Source code for camel.toolkits.openai_function

# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========
from inspect import Parameter, signature
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

from docstring_parser import parse
from jsonschema.exceptions import SchemaError
from jsonschema.validators import Draft202012Validator as JSONValidator
from pydantic import create_model
from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo

from camel.utils import get_pydantic_object_schema, to_pascal

def _remove_a_key(d: Dict, remove_key: Any) -> None:
    r"""Remove a key from a dictionary recursively."""
    if isinstance(d, dict):
        for key in list(d.keys()):
            if key == remove_key:
                del d[key]
                _remove_a_key(d[key], remove_key)

[docs] def get_openai_function_schema(func: Callable) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Generates a schema dict for an OpenAI function based on its signature. This function is deprecated and will be replaced by :obj:`get_openai_tool_schema()` in future versions. It parses the function's parameters and docstring to construct a JSON schema-like dictionary. Args: func (Callable): The OpenAI function to generate the schema for. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the function, including its name, description, and parameter specifications. """ openai_function_schema = get_openai_tool_schema(func)["function"] return openai_function_schema
[docs] def get_openai_tool_schema(func: Callable) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Generates an OpenAI JSON schema from a given Python function. This function creates a schema compatible with OpenAI's API specifications, based on the provided Python function. It processes the function's parameters, types, and docstrings, and constructs a schema accordingly. Note: - Each parameter in `func` must have a type annotation; otherwise, it's treated as 'Any'. - Variable arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs) are not supported and will be ignored. - A functional description including a brief and detailed explanation should be provided in the docstring of `func`. - All parameters of `func` must be described in its docstring. - Supported docstring styles: ReST, Google, Numpydoc, and Epydoc. Args: func (Callable): The Python function to be converted into an OpenAI JSON schema. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the OpenAI JSON schema of the provided function. See Also: `OpenAI API Reference <>`_ """ params: Mapping[str, Parameter] = signature(func).parameters fields: Dict[str, Tuple[type, FieldInfo]] = {} for param_name, p in params.items(): param_type = p.annotation param_default = p.default param_kind = p.kind param_annotation = p.annotation # Variable parameters are not supported if ( param_kind == Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL or param_kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD ): continue # If the parameter type is not specified, it defaults to typing.Any if param_annotation is Parameter.empty: param_type = Any # Check if the parameter has a default value if param_default is Parameter.empty: fields[param_name] = (param_type, FieldInfo()) else: fields[param_name] = (param_type, FieldInfo(default=param_default)) # Applying `create_model()` directly will result in a mypy error, # create an alias to avoid this. def _create_mol(name, field): return create_model(name, **field) model = _create_mol(to_pascal(func.__name__), fields) parameters_dict = get_pydantic_object_schema(model) # The `"title"` is generated by `model.model_json_schema()` # but is useless for openai json schema _remove_a_key(parameters_dict, "title") docstring = parse(func.__doc__ or "") for param in docstring.params: if (name := param.arg_name) in parameters_dict["properties"] and ( description := param.description ): parameters_dict["properties"][name]["description"] = description short_description = docstring.short_description or "" long_description = docstring.long_description or "" if long_description: func_description = f"{short_description}\n{long_description}" else: func_description = short_description openai_function_schema = { "name": func.__name__, "description": func_description, "parameters": parameters_dict, } openai_tool_schema = { "type": "function", "function": openai_function_schema, } return openai_tool_schema
[docs] class OpenAIFunction: r"""An abstraction of a function that OpenAI chat models can call. See By default, the tool schema will be parsed from the func, or you can provide a user-defined tool schema to override. Args: func (Callable): The function to call.The tool schema is parsed from the signature and docstring by default. openai_tool_schema (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): A user-defined openai tool schema to override the default result. (default: :obj:`None`) """ def __init__( self, func: Callable, openai_tool_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: self.func = func self.openai_tool_schema = openai_tool_schema or get_openai_tool_schema( func )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_openai_tool_schema( openai_tool_schema: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: r"""Validates the OpenAI tool schema against :obj:`ToolAssistantToolsFunction`. This function checks if the provided :obj:`openai_tool_schema` adheres to the specifications required by OpenAI's :obj:`ToolAssistantToolsFunction`. It ensures that the function description and parameters are correctly formatted according to JSON Schema specifications. Args: openai_tool_schema (Dict[str, Any]): The OpenAI tool schema to validate. Raises: ValidationError: If the schema does not comply with the specifications. ValueError: If the function description or parameter descriptions are missing in the schema. SchemaError: If the parameters do not meet JSON Schema reference specifications. """ # Check the type if not openai_tool_schema["type"]: raise ValueError("miss type") # Check the function description if not openai_tool_schema["function"]["description"]: raise ValueError("miss function description") # Validate whether parameters # meet the JSON Schema reference specifications. # See # for examples, and the # for # documentation about the format. parameters = openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"] try: JSONValidator.check_schema(parameters) except SchemaError as e: raise e # Check the parameter description properties: Dict[str, Any] = parameters["properties"] for param_name in properties.keys(): param_dict = properties[param_name] if "description" not in param_dict: raise ValueError( f'miss description of parameter "{param_name}"' )
