Source code for camel.toolkits.sympy_toolkit

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import json
from typing import List, Optional

from camel.logger import get_logger
from camel.toolkits import FunctionTool
from camel.toolkits.base import BaseToolkit

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class SymPyToolkit(BaseToolkit): r"""A toolkit for performing symbolic computations using SymPy. This includes methods for Algebraic manipulation calculus and Linear Algebra. """ def __init__( self, default_variable: str = 'x', timeout: Optional[float] = None, ): r"""Initializes the toolkit with a default variable and logging. Args: default_variable (str): The default variable for operations (default: :obj: `x`) """ super().__init__(timeout=timeout) self.default_variable = default_variable"Default variable set to: {self.default_variable}")
[docs] def simplify_expression(self, expression: str) -> str: r"""Simplifies a mathematical expression. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to simplify, provided as a string. Returns: str: JSON string containing the simplified mathematical expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the `"status"` field will be set to `"error"` with a corresponding `"message"`. """ import sympy as sp try: expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) simplified = sp.simplify(expr) return json.dumps({"status": "success", "result": str(simplified)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("simplify_expression", e)
[docs] def expand_expression(self, expression: str) -> str: r"""Expands an algebraic expression. Args: expression (str): The algebraic expression to expand, provided as a string. Returns: str: JSON string containing the expanded algebraic expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) expanded_expr = sp.expand(expr) return json.dumps({"result": str(expanded_expr)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("expand_expression", e)
[docs] def factor_expression(self, expression: str) -> str: r"""Factors an algebraic expression. Args: expression (str): The algebraic expression to factor, provided as a string. Returns: str: JSON string containing the factored algebraic expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) factored_expr = sp.factor(expr) return json.dumps({"result": str(factored_expr)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("factor_expression", e)
[docs] def solve_linear_system( self, equations: List[str], variables: List[str] ) -> str: r"""Solves a system of linear equations. Args: equations (List[str]): A list of strings representing the linear equations to be solved. variables (List[str]): A list of strings representing the variables involved in the equations. Returns: str: JSON string containing the solution to the system of equations in the `"result"` field. Each solution is represented as a tuple of values corresponding to the variables. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: eqs = [sp.sympify(eq) for eq in equations] vars = sp.symbols(variables) solution = sp.linsolve(eqs, vars) return json.dumps({"result": [str(sol) for sol in solution]}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("solve_linear_system", e)
[docs] def solve_nonlinear_system( self, sympy_equations: List[str], variables: List[str] ) -> str: r"""Solves a system of nonlinear equations. Args: sympy_equations (List[str]): A list of strings representing the nonlinear equations to be solved. The equation to solve, must be compatible with SymPy, provided as a string. variables (List[str]): A list of strings representing the variables involved in the equations. Returns: str: JSON string containing the solutions to the system of equations in the `"result"` field. Each solution is represented as a tuple of values corresponding to the variables. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: eqs = [sp.sympify(eq) for eq in sympy_equations] vars = sp.symbols(variables) solution = sp.nonlinsolve(eqs, vars) return json.dumps({"result": [str(sol) for sol in solution]}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("solve_nonlinear_system", e)
[docs] def solve_univariate_inequality( self, inequality: str, variable: str ) -> str: r"""Solves a single-variable inequality. Args: inequality (str): A string representing the inequality to be solved. variable (str): The variable in the inequality. Returns: str: JSON string containing the solution to the inequality in the `"result"` field. The solution is represented in a symbolic format (e.g., intervals or expressions). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) ineq = sp.sympify(inequality) solution = sp.solve_univariate_inequality(ineq, var) return json.dumps({"result": str(solution)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("solve_univariate_inequality", e)
[docs] def reduce_inequalities(self, inequalities: List[str]) -> str: r"""Reduces a system of inequalities. Args: inequalities (List[str]): A list of strings representing the inequalities to be reduced. Returns: str: JSON string containing the reduced system of inequalities in the `"result"` field. The solution is represented in a symbolic format (e.g., combined intervals or expressions). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: ineqs = [sp.sympify(ineq) for ineq in inequalities] solution = sp.reduce_inequalities(ineqs) return json.dumps({"result": str(solution)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("reduce_inequalities", e)
