Source code for camel.datagen.self_improving_cot

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import asyncio
import json
import math
import os
import threading
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel

from camel.agents import ChatAgent
from camel.logger import get_logger
from camel.models.reward import BaseRewardModel, Evaluator
from camel.utils import BatchProcessor, retry_on_error

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class AgentTraceEvaluation(BaseModel): correctness: float clarity: float completeness: float feedback: str
[docs] class RewardTraceEvaluation(BaseModel): feedback: str def __init__(self, **data): # Allow dynamic score fields while ensuring feedback is present super().__init__(**data)
[docs] class Config: extra = ( "allow" # Allow extra fields for different reward model dimensions )
[docs] class TraceIteration(BaseModel): iteration: int trace: str evaluation: Union[AgentTraceEvaluation, RewardTraceEvaluation]
[docs] class ProblemResult(BaseModel): id: Optional[str] = None type: Optional[str] = None problem: str solution: Optional[str] = None final_trace: str agent_evaluate_success: Optional[bool] = None boxed_answer_success: bool = False improvement_history: List[TraceIteration]
[docs] class SelfImprovingCoTPipeline: r"""Pipeline for generating self-taught reasoning traces using the self-improving methodology. This implements the STaR paper's approach of: 1. Initial reasoning trace generation 2. Self-evaluation 3. Feedback-based improvement 4. Iterative refinement """ def __init__( self, reason_agent: ChatAgent, problems: List[Dict], max_iterations: int = 3, score_threshold: Union[float, Dict[str, float]] = 0.7, rejection_sampling_n: Optional[int] = None, evaluate_agent: Optional[ChatAgent] = None, reward_model: Optional[BaseRewardModel] = None, output_path: Optional[str] = None, few_shot_examples: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, solution_pattern: str = r'\\boxed{(.*?)}', trace_pattern: Optional[str] = None, ): r"""Initialize the self-improving cot pipeline. Args: reason_agent (ChatAgent): The chat agent used for generating and improving reasoning traces. problems (List[Dict]): List of problem dictionaries to process. max_iterations (int, optional): Maximum number of improvement iterations. If set to `0`, the pipeline will generate an initial trace without any improvement iterations. (default: :obj:`3`) score_threshold (Union[float, Dict[str, float]], optional): Quality threshold. Can be either a single float value applied to average score, or a dictionary mapping score dimensions to their thresholds. For example: {"correctness": 0.8, "coherence": 0.7}. If using reward model and threshold for a dimension is not specified, will use the default value 0.7. (default: :obj:`0.7`) rejection_sampling_n (int, optional): Specifies the number of samples to be drawn using the rejection sampling method, where samples are accepted or rejected based on a predefined condition to achieve a desired distribution. (default: :obj: `None`) evaluate_agent (Optional[ChatAgent]): The chat agent used for evaluating reasoning traces. (default: :obj:`None`) reward_model (BaseRewardModel, optional): Model used to evaluate reasoning traces. If `None`, uses Agent self-evaluation. (default: :obj:`None`) output_path (str, optional): Output path for saving traces. If `None`, results will only be returned without saving to file. (default: :obj:`None`) few_shot_examples (str, optional): Examples to use for few-shot generation. (default: :obj:`None`) batch_size (int, optional): Batch size for parallel processing. (default: :obj:`None`) max_workers (int, optional): Maximum number of worker threads. (default: :obj:`None`) solution_pattern (str, optional): Regular expression pattern with one capture group to extract answers from solution text. (default: :obj:`r'\\boxed{(.*?)}'`) trace_pattern (str, optional): Regular expression pattern with one capture group to extract answers from trace text. If `None`, uses the same pattern as solution_pattern. (default: :obj:`None`) """ self.reason_agent = reason_agent self.evaluate_agent = evaluate_agent self.problems = problems self.output_path = output_path self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.score_threshold = score_threshold self.rejection_sampling_n = rejection_sampling_n self.reward_model = reward_model self.evaluator = ( Evaluator(reward_model=reward_model) if reward_model else None ) self.reasoning_traces: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self.few_shot_examples = few_shot_examples self.batch_processor = BatchProcessor(max_workers, batch_size) self.solution_pattern = solution_pattern self.trace_pattern = ( trace_pattern if trace_pattern is not None else solution_pattern ) # Initialize output file with empty results if path is specified if self.output_path: with open(self.output_path, 'w') as f: json.dump({'traces': []}, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) self.lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def safe_write_json(self, file_path, data): temp_path = file_path + ".tmp" with open(temp_path, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) os.replace(temp_path, file_path)
