, how can one deduce or identify the necessary conditions $C$ and the quality $Q$ of the transition? ===== STARTING STATE $A$ ===== {starting_state} ===== TARGET STATE $B$ ===== {target_state} {role_with_description_prompt} ===== ANSWER TEMPLATE ===== - Characterization and comparison of $A$ and $B$:\n<BLANK> - Historical & Empirical Analysis:\n<BLANK>/None - Logical Deduction of Conditions ($C$) (multiple conditions can be deduced): condition <NUM>: <BLANK>. - Entity/Label Recognition of Conditions:\n[<BLANK>, <BLANK>, ...] (include square brackets) - Quality Assessment ($Q$) (do not use symbols): <BLANK>. - Iterative Evaluation:\n<BLANK>/None""" if role_descriptions_dict is not None: role_names = role_descriptions_dict.keys() role_with_description_prompt = ( "===== ROLES WITH DESCRIPTIONS =====\n" + "\n".join( f"{role_name}:\n{role_descriptions_dict[role_name]}\n" for role_name in role_names ) + "\n\n" ) else: role_with_description_prompt = "" deduce_prompt = TextPrompt(deduce_prompt) deduce = deduce_prompt.format( starting_state=starting_state, target_state=target_state, role_with_description_prompt=role_with_description_prompt, ) conditions_and_quality_generation_msg = BaseMessage.make_user_message( role_name="Deductive Reasoner", content=deduce ) response = self.step( input_message=conditions_and_quality_generation_msg ) if response.terminated: raise RuntimeError( "Deduction failed. Error:\n" + f"{}" ) msg: BaseMessage = response.msg"Message content:\n{msg.content}") # Extract the conditions from the message conditions_dict = { f"condition {i}": cdt.replace("<", "") .replace(">", "") .strip() .strip('\n') for i, cdt in re.findall( r"condition (\d+):\s*(.+?)(?=condition \d+|- Entity)", msg.content, re.DOTALL, ) } # Extract the labels from the message labels = [ label.strip().strip('\n').strip("\"'") for label in re.findall( r"Entity/Label Recognition of Conditions:\n\[(.+?)\]", msg.content, re.DOTALL, )[0].split(",") ] # Extract the quality from the message quality = next( q.strip().strip('\n') for q in re.findall( r"Quality Assessment \(\$Q\$\) \(do not use symbols\):" r"\n(.+?)- Iterative", msg.content, re.DOTALL, ) ) # Convert them into JSON format conditions_and_quality_json: Dict[ str, Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]] ] = {} conditions_and_quality_json["conditions"] = conditions_dict conditions_and_quality_json["labels"] = labels conditions_and_quality_json["evaluate_quality"] = quality return conditions_and_quality_json