[docs] def polynomial_representation(self, expression: str, variable: str) -> str: r"""Represents an expression as a polynomial. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to represent as a polynomial, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the polynomial representation will be created. Returns: str: JSON string containing the polynomial representation of the expression in the `"result"` field. The polynomial is returned in a symbolic format. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) poly = sp.Poly(expr, var) return json.dumps({"result": str(poly)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("polynomial_representation", e)
[docs] def polynomial_degree(self, expression: str, variable: str) -> str: r"""Returns the degree of a polynomial. Args: expression (str): The polynomial expression for which the degree is to be determined, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the degree of the polynomial is calculated. Returns: str: JSON string containing the degree of the polynomial in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) degree = int(, var)) return json.dumps({"result": degree}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("polynomial_degree", e)
[docs] def polynomial_coefficients(self, expression: str, variable: str) -> str: r"""Returns the coefficients of a polynomial. Args: expression (str): The polynomial expression from which the coefficients are to be extracted, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the polynomial coefficients are determined. Returns: str: JSON string containing the list of coefficients of the polynomial in the `"result"` field. The coefficients are ordered from the highest degree term to the constant term. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error" field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) coeffs = sp.Poly(expr, var).all_coeffs() return json.dumps({"result": [str(coeff) for coeff in coeffs]}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("polynomial_coefficients", e)
[docs] def solve_equation( self, sympy_equation: str, variable: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: r"""Solves an equation for a specific variable. Args: sympy_equation(str): The equation to solve, must be compatible with SymPy, provided as a string. variable (str, optional): The variable to solve for. If not specified, the function will use the default variable. Returns: str: JSON string containing the solutions to the equation in the `"result"` field. Each solution is represented as a string. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: variable = ( sp.symbols(variable) if variable else sp.symbols(self.default_variable) ) eq = sp.sympify(sympy_equation) solutions = sp.solve(eq, variable) return json.dumps({"result": [str(sol) for sol in solutions]}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("solve_equation", e)
[docs] def find_roots(self, expression: str) -> str: r"""Finds the roots of a polynomial or algebraic equation. Args: expression (str): The polynomial or algebraic equation for which the roots are to be found, provided as a string. Returns: str: JSON string containing the roots of the expression in the `"result"` field. The roots are represented as a list of solutions. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include a `"status"` field set to `"error"` and a `"message"` field with the corresponding error description. """ import sympy as sp try: expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) roots = sp.solve(expr) return json.dumps({"status": "success", "result": str(roots)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("find_roots", e)
[docs] def differentiate( self, expression: str, variable: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: r"""Differentiates an expression with respect to a variable. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to differentiate, provided as a string. variable (str, optional): The variable with respect to which the differentiation is performed. If not specified, the default variable is used. Returns: str: JSON string containing the derivative of the expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: variable = ( sp.symbols(variable) if variable else sp.symbols(self.default_variable) ) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) derivative = sp.diff(expr, variable) return json.dumps({"result": str(derivative)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("differentiate", e)
[docs] def integrate( self, expression: str, variable: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: r"""Integrates an expression with respect to a variable. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to integrate, provided as a string. variable (str, optional): The variable with respect to which the integration is performed. If not specified, the default variable is used. Returns: str: JSON string containing the integral of the expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: variable = ( sp.symbols(variable) if variable else sp.symbols(self.default_variable) ) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) integral = sp.integrate(expr, variable) return json.dumps({"result": str(integral)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("integrate", e)
