Source code for camel.tasks.task

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
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# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========

import re
from enum import Enum
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel

from camel.agents import ChatAgent
from camel.messages import BaseMessage
from camel.prompts import TextPrompt

from .task_prompt import (

[docs] def parse_response( response: str, task_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> List["Task"]: r"""Parse Tasks from a response. Args: response (str): The model response. task_id (str, optional): a parent task id, the default value is "0" Returns: List[Task]: A list of tasks which is :obj:`Task` instance. """ pattern = "<task>(.*?)</task>" tasks_content = re.findall(pattern, response, re.DOTALL) tasks = [] if task_id is None: task_id = "0" for i, content in enumerate(tasks_content): tasks.append(Task(content=content.strip(), id=f"{task_id}.{i}")) return tasks
[docs] class TaskState(str, Enum): OPEN = "OPEN" RUNNING = "RUNNING" DONE = "DONE" FAILED = "FAILED" DELETED = "DELETED"
[docs] @classmethod def states(cls): return [s.value for s in cls]
[docs] class Task(BaseModel): r"""Task is specific assignment that can be passed to a agent. Attributes: content: string content for task. id: An unique string identifier for the task. This should ideally be provided by the provider/model which created the task. state: The state which should be OPEN, RUNNING, DONE or DELETED. type: task type parent: The parent task, None for root task. subtasks: The childrent sub-tasks for the task. result: The answer for the task. """ content: str id: str = "" state: TaskState = TaskState.OPEN type: Optional[str] = None parent: Optional["Task"] = None subtasks: List["Task"] = [] result: Optional[str] = "" failure_count: int = 0 additional_info: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_message(cls, message: BaseMessage) -> "Task": r"""Create a task from a message. Args: message (BaseMessage): The message to the task. Returns: Task """ return cls(content=message.content, id="0")
[docs] @staticmethod def to_message(): r"""Convert a Task to a Message.""" # TODO pass
[docs] def reset(self): r"""Reset Task to initial state.""" self.state = TaskState.OPEN self.result = ""
[docs] def update_result(self, result: str): r"""Set task result and mark the task as DONE. Args: result (str): The task result. """ self.result = result self.set_state(TaskState.DONE)
[docs] def set_id(self, id: str): = id
[docs] def set_state(self, state: TaskState): r"""Recursively set the state of the task and its subtasks. Args: state (TaskState): The giving state. """ self.state = state if state == TaskState.DONE: for subtask in self.subtasks: if subtask.state != TaskState.DELETED: subtask.set_state(state) elif state == TaskState.RUNNING and self.parent: self.parent.set_state(state)
[docs] def add_subtask(self, task: "Task"): task.parent = self self.subtasks.append(task)
[docs] def remove_subtask(self, id: str): self.subtasks = [task for task in self.subtasks if != id]
[docs] def get_running_task(self) -> Optional["Task"]: r"""Get RUNNING task.""" for sub in self.subtasks: if sub.state == TaskState.RUNNING: return sub.get_running_task() if self.state == TaskState.RUNNING: return self return None
[docs] def to_string(self, indent: str = "", state: bool = False) -> str: r"""Convert task to a sting. Args: indent (str): The ident for hierarchical tasks. state (bool): Include or not task state. Returns: str: The printable task string. """ if state: _str = f"{indent}[{self.state}] Task {}: {self.content}\n" else: _str = f"{indent}Task {}: {self.content}\n" for subtask in self.subtasks: _str += subtask.to_string(indent + " ", state) return _str
[docs] def get_result(self, indent: str = "") -> str: r"""Get task result to a sting. Args: indent (str): The ident for hierarchical tasks. Returns: str: The printable task string. """ _str = f"{indent}Task {} result: {self.result}\n" for subtask in self.subtasks: _str += subtask.get_result(indent + " ") return _str
[docs] def decompose( self, agent: ChatAgent, prompt: Optional[str] = None, task_parser: Callable[[str, str], List["Task"]] = parse_response, ) -> List["Task"]: r"""Decompose a task to a list of sub-tasks. It can be used for data generation and planner of agent. Args: agent (ChatAgent): An agent that used to decompose the task. prompt (str, optional): A prompt to decompose the task. If not provided, the default prompt will be used. task_parser (Callable[[str, str], List[Task]], optional): A function to extract Task from response. If not provided, the default parse_response will be used. Returns: List[Task]: A list of tasks which are :obj:`Task` instances. """ role_name = agent.role_name content = prompt or TASK_DECOMPOSE_PROMPT.format( role_name=role_name, content=self.content, ) msg = BaseMessage.make_user_message( role_name=role_name, content=content ) response = agent.step(msg) tasks = task_parser(response.msg.content, for task in tasks: task.additional_info = self.additional_info return tasks
