Source code for camel.memories.context_creators.score_based

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from typing import List, Tuple

from pydantic import BaseModel

from camel.logger import get_logger
from camel.memories.base import BaseContextCreator
from camel.memories.records import ContextRecord
from camel.messages import OpenAIMessage
from camel.utils import BaseTokenCounter

logger = get_logger(__name__)

class _ContextUnit(BaseModel):
    idx: int
    record: ContextRecord
    num_tokens: int

[docs] class ScoreBasedContextCreator(BaseContextCreator): r"""A default implementation of context creation strategy, which inherits from :obj:`BaseContextCreator`. This class provides a strategy to generate a conversational context from a list of chat history records while ensuring the total token count of the context does not exceed a specified limit. It prunes messages based on their score if the total token count exceeds the limit. Args: token_counter (BaseTokenCounter): An instance responsible for counting tokens in a message. token_limit (int): The maximum number of tokens allowed in the generated context. """ def __init__( self, token_counter: BaseTokenCounter, token_limit: int ) -> None: self._token_counter = token_counter self._token_limit = token_limit @property def token_counter(self) -> BaseTokenCounter: return self._token_counter @property def token_limit(self) -> int: return self._token_limit
[docs] def create_context( self, records: List[ContextRecord], ) -> Tuple[List[OpenAIMessage], int]: r"""Creates conversational context from chat history while respecting token limits. Constructs the context from provided records and ensures that the total token count does not exceed the specified limit by pruning the least score messages if necessary. Args: records (List[ContextRecord]): A list of message records from which to generate the context. Returns: Tuple[List[OpenAIMessage], int]: A tuple containing the constructed context in OpenAIMessage format and the total token count. Raises: RuntimeError: If it's impossible to create a valid context without exceeding the token limit. """ # Create unique context units list uuid_set = set() context_units = [] for idx, record in enumerate(records): if record.memory_record.uuid not in uuid_set: uuid_set.add(record.memory_record.uuid) context_units.append( _ContextUnit( idx=idx, record=record, num_tokens=self.token_counter.count_tokens_from_messages( [record.memory_record.to_openai_message()] ), ) ) # TODO: optimize the process, may give information back to memory # If not exceed token limit, simply return total_tokens = sum([unit.num_tokens for unit in context_units]) if total_tokens <= self.token_limit: return self._create_output(context_units) # Log warning about token limit being exceeded logger.warning( f"Token limit reached ({total_tokens} > {self.token_limit}). " f"Some messages will be pruned from memory to meet the limit." ) # Sort by score context_units = sorted( context_units, key=lambda unit: unit.record.score ) # Remove the least score messages until total token number is smaller # than token limit truncate_idx = None for i, unit in enumerate(context_units): if unit.record.score == 1: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot create context: exceed token limit.", total_tokens ) total_tokens -= unit.num_tokens if total_tokens <= self.token_limit: truncate_idx = i break if truncate_idx is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot create context: exceed token limit.", total_tokens ) return self._create_output(context_units[truncate_idx + 1 :])
def _create_output( self, context_units: List[_ContextUnit] ) -> Tuple[List[OpenAIMessage], int]: r"""Helper method to generate output from context units. This method converts the provided context units into a format suitable for output, specifically a list of OpenAIMessages and an integer representing the total token count. """ context_units = sorted(context_units, key=lambda unit: unit.idx) return [ unit.record.memory_record.to_openai_message() for unit in context_units ], sum([unit.num_tokens for unit in context_units])