Source code for camel.toolkits.open_api_toolkit

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import json
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import requests

from camel.toolkits import FunctionTool, openapi_security_config
from camel.types import OpenAPIName

[docs] class OpenAPIToolkit: r"""A class representing a toolkit for interacting with OpenAPI APIs. This class provides methods for interacting with APIs based on OpenAPI specifications. It dynamically generates functions for each API operation defined in the OpenAPI specification, allowing users to make HTTP requests to the API endpoints. """
[docs] def parse_openapi_file( self, openapi_spec_path: str ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Load and parse an OpenAPI specification file. This function utilizes the `prance.ResolvingParser` to parse and resolve the given OpenAPI specification file, returning the parsed OpenAPI specification as a dictionary. Args: openapi_spec_path (str): The file path or URL to the OpenAPI specification. Returns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: The parsed OpenAPI specification as a dictionary. :obj:`None` if the package is not installed. """ try: import prance except Exception: return None # Load the OpenAPI spec parser = prance.ResolvingParser( openapi_spec_path, backend="openapi-spec-validator", strict=False ) openapi_spec = parser.specification version = openapi_spec.get('openapi', {}) if not version: raise ValueError( "OpenAPI version not specified in the spec. " "Only OPENAPI 3.0.x and 3.1.x are supported." ) if not (version.startswith('3.0') or version.startswith('3.1')): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported OpenAPI version: {version}. " f"Only OPENAPI 3.0.x and 3.1.x are supported." ) return openapi_spec
[docs] def openapi_spec_to_openai_schemas( self, api_name: str, openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Convert OpenAPI specification to OpenAI schema format. This function iterates over the paths and operations defined in an OpenAPI specification, filtering out deprecated operations. For each operation, it constructs a schema in a format suitable for OpenAI, including operation metadata such as function name, description, parameters, and request bodies. It raises a ValueError if an operation lacks a description or summary. Args: api_name (str): The name of the API, used to prefix generated function names. openapi_spec (Dict[str, Any]): The OpenAPI specification as a dictionary. Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dictionaries, each representing a function in the OpenAI schema format, including details about the function's name, description, and parameters. Raises: ValueError: If an operation in the OpenAPI specification does not have a description or summary. Note: This function assumes that the OpenAPI specification follows the 3.0+ format. Reference: """ result = [] for path, path_item in openapi_spec.get('paths', {}).items(): for method, op in path_item.items(): if op.get('deprecated') is True: continue # Get the function name from the operationId # or construct it from the API method, and path function_name = f"{api_name}" operation_id = op.get('operationId') if operation_id: function_name += f"_{operation_id}" else: function_name += f"{method}{path.replace('/', '_')}" description = op.get('description') or op.get('summary') if not description: raise ValueError( f"{method} {path} Operation from {api_name} " f"does not have a description or summary." ) description += " " if description[-1] != " " else "" description += f"This function is from {api_name} API. " # If the OpenAPI spec has a description, # add it to the operation description if 'description' in openapi_spec.get('info', {}): description += f"{openapi_spec['info']['description']}" # Get the parameters for the operation, if any params = op.get('parameters', []) properties: Dict[str, Any] = {} required = [] for param in params: if not param.get('deprecated', False): param_name = param['name'] + '_in_' + param['in'] properties[param_name] = {} if 'description' in param: properties[param_name]['description'] = param[ 'description' ] if 'schema' in param: if ( properties[param_name].get('description') and 'description' in param['schema'] ): param['schema'].pop('description') properties[param_name].update(param['schema']) if param.get('required'): required.append(param_name) # If the property dictionary does not have a # description, use the parameter name as # the description if 'description' not in properties[param_name]: properties[param_name]['description'] = param[ 'name' ] if 'type' not in properties[param_name]: properties[param_name]['type'] = 'Any' # Process requestBody if present if 'requestBody' in op: properties['requestBody'] = {} requestBody = op['requestBody'] if requestBody.get('required') is True: required.append('requestBody') content = requestBody.get('content', {}) json_content = content.get('application/json', {}) json_schema = json_content.get('schema', {}) if json_schema: properties['requestBody'] = json_schema if 'description' not in properties['requestBody']: properties['requestBody']['description'] = ( "The request body, with parameters specifically " "described under the `properties` key" ) function = { "type": "function", "function": { "name": function_name, "description": description, "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": properties, "required": required, }, }, } result.append(function) return result # Return the result list