[docs] def get_openai_tool_schema(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Gets the OpenAI tool schema for this function. This method returns the OpenAI tool schema associated with this function, after validating it to ensure it meets OpenAI's specifications. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The OpenAI tool schema for this function. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema
[docs] def set_openai_tool_schema(self, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: r"""Sets the OpenAI tool schema for this function. Allows setting a custom OpenAI tool schema for this function. Args: schema (Dict[str, Any]): The OpenAI tool schema to set. """ self.openai_tool_schema = schema
[docs] def get_openai_function_schema(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Gets the schema of the function from the OpenAI tool schema. This method extracts and returns the function-specific part of the OpenAI tool schema associated with this function. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The schema of the function within the OpenAI tool schema. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema["function"]
[docs] def set_openai_function_schema( self, openai_function_schema: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: r"""Sets the schema of the function within the OpenAI tool schema. Args: openai_function_schema (Dict[str, Any]): The function schema to set within the OpenAI tool schema. """ self.openai_tool_schema["function"] = openai_function_schema
[docs] def get_function_name(self) -> str: r"""Gets the name of the function from the OpenAI tool schema. Returns: str: The name of the function. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["name"]
[docs] def set_function_name(self, name: str) -> None: r"""Sets the name of the function in the OpenAI tool schema. Args: name (str): The name of the function to set. """ self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["name"] = name
[docs] def get_function_description(self) -> str: r"""Gets the description of the function from the OpenAI tool schema. Returns: str: The description of the function. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["description"]
[docs] def set_function_description(self, description: str) -> None: r"""Sets the description of the function in the OpenAI tool schema. Args: description (str): The description for the function. """ self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["description"] = description
[docs] def get_paramter_description(self, param_name: str) -> str: r"""Gets the description of a specific parameter from the function schema. Args: param_name (str): The name of the parameter to get the description. Returns: str: The description of the specified parameter. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"]["properties"][ param_name ]["description"]
[docs] def set_paramter_description( self, param_name: str, description: str, ) -> None: r"""Sets the description for a specific parameter in the function schema. Args: param_name (str): The name of the parameter to set the description for. description (str): The description for the parameter. """ self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"]["properties"][ param_name ]["description"] = description
[docs] def get_parameter(self, param_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Gets the schema for a specific parameter from the function schema. Args: param_name (str): The name of the parameter to get the schema. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The schema of the specified parameter. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"]["properties"][ param_name ]
[docs] def set_parameter(self, param_name: str, value: Dict[str, Any]): r"""Sets the schema for a specific parameter in the function schema. Args: param_name (str): The name of the parameter to set the schema for. value (Dict[str, Any]): The schema to set for the parameter. """ try: JSONValidator.check_schema(value) except SchemaError as e: raise e self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"]["properties"][ param_name ] = value
@property def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Getter method for the property :obj:`parameters`. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: the dictionary containing information of parameters of this function. """ self.validate_openai_tool_schema(self.openai_tool_schema) return self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"]["properties"] @parameters.setter def parameters(self, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: r"""Setter method for the property :obj:`parameters`. It will firstly check if the input parameters schema is valid. If invalid, the method will raise :obj:`jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError`. Args: value (Dict[str, Any]): the new dictionary value for the function's parameters. """ try: JSONValidator.check_schema(value) except SchemaError as e: raise e self.openai_tool_schema["function"]["parameters"]["properties"] = value