Source code for camel.memories.base

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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

from camel.memories.records import ContextRecord, MemoryRecord
from camel.messages import OpenAIMessage
from camel.utils import BaseTokenCounter

[docs] class MemoryBlock(ABC): r"""An abstract class serves as the fundamental component within the agent memory system. This class is equipped with "write" and "clear" functions. However, it intentionally does not define a retrieval interface, as the structure of the data to be retrieved may vary in different types of memory blocks. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def write_records(self, records: List[MemoryRecord]) -> None: r"""Writes records to the memory, appending them to existing ones. Args: records (List[MemoryRecord]): Records to be added to the memory. """ pass
[docs] def write_record(self, record: MemoryRecord) -> None: r"""Writes a record to the memory, appending it to existing ones. Args: record (MemoryRecord): Record to be added to the memory. """ self.write_records([record])
[docs] @abstractmethod def clear(self) -> None: r"""Clears all messages from the memory.""" pass
[docs] class BaseContextCreator(ABC): r"""An abstract base class defining the interface for context creation strategies. This class provides a foundational structure for different strategies to generate conversational context from a list of context records. The primary goal is to create a context that is aligned with a specified token count limit, allowing subclasses to define their specific approach. Subclasses should implement the :obj:`token_counter`,:obj: `token_limit`, and :obj:`create_context` methods to provide specific context creation logic. Attributes: token_counter (BaseTokenCounter): A token counter instance responsible for counting tokens in a message. token_limit (int): The maximum number of tokens allowed in the generated context. """ @property @abstractmethod def token_counter(self) -> BaseTokenCounter: pass @property @abstractmethod def token_limit(self) -> int: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_context( self, records: List[ContextRecord], ) -> Tuple[List[OpenAIMessage], int]: r"""An abstract method to create conversational context from the chat history. Constructs the context from provided records. The specifics of how this is done and how the token count is managed should be provided by subclasses implementing this method. The output messages order should keep same as the input order. Args: records (List[ContextRecord]): A list of context records from which to generate the context. Returns: Tuple[List[OpenAIMessage], int]: A tuple containing the constructed context in OpenAIMessage format and the total token count. """ pass
[docs] class AgentMemory(MemoryBlock, ABC): r"""Represents a specialized form of `MemoryBlock`, uniquely designed for direct integration with an agent. Two key abstract functions, "retrieve" and "get_context_creator", are used for generating model context based on the memory records stored within the AgentMemory. """ @property @abstractmethod def agent_id(self) -> Optional[str]: pass @agent_id.setter @abstractmethod def agent_id(self, val: Optional[str]) -> None: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def retrieve(self) -> List[ContextRecord]: r"""Get a record list from the memory for creating model context. Returns: List[ContextRecord]: A record list for creating model context. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_context_creator(self) -> BaseContextCreator: r"""Gets context creator. Returns: BaseContextCreator: A model context creator. """ pass
[docs] def get_context(self) -> Tuple[List[OpenAIMessage], int]: r"""Gets chat context with a proper size for the agent from the memory. Returns: (List[OpenAIMessage], int): A tuple containing the constructed context in OpenAIMessage format and the total token count. """ return self.get_context_creator().create_context(self.retrieve())
def __repr__(self) -> str: r"""Returns a string representation of the AgentMemory. Returns: str: A string in the format 'ClassName(agent_id=<id>)' if agent_id exists, otherwise just 'ClassName()'. """ agent_id = getattr(self, '_agent_id', None) if agent_id: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(agent_id='{agent_id}')" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"