[docs] def clean_json(self, data): if isinstance(data, dict): return {k: self.clean_json(v) for k, v in data.items()} elif isinstance(data, list): return [self.clean_json(v) for v in data] elif isinstance(data, float) and ( math.isnan(data) or math.isinf(data) ): return None return data
async def _batch_process_problems( self, problems: List[Dict], rationalization: bool ) -> List[ProblemResult]: r"""Process multiple problems in parallel batches with dynamic sizing. Args: problems (List[Dict]): List of problem dictionaries to process. rationalization (bool): Whether to use rationalization. Returns: List[ProblemResult]: List of problem results. """ results = [] total_problems = len(problems) processed = 0 while processed < total_problems: batch_size = self.batch_processor.batch_size batch = problems[processed : processed + batch_size] batch_start_time = time.time() try: with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.batch_processor.max_workers ) as executor: # Create futures with rationalization parameter futures = [ executor.submit( self.process_problem, problem=problem, rationalization=rationalization, ) for problem in batch ] batch_results = [] batch_success = True for future in as_completed(futures): try: result = future.result() batch_results.append(result) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing problem: {e}") batch_success = False continue results.extend(batch_results) processed += len(batch) # Calculate processing time and adjust batch size processing_time = time.time() - batch_start_time self.batch_processor.adjust_batch_size( batch_success, processing_time ) # Log progress and performance metrics metrics = self.batch_processor.get_performance_metrics() f"Processed {processed}/{total_problems} problems " f"(batch size: {batch_size}, workers: " f"{metrics['current_workers']}, " f"CPU: {metrics['current_cpu']:.1f}%, " f"Memory: {metrics['current_memory']:.1f}%)" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Batch processing error: {e}") self.batch_processor.adjust_batch_size(False) continue return results async def _batch_evaluate_traces( self, problems: List[Dict[str, Any]], traces: List[str], solutions: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Evaluate multiple traces in parallel batches with resource monitoring. Args: problems (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of problem dictionaries traces (List[str]): List of reasoning traces to evaluate solutions (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of solutions Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: List of evaluation results """ if solutions is None: solutions = ["null"] * len(problems) results = [] total_traces = len(traces) processed = 0 while processed < total_traces: batch_size = self.batch_processor.batch_size problem_batch = problems[processed : processed + batch_size] trace_batch = traces[processed : processed + batch_size] solution_batch = solutions[processed : processed + batch_size] batch_start_time = time.time() try: with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.batch_processor.max_workers ) as executor: futures = [ executor.submit( self.evaluate_trace, problem=problem["problem"], trace=trace, solution=solution, ) for problem, trace, solution in zip( problem_batch, trace_batch, solution_batch ) ] batch_results = [] batch_success = True for future in as_completed(futures): try: result = future.result() batch_results.append(result) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error evaluating trace: {e}") batch_success = False continue results.extend(batch_results) processed += len(batch_results) # Calculate processing time and adjust batch size processing_time = time.time() - batch_start_time self.batch_processor.adjust_batch_size( batch_success, processing_time ) # Log progress and performance metrics metrics = self.batch_processor.get_performance_metrics() f"Evaluated {processed}/{total_traces} traces " f"(batch size: {batch_size}, workers: " f"{metrics['current_workers']}, " f"avg time: {metrics['avg_processing_time']:.2f}s, " f"error rate: {metrics['error_rate']:.1f}%)" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Batch evaluation error: {e}") self.batch_processor.adjust_batch_size(False) continue return results def _check_score_threshold(self, scores: Dict[str, float]) -> bool: r"""Check if scores meet the threshold requirements. Args: scores (Dict[str, float]): Dictionary of scores for different dimensions. Returns: bool: True if scores meet threshold requirements, False otherwise. """ # If score_threshold is a float, apply it to all dimensions if isinstance(self.score_threshold, float): return all( score >= self.score_threshold for score in scores.values() ) # If score_threshold is a dict, check each dimension with its threshold # Use 0 as default threshold for unspecified dimensions if isinstance(self.score_threshold, dict): for dim, score in scores.items(): threshold = self.score_threshold.get(dim, 0) if score < threshold: return False return True # If score_threshold is None or invalid type, pass the check return True def _generate_feedback(self, scores: Dict[str, float]) -> str: r"""Generate feedback based on which dimensions need improvement. Args: scores (Dict[str, float]): Dictionary of scores for different dimensions. Returns: str: Feedback message indicating which dimensions need improvement. """ if isinstance(self.score_threshold, float): below_threshold = [ dim for dim, score in scores.items() if score < self.score_threshold ] if not below_threshold: return "All dimensions meet the required threshold" dims = ", ".join(below_threshold) return f"Need improvement in: {dims}" if isinstance(self.score_threshold, dict): default_threshold = 0 below_threshold = [ dim for dim, score in scores.items() if score < self.score_threshold.get(dim, default_threshold) ] if not below_threshold: return "All dimensions meet their respective thresholds" dims = ", ".join(below_threshold) return f"Need improvement in: {dims}" # If no threshold set, just list all dimensions and their scores dims = ", ".join( f"{dim}: {score:.2f}" for dim, score in scores.items() ) return f"Current scores - {dims}"
[docs] @retry_on_error() def generate_reasoning_trace(self, problem: str) -> str: r"""Generate initial reasoning trace for a given problem. Args: problem (str): The problem text to generate reasoning for. Returns: str: Generated reasoning trace. """ self.reason_agent.reset() few_shot_examples = ( f"Examples: {self.few_shot_examples}" if self.few_shot_examples else "" ) prompt = self.REASONING_TEMPLATE.format( problem=problem, few_shot_examples=few_shot_examples ) response = self.reason_agent.step(prompt) return response.msg.content
[docs] @retry_on_error() def evaluate_trace( self, problem: str, trace: str, solution: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Evaluate the quality of a reasoning trace. Args: problem (str): The original problem text to evaluate against. trace (str): The reasoning trace to evaluate. solution (Optional[str]): The solution to the problem, if provided. (default: :obj:`None`) Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Evaluation results containing: - scores: Dict of evaluation dimensions and their scores - feedback: Detailed feedback for improvement For Agent self-evaluation, the scores will include: - correctness: Score for logical correctness - clarity: Score for clarity of explanation - completeness: Score for completeness of reasoning For reward model evaluation, the scores will depend on the model's evaluation dimensions. """ self.evaluate_agent.reset() # type: ignore[union-attr] if self.evaluator: # Use reward model evaluation messages = [ {"role": "user", "content": problem}, {"role": "assistant", "content": trace}, ] scores = self.evaluator.evaluate(messages) # For models that return a single score if isinstance(scores, (int, float)) or ( isinstance(scores, dict) and len(scores) == 1 ): if isinstance(scores, dict): score = next(iter(scores.values())) else: score = scores scores_dict = {"overall": score} return { **scores_dict, "feedback": self._generate_feedback(scores_dict), } # For models that return multiple dimensions return {**scores, "feedback": self._generate_feedback(scores)} else: # Fallback to original Agent self-evaluation solution_text = f"Solution: {solution}" if solution else "" prompt = self.EVALUATION_TEMPLATE.format( problem=problem, trace=trace, solution=solution_text ) response = self.evaluate_agent.step( # type: ignore[union-attr] prompt, response_format=AgentTraceEvaluation ) if response.msg.parsed is None: raise AttributeError("Failed to parse evaluation response") # Convert dict to AgentTraceEvaluation if needed if isinstance(response.msg.parsed, dict): evaluation = AgentTraceEvaluation(**response.msg.parsed) else: evaluation = response.msg.parsed return evaluation.model_dump()