[docs] def definite_integral( self, expression: str, variable: str, lower: float, upper: float ) -> str: r"""Computes the definite integral of an expression within given bounds. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to integrate, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the definite integration is performed. lower (float): The lower limit of the integration. upper (float): The upper limit of the integration. Returns: str: JSON string containing the result of the definite integral in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) integral = sp.integrate(expr, (var, lower, upper)) return json.dumps({"result": str(integral)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("definite_integral", e)
[docs] def series_expansion( self, expression: str, variable: str, point: float, order: int ) -> str: r"""Expands an expression into a Taylor series around a given point up to a specified order. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to expand, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the series expansion is performed. point (float): The point around which the Taylor series is expanded. order (int): The order up to which the series expansion is computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the Taylor series expansion of the expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) series = sp.series(expr, var, point, order) return json.dumps({"result": str(series)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("series_expansion", e)
[docs] def compute_limit( self, expression: str, variable: str, point: float, ) -> str: r"""Computes the limit of an expression as a variable approaches a point. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression for which the limit is to be computed, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the limit is computed. point (float): The point that the variable approaches. Returns: str: JSON string containing the computed limit of the expression in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) limit = sp.limit(expr, var, point) return json.dumps({"result": str(limit)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_limit", e)
[docs] def find_critical_points(self, expression: str, variable: str) -> str: r"""Finds the critical points of an expression by setting its derivative to zero. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression for which critical points are to be found, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which the critical points are determined. Returns: str: JSON string containing the critical points of the expression in the `"result"` field. The critical points are returned as a list of values corresponding to the variable. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) derivative = sp.diff(expr, var) critical_points = sp.solve(derivative, var) return json.dumps( {"result": [str(point) for point in critical_points]} ) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("find_critical_points", e)
[docs] def check_continuity( self, expression: str, variable: str, point: float ) -> str: r"""Checks if an expression is continuous at a given point. Args: expression (str): The mathematical expression to check for continuity, provided as a string. variable (str): The variable with respect to which continuity is checked. point (float): The point at which the continuity of the expression is checked. Returns: str: JSON string containing the result of the continuity check in the `"result"` field. The result will be `"True"` if the expression is continuous at the given point, otherwise `"False"`. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: var = sp.symbols(variable) expr = sp.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) left_limit = sp.limit(expr, var, point, dir='-') right_limit = sp.limit(expr, var, point, dir='+') value_at_point = expr.subs(var, point) is_continuous = left_limit == right_limit == value_at_point return json.dumps({"result": str(is_continuous)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("check_continuity", e)
[docs] def compute_determinant(self, matrix: List[List[float]]) -> str: r"""Computes the determinant of a matrix. Args: matrix (List[List[float]]): A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the determinant is to be computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the determinant of the matrix in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: mat = sp.Matrix(matrix) determinant = mat.det() return json.dumps({"result": str(determinant)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_determinant", e)
[docs] def compute_inverse(self, matrix: List[List[float]]) -> str: r"""Computes the inverse of a matrix. Args: matrix (List[List[float]]): A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the inverse is to be computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the inverse of the matrix in the `"result"` field. The inverse is represented in a symbolic matrix format. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: mat = sp.Matrix(matrix) inverse = mat.inv() return json.dumps({"result": str(inverse)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_inverse", e)