[docs] def openapi_function_decorator( self, api_name: str, base_url: str, path: str, method: str, openapi_security: List[Dict[str, Any]], sec_schemas: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], operation: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Callable: r"""Decorate a function to make HTTP requests based on OpenAPI specification details. This decorator dynamically constructs and executes an API request based on the provided OpenAPI operation specifications, security requirements, and parameters. It supports operations secured with `apiKey` type security schemes and automatically injects the necessary API keys from environment variables. Parameters in `path`, `query`, `header`, and `cookie` are also supported. Args: api_name (str): The name of the API, used to retrieve API key names and URLs from the configuration. base_url (str): The base URL for the API. path (str): The path for the API endpoint, relative to the base URL. method (str): The HTTP method (e.g., 'get', 'post') for the request. openapi_security (List[Dict[str, Any]]): The global security definitions as specified in the OpenAPI specs. sec_schemas (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]): Detailed security schemes. operation (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing the OpenAPI operation details, including parameters and request body definitions. Returns: Callable: A decorator that, when applied to a function, enables the function to make HTTP requests based on the provided OpenAPI operation details. Raises: TypeError: If the security requirements include unsupported types. ValueError: If required API keys are missing from environment variables or if the content type of the request body is unsupported. """ def inner_decorator(openapi_function: Callable) -> Callable: def wrapper(**kwargs): request_url = f"{base_url.rstrip('/')}/{path.lstrip('/')}" headers = {} params = {} cookies = {} # Security definition of operation overrides any declared # top-level security. sec_requirements = operation.get('security', openapi_security) avail_sec_requirement = {} # Write to avaliable_security_requirement only if all the # security_type are "apiKey" for security_requirement in sec_requirements: have_unsupported_type = False for sec_scheme_name, _ in security_requirement.items(): sec_type = sec_schemas.get(sec_scheme_name).get('type') if sec_type != "apiKey": have_unsupported_type = True break if have_unsupported_type is False: avail_sec_requirement = security_requirement break if sec_requirements and not avail_sec_requirement: raise TypeError( "Only security schemas of type `apiKey` are supported." ) for sec_scheme_name, _ in avail_sec_requirement.items(): try: API_KEY_NAME = openapi_security_config.get( api_name ).get(sec_scheme_name) api_key_value = os.environ[API_KEY_NAME] except Exception: api_key_url = openapi_security_config.get( api_name ).get('get_api_key_url') raise ValueError( f"`{API_KEY_NAME}` not found in environment " f"variables. " f"Get `{API_KEY_NAME}` here: {api_key_url}" ) request_key_name = sec_schemas.get(sec_scheme_name).get( 'name' ) request_key_in = sec_schemas.get(sec_scheme_name).get('in') if request_key_in == 'query': params[request_key_name] = api_key_value elif request_key_in == 'header': headers[request_key_name] = api_key_value elif request_key_in == 'coolie': cookies[request_key_name] = api_key_value # Assign parameters to the correct position for param in operation.get('parameters', []): input_param_name = param['name'] + '_in_' + param['in'] # Irrelevant arguments does not affect function operation if input_param_name in kwargs: if param['in'] == 'path': request_url = request_url.replace( f"{{{param['name']}}}", str(kwargs[input_param_name]), ) elif param['in'] == 'query': params[param['name']] = kwargs[input_param_name] elif param['in'] == 'header': headers[param['name']] = kwargs[input_param_name] elif param['in'] == 'cookie': cookies[param['name']] = kwargs[input_param_name] if 'requestBody' in operation: request_body = kwargs.get('requestBody', {}) content_type_list = list( operation.get('requestBody', {}) .get('content', {}) .keys() ) if content_type_list: content_type = content_type_list[0] headers.update({"Content-Type": content_type}) # send the request body based on the Content-Type if content_type == "application/json": response = requests.request( method.upper(), request_url, params=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, json=request_body, ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported content type: {content_type}" ) else: # If there is no requestBody, no request body is sent response = requests.request( method.upper(), request_url, params=params, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, ) try: return response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: raise ValueError( "Response could not be decoded as JSON. " "Please check the input parameters." ) return wrapper return inner_decorator
[docs] def generate_openapi_funcs( self, api_name: str, openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[Callable]: r"""Generates a list of Python functions based on OpenAPI specification. This function dynamically creates a list of callable functions that represent the API operations defined in an OpenAPI specification document. Each function is designed to perform an HTTP request corresponding to an API operation (e.g., GET, POST) as defined in the specification. The functions are decorated with `openapi_function_decorator`, which configures them to construct and send the HTTP requests with appropriate parameters, headers, and body content. Args: api_name (str): The name of the API, used to prefix generated function names. openapi_spec (Dict[str, Any]): The OpenAPI specification as a dictionary. Returns: List[Callable]: A list containing the generated functions. Each function, when called, will make an HTTP request according to its corresponding API operation defined in the OpenAPI specification. Raises: ValueError: If the OpenAPI specification does not contain server information, which is necessary for determining the base URL for the API requests. """ # Check server information servers = openapi_spec.get('servers', []) if not servers: raise ValueError("No server information found in OpenAPI spec.") base_url = servers[0].get('url') # Use the first server URL # Security requirement objects for all methods openapi_security = openapi_spec.get('security', {}) # Security schemas which can be reused by different methods sec_schemas = openapi_spec.get('components', {}).get( 'securitySchemes', {} ) functions = [] # Traverse paths and methods for path, methods in openapi_spec.get('paths', {}).items(): for method, operation in methods.items(): # Get the function name from the operationId # or construct it from the API method, and path operation_id = operation.get('operationId') if operation_id: function_name = f"{api_name}_{operation_id}" else: sanitized_path = path.replace('/', '_').strip('_') function_name = f"{api_name}_{method}_{sanitized_path}" @self.openapi_function_decorator( api_name, base_url, path, method, openapi_security, sec_schemas, operation, ) def openapi_function(**kwargs): pass openapi_function.__name__ = function_name functions.append(openapi_function) return functions
[docs] def apinames_filepaths_to_funs_schemas( self, apinames_filepaths: List[Tuple[str, str]], ) -> Tuple[List[Callable], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: r"""Combines functions and schemas from multiple OpenAPI specifications, using API names as keys. This function iterates over tuples of API names and OpenAPI spec file paths, parsing each spec to generate callable functions and schema dictionaries, all organized by API name. Args: apinames_filepaths (List[Tuple[str, str]]): A list of tuples, where each tuple consists of: - The API name (str) as the first element. - The file path (str) to the API's OpenAPI specification file as the second element. Returns: Tuple[List[Callable], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:: one of callable functions for API operations, and another of dictionaries representing the schemas from the specifications. """ combined_func_lst = [] combined_schemas_list = [] for api_name, file_path in apinames_filepaths: # Parse the OpenAPI specification for each API current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) file_path = os.path.join( current_dir, 'open_api_specs', f'{api_name}', 'openapi.yaml' ) openapi_spec = self.parse_openapi_file(file_path) if openapi_spec is None: return [], [] # Generate and merge function schemas openapi_functions_schemas = self.openapi_spec_to_openai_schemas( api_name, openapi_spec ) combined_schemas_list.extend(openapi_functions_schemas) # Generate and merge function lists openapi_functions_list = self.generate_openapi_funcs( api_name, openapi_spec ) combined_func_lst.extend(openapi_functions_list) return combined_func_lst, combined_schemas_list
[docs] def generate_apinames_filepaths(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Generates a list of tuples containing API names and their corresponding file paths. This function iterates over the OpenAPIName enum, constructs the file path for each API's OpenAPI specification file, and appends a tuple of the API name and its file path to the list. The file paths are relative to the 'open_api_specs' directory located in the same directory as this script. Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: A list of tuples where each tuple contains two elements. The first element of each tuple is a string representing the name of an API, and the second element is a string that specifies the file path to that API's OpenAPI specification file. """ apinames_filepaths = [] current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) for api_name in OpenAPIName: file_path = os.path.join( current_dir, 'open_api_specs', f'{api_name.value}', 'openapi.yaml', ) apinames_filepaths.append((api_name.value, file_path)) return apinames_filepaths
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[FunctionTool]: r"""Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit. Returns: List[FunctionTool]: A list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit. """ apinames_filepaths = self.generate_apinames_filepaths() all_funcs_lst, all_schemas_lst = ( self.apinames_filepaths_to_funs_schemas(apinames_filepaths) ) return [ FunctionTool(a_func, a_schema) for a_func, a_schema in zip(all_funcs_lst, all_schemas_lst) ]