[docs] @retry_on_error() def generate_reasoning_trace_rejection(self, problem: str) -> str: r"""Generate multiple candidate reasoning traces for a problem and select the best one based on evaluation. Args: problem (str): The problem text for generating a reasoning trace. Returns: str: The best candidate trace that meets quality criteria, or the first candidate if none qualify. """ few_shot_examples = ( f"Examples: {self.few_shot_examples}" if self.few_shot_examples else "" ) prompt = self.REASONING_TEMPLATE.format( problem=problem, few_shot_examples=few_shot_examples ) responses, candidate_traces = None, [] if 'n' in self.reason_agent.model_backend.model_config_dict: self.reason_agent.model_backend.model_config_dict['n'] = ( self.rejection_sampling_n ) # Generate multiple condidate traces in one call using parameter n responses = self.reason_agent.step(prompt) # Extract cancidate traces candidate_traces = [choice.content for choice in responses.msgs] else: sampling_n = ( self.rejection_sampling_n if self.rejection_sampling_n is not None else 1 ) for _i in range(sampling_n): trace = self.generate_reasoning_trace(problem) candidate_traces.append(trace) best_trace = None best_avg_score = 0.01 candidate_avg_scores = [] for trace in candidate_traces: eval_results = self.evaluate_trace(problem, trace) # Remove feedback from scores scores = {k: v for k, v in eval_results.items() if k != "feedback"} # Compute average score (assuming at least one score exists) if scores: avg_score = sum(scores.values()) / len(scores) else: avg_score = 0.0 candidate_avg_scores.append(avg_score) # If the candidate meets the threshold and is the best, select it if ( self._check_score_threshold(scores) and avg_score > best_avg_score ): best_trace = trace best_avg_score = avg_score if best_trace is None: best_trace = candidate_traces[ candidate_avg_scores.index(max(candidate_avg_scores)) ] return best_trace
[docs] @retry_on_error() def improve_trace( self, problem: str, trace: str, feedback: str, solution: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: r"""Generate improved reasoning trace based on feedback. Args: problem (str): The original problem text. trace (str): The current reasoning trace. feedback (str): Feedback for improving the trace. solution (Optional[str]): The solution to the problem, if provided. (default: :obj:`None`) Returns: str: Improved reasoning trace. """ self.reason_agent.reset() solution_text = f"Solution: {solution}" if solution else "" prompt = self.IMPROVEMENT_TEMPLATE.format( problem=problem, trace=trace, feedback=feedback, solution=solution_text, ) response = self.reason_agent.step(prompt) return response.msg.content
[docs] def validate_problem_format(self, problem: Dict) -> None: r"""Validate that a problem dictionary has the required format. Args: problem (Dict): Problem dictionary to validate. Raises: ValueError: If the problem format is invalid. """ if not isinstance(problem, dict): raise ValueError("Problem must be a dictionary.") # Check required problem field if "problem" not in problem: raise ValueError("Problem dictionary must contain 'problem' key.") if not isinstance(problem["problem"], str): raise ValueError("Problem 'problem' field must be a string.") # Optional fields validation optional_fields: dict[str, type | tuple[type, ...]] = { "id": (str, int, type(None)), "type": str, "solution": str, } for field, expected_type in optional_fields.items(): if field in problem and not isinstance( problem[field], expected_type ): type_name = ( expected_type.__name__ if hasattr(expected_type, '__name__') else str(expected_type) ) raise ValueError( f"Problem '{field}' must be of " f"type {type_name} if present." )
def _check_boxed_answers(self, solution: str, trace: str) -> bool: r"""Check if the answer in the trace matches the solution using the configured patterns. Args: solution (str): The problem solution string. trace (str): The reasoning trace string. Returns: bool: True if answers match, False otherwise """ import re # Extract content using the configured patterns solution_match =, solution, re.DOTALL) trace_match =, trace, re.DOTALL) if solution_match and trace_match: # Clean up whitespace and normalize content solution_answer = trace_answer = return solution_answer == trace_answer return False
[docs] def process_problem( self, problem: Dict, rationalization: bool = False ) -> ProblemResult: r"""Process a single problem through the self-improving cot pipeline. Args: problem (Dict): Problem dictionary containing the problem text. rationalization (bool, optional): Whether to use rationalization. (default: :obj:`False`) Returns: ProblemResult: Results with final trace and history. Raises: ValueError: If the problem format is invalid. """ # Validate problem format before processing self.validate_problem_format(problem) problem_text = problem["problem"] solution_text = problem.get("solution", "") current_trace = None if self.rejection_sampling_n: current_trace = self.generate_reasoning_trace_rejection( problem_text ) else: current_trace = self.generate_reasoning_trace(problem_text) improvement_history = [] scores = {} # Only evaluate if evaluate_agent or reward_model is set if self.evaluate_agent or self.reward_model: # Create batches for