[docs] def compute_eigenvalues(self, matrix: List[List[float]]) -> str: r"""Computes the eigenvalues of a matrix. Args: matrix (List[List[float]]): A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the eigenvalues are to be computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the eigenvalues of the matrix in the `"result"` field. The eigenvalues are represented as a dictionary where keys are the eigenvalues (as strings) and values are their multiplicities (as strings). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: mat = sp.Matrix(matrix) eigenvalues = mat.eigenvals() return json.dumps( {"result": {str(k): str(v) for k, v in eigenvalues.items()}} ) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_eigenvalues", e)
[docs] def compute_eigenvectors(self, matrix: List[List[float]]) -> str: r"""Computes the eigenvectors of a matrix. Args: matrix (List[List[float]]): A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the eigenvectors are to be computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the eigenvectors of the matrix in the `"result"` field. Each eigenvalue is represented as a dictionary with the following keys: - `"eigenvalue"`: The eigenvalue (as a string). - `"multiplicity"`: The multiplicity of the eigenvalue (as an integer). - `"eigenvectors"`: A list of eigenvectors (each represented as a string). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: mat = sp.Matrix(matrix) eigenvectors = mat.eigenvects() result = [ { "eigenvalue": str(eigenvalue), "multiplicity": multiplicity, "eigenvectors": [str(v) for v in vectors], } for eigenvalue, multiplicity, vectors in eigenvectors ] return json.dumps({"result": result}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_eigenvectors", e)
[docs] def compute_nullspace(self, matrix: List[List[float]]) -> str: r"""Computes the null space of a matrix. Args: matrix (List[List[float]]): A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the null space is to be computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the null space of the matrix in the `"result"` field. The null space is represented as a list of basis vectors, where each vector is given as a string in symbolic format. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: mat = sp.Matrix(matrix) nullspace = mat.nullspace() return json.dumps({"result": [str(vec) for vec in nullspace]}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_nullspace", e)
[docs] def compute_rank(self, matrix: List[List[float]]) -> str: r"""Computes the rank of a matrix. Args: matrix (List[List[float]]): A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the rank is to be computed. Returns: str: JSON string containing the rank of the matrix in the `"result"` field. The rank is represented as an integer. If an error occurs,the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. """ import sympy as sp try: mat = sp.Matrix(matrix) rank = mat.rank() return json.dumps({"result": rank}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_rank", e)
[docs] def compute_inner_product( self, vector1: List[float], vector2: List[float] ) -> str: r"""Computes the inner (dot) product of two vectors. Args: vector1 (List[float]): The first vector as a list of floats. vector2 (List[float]): The second vector as a list of floats. Returns: str: JSON string containing the inner product in the `"result"` field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `"error"` field with the corresponding error message. Raises: ValueError: If the vectors have different dimensions. """ import sympy as sp try: # Convert the lists into sympy Matrix objects (column vectors) v1 = sp.Matrix(vector1) v2 = sp.Matrix(vector2) # Check that the vectors have the same dimensions. if v1.shape != v2.shape: raise ValueError( "Vectors must have the same dimensions to compute " "the inner product." ) # Compute the dot (inner) product. inner_product = return json.dumps({"result": str(inner_product)}) except Exception as e: return self.handle_exception("compute_inner_product", e)
[docs] def handle_exception(self, func_name: str, error: Exception) -> str: r"""Handles exceptions by logging and returning error details. Args: func_name (str): The name of the function where the exception occurred. error (Exception): The exception object containing details about the error. Returns: str: JSON string containing the error details. The JSON includes: - `"status"`: Always set to `"error"`. - `"message"`: A string representation of the exception message. """ logger.error(f"Error in {func_name}: {error}") return json.dumps( {"status": "error", "message": f"Error in {func_name}: {error}"} )
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[FunctionTool]: r"""Exposes the tool's methods to the agent framework. Returns: List[FunctionTool]: A list of `FunctionTool` objects representing the toolkit's methods, making them accessible to the agent. """ return [ FunctionTool(self.simplify_expression), FunctionTool(self.expand_expression), FunctionTool(self.factor_expression), FunctionTool(self.solve_linear_system), FunctionTool(self.solve_nonlinear_system), FunctionTool(self.solve_univariate_inequality), FunctionTool(self.reduce_inequalities), FunctionTool(self.polynomial_representation), FunctionTool(self.polynomial_degree), FunctionTool(self.polynomial_coefficients), FunctionTool(self.solve_equation), FunctionTool(self.find_roots), FunctionTool(self.differentiate), FunctionTool(self.integrate), FunctionTool(self.definite_integral), FunctionTool(self.series_expansion), FunctionTool(self.compute_limit), FunctionTool(self.find_critical_points), FunctionTool(self.check_continuity), FunctionTool(self.compute_determinant), