Source code for camel.toolkits.stripe_toolkit

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import json
import logging
import os
from typing import List, Optional

from camel.toolkits import FunctionTool
from camel.toolkits.base import BaseToolkit
from camel.utils import api_keys_required

[docs] class StripeToolkit(BaseToolkit): r"""A class representing a toolkit for Stripe operations. This toolkit provides methods to interact with the Stripe API, allowing users to operate stripe core resources, including Customer, Balance, BalanceTransaction, Payment, Refund Use the Developers Dashboard to create an API keys as STRIPE_API_KEY. Attributes: logger (Logger): a logger to write logs. """ @api_keys_required( [ (None, "STRIPE_API_KEY"), ] ) def __init__( self, retries: int = 3, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): super().__init__(timeout=timeout) r"""Initializes the StripeToolkit with the specified number of retries. Args: retries (int,optional): Number of times to retry the request in case of failure. (default: :obj:`3`) """ super().__init__(timeout=timeout) import stripe stripe.max_network_retries = retries stripe.log = 'info' self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) if not self.logger.handlers: self.logger.addHandler(handler) stripe.api_key = os.environ.get("STRIPE_API_KEY")
[docs] def customer_get(self, customer_id: str) -> str: r"""Retrieve a customer by ID. Args: customer_id (str): The ID of the customer to retrieve. Returns: str: The customer data as a str. """ import stripe try:"Retrieving customer with ID: {customer_id}") customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_id)"Retrieved customer: {}") json_string = json.dumps(customer) return json_string except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("customer_get", e)
[docs] def customer_list(self, limit: int = 100) -> str: r"""List customers. Args: limit (int, optional): Number of customers to retrieve. (default: :obj:`100`) Returns: str: An output str if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try:"Listing customers with limit={limit}") customers = stripe.Customer.list(limit=limit).data f"Successfully retrieved {len(customers)} customers." ) return json.dumps([customer for customer in customers]) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("customer_list", e)
[docs] def balance_get(self) -> str: r"""Retrieve your account balance. Returns: str: A str containing the account balance if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try:"Retrieving account balance.") balance = stripe.Balance.retrieve() f"Successfully retrieved account balance: {balance}." ) return json.dumps(balance) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("balance_get", e)
[docs] def balance_transaction_list(self, limit: int = 100) -> str: r"""List your balance transactions. Args: limit (int, optional): Number of balance transactions to retrieve. (default::obj:`100`) Returns: str: A list of balance transaction data if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try: f"Listing balance transactions with limit={limit}" ) transactions = stripe.BalanceTransaction.list(limit=limit).data f"Successfully retrieved {len(transactions)} " "balance transactions." ) return json.dumps([transaction for transaction in transactions]) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("balance_transaction_list", e)
[docs] def payment_get(self, payment_id: str) -> str: r"""Retrieve a payment by ID. Args: payment_id (str): The ID of the payment to retrieve. Returns: str:The payment data as a str if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try:"Retrieving payment with ID: {payment_id}") payment = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_id)"Retrieved payment: {}") return json.dumps(payment) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("payment_get", e)
[docs] def payment_list(self, limit: int = 100) -> str: r"""List payments. Args: limit (int, optional): Number of payments to retrieve. (default::obj:`100`) Returns: str: A list of payment data if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try:"Listing payments with limit={limit}") payments = stripe.PaymentIntent.list(limit=limit).data f"Successfully retrieved {len(payments)} payments." ) return json.dumps([payment for payment in payments]) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("payment_list", e)
[docs] def refund_get(self, refund_id: str) -> str: r"""Retrieve a refund by ID. Args: refund_id (str): The ID of the refund to retrieve. Returns: str: The refund data as a str if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try:"Retrieving refund with ID: {refund_id}") refund = stripe.Refund.retrieve(refund_id)"Retrieved refund: {}") return json.dumps(refund) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("refund_get", e)
[docs] def refund_list(self, limit: int = 100) -> str: r"""List refunds. Args: limit (int, optional): Number of refunds to retrieve. (default::obj:`100`) Returns: str: A list of refund data as a str if successful, or an error message string if failed. """ import stripe try:"Listing refunds with limit={limit}") refunds = stripe.Refund.list(limit=limit).data"Successfully retrieved {len(refunds)} refunds.") return json.dumps([refund for refund in refunds]) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("refund_list", e)
[docs] def handle_exception(self, func_name: str, error: Exception) -> str: r"""Handle exceptions by logging and returning an error message. Args: func_name (str): The name of the function where the exception occurred. error (Exception): The exception instance. Returns: str: An error message string. """ from stripe import StripeError if isinstance(error, StripeError): message = error.user_message or str(error) self.logger.error(f"Stripe error in {func_name}: {message}") return f"Stripe error in {func_name}: {message}" else: self.logger.error(f"Unexpected error in {func_name}: {error!s}") return f"Unexpected error in {func_name}: {error!s}"
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[FunctionTool]: r"""Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit. Returns: List[FunctionTool]: A list of FunctionTool objects for the toolkit methods. """ return [ FunctionTool(self.customer_get), FunctionTool(self.customer_list), FunctionTool(self.balance_get), FunctionTool(self.balance_transaction_list), FunctionTool(self.payment_get), FunctionTool(self.payment_list), FunctionTool(self.refund_get), FunctionTool(self.refund_list), ]