[docs] def compose( self, agent: ChatAgent, template: TextPrompt = TASK_COMPOSE_PROMPT, result_parser: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None, ): r"""compose task result by the sub-tasks. Args: agent (ChatAgent): An agent that used to compose the task result. template (TextPrompt, optional): The prompt template to compose task. If not provided, the default template will be used. result_parser (Callable[[str, str], List[Task]], optional): A function to extract Task from response. """ if not self.subtasks: return sub_tasks_result = self.get_result() role_name = agent.role_name content = template.format( role_name=role_name, content=self.content, additional_info=self.additional_info, other_results=sub_tasks_result, ) msg = BaseMessage.make_user_message( role_name=role_name, content=content ) response = agent.step(msg) result = response.msg.content if result_parser: result = result_parser(result) self.update_result(result)
[docs] def get_depth(self) -> int: r"""Get current task depth.""" if self.parent is None: return 1 return 1 + self.parent.get_depth()
[docs] class TaskManager: r"""TaskManager is used to manage tasks. Attributes: root_task: The root task. tasks: The ordered tasks. task_map: A map for to Task. current_task_id: The current "RUNNING" Args: task (Task): The root Task. """ def __init__(self, task: Task): self.root_task: Task = task self.current_task_id: str = self.tasks: List[Task] = [task] self.task_map: Dict[str, Task] = { task}
[docs] def gen_task_id(self) -> str: r"""Generate a new task id.""" return f"{len(self.tasks)}"
[docs] def exist(self, task_id: str) -> bool: r"""Check if a task with the given id exists.""" return task_id in self.task_map
@property def current_task(self) -> Optional[Task]: r"""Get the current task.""" return self.task_map.get(self.current_task_id, None)
[docs] @staticmethod def topological_sort(tasks: List[Task]) -> List[Task]: r"""Sort a list of tasks by topological way. Args: tasks (List[Task]): The giving list of tasks. Returns: The sorted list of tasks. """ stack = [] visited = set() # recursive visit the vertices def visit(task: Task): if in visited: return visited.add( # go deep for dependencies for sub_task in task.subtasks: visit(sub_task) # add current task to stack which have no dependencies. stack.append(task) for task in tasks: visit(task) return stack
[docs] @staticmethod def set_tasks_dependence( root: Task, others: List[Task], type: Literal["serial", "parallel"] = "parallel", ): r"""Set relationship between root task and other tasks. Two relationships are currently supported: serial and parallel. `serial` : root -> other1 -> other2 `parallel`: root -> other1 -> other2 Args: root (Task): A root task. others (List[Task]): A list of tasks. """ # filter the root task in the others to avoid self-loop dependence. others = [other for other in others if other != root] if len(others) == 0: return if type == "parallel": for other in others: root.add_subtask(other) else: parent = root for child in others: parent.add_subtask(child) parent = child
[docs] def add_tasks(self, tasks: Union[Task, List[Task]]) -> None: r"""self.tasks and self.task_map will be updated by the input tasks.""" if not tasks: return if not isinstance(tasks, List): tasks = [tasks] for task in tasks: assert not self.exist(, f"`{}` already existed." self.tasks = self.topological_sort(self.tasks + tasks) self.task_map = { task for task in self.tasks}
[docs] def evolve( self, task: Task, agent: ChatAgent, template: Optional[TextPrompt] = None, task_parser: Optional[Callable[[str, str], List[Task]]] = None, ) -> Optional[Task]: r"""Evolve a task to a new task. Evolve is only used for data generation. Args: task (Task): A given task. agent (ChatAgent): An agent that used to evolve the task. template (TextPrompt, optional): A prompt template to evolve task. If not provided, the default template will be used. task_parser (Callable, optional): A function to extract Task from response. If not provided, the default parser will be used. Returns: Task: The created :obj:`Task` instance or None. """ if template is None: template = TASK_EVOLVE_PROMPT role_name = agent.role_name content = template.format(role_name=role_name, content=task.content) msg = BaseMessage.make_user_message( role_name=role_name, content=content ) response = agent.step(msg) if task_parser is None: task_parser = parse_response tasks = task_parser(response.msg.content, if tasks: return tasks[0] return None