parallel evaluation batch_problems = [problem] batch_traces = [current_trace] batch_solutions = [solution_text] # Evaluate current trace batch loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: eval_results = loop.run_until_complete( self._batch_evaluate_traces( batch_problems, batch_traces, batch_solutions ) ) finally: loop.close() # Process evaluation results eval_dict = eval_results[-1] # Get latest evaluation scores = {k: v for k, v in eval_dict.items() if k != "feedback"} # Record initial evaluation if self.evaluator: improvement_history.append( TraceIteration( iteration=0, trace=current_trace, evaluation=RewardTraceEvaluation(**eval_dict), ) ) else: improvement_history.append( TraceIteration( iteration=0, trace=current_trace, evaluation=AgentTraceEvaluation( **scores, feedback=eval_dict["feedback"] ), ) ) # Only do improvement iterations if max_iterations > 0 if self.max_iterations > 0: for iteration in range(0, self.max_iterations): # Check if quality threshold met if self._check_score_threshold(scores): break # Generate improved trace if rationalization: current_trace = self.improve_trace( problem_text, current_trace, eval_dict["feedback"], solution_text, ) else: current_trace = self.improve_trace( problem_text, current_trace, eval_dict["feedback"] ) # Evaluate improved trace batch_traces = [current_trace] loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: eval_results = loop.run_until_complete( self._batch_evaluate_traces( batch_problems, batch_traces, batch_solutions ) ) finally: loop.close() eval_dict = eval_results[-1] scores = { k: v for k, v in eval_dict.items() if k != "feedback" } # Record iteration history if self.evaluator: improvement_history.append( TraceIteration( iteration=iteration + 1, trace=current_trace, evaluation=RewardTraceEvaluation(**eval_dict), ) ) else: improvement_history.append( TraceIteration( iteration=iteration + 1, trace=current_trace, evaluation=AgentTraceEvaluation( **scores, feedback=eval_dict["feedback"] ), ) ) boxed_answer_success = self._check_boxed_answers( problem.get("solution", ""), current_trace ) result = ProblemResult( id=problem.get("id", ""), type=problem.get("type", ""), problem=problem_text, solution=problem.get("solution", ""), final_trace=current_trace, agent_evaluate_success=self._check_score_threshold(scores) if scores else None, boxed_answer_success=boxed_answer_success, improvement_history=improvement_history, ) # Write result to file immediately if output path is specified if self.output_path: with self.lock: try: # Read existing results with open(self.output_path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) cleaned_result = self.clean_json(result.model_dump()) data['traces'].append(cleaned_result) self.safe_write_json(self.output_path, data) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error writing result to file: {e}") return result
[docs] def generate(self, rationalization: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Execute the self-improving cot pipeline on all problems. Process problems and return results. If output_path is specified, also save results to file. Args: rationalization (bool, optional): Whether to use rationalization. (default: :obj:`False`) Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: List of processed results """ # Pre-allocate results list self.reasoning_traces = [] # Process problems in batches loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: results = loop.run_until_complete( self._batch_process_problems(self.problems, rationalization) ) finally: loop.close() self.reasoning_traces = [result.model_dump() for result in results] return self.reasoning_traces
# Templates for generating reasoning, evaluation and improving them. REASONING_TEMPLATE = """Let's solve this step by step: Problem: {problem} 1. First, let's understand what we're asked 2. Let's break this down into parts 3. Let's solve each part systematically 4. Finally, let's verify our solution {few_shot_examples} Please show your complete reasoning process.""" EVALUATION_TEMPLATE = """Please evaluate this reasoning trace and provide scores and feedback in valid JSON format. Problem: {problem} {solution} Reasoning Trace: {trace} Evaluate for: 1. Correctness (Is each step logically sound?) 2. Clarity (Is the explanation clear and well-structured?) 3. Completeness (Are all necessary steps included?) Respond ONLY with a JSON object in this exact format: {{ "correctness": <score between 0 and 1>, "clarity": <score between 0 and 1>, "completeness": <score between 0 and 1>, "feedback": "<specific feedback for improvement>" }}""" IMPROVEMENT_TEMPLATE = """Based on this feedback, generate an improved reasoning trace: Problem: {problem} {solution} Previous Trace: {trace} Feedback: {feedback} Generate a new, improved reasoning trace that addresses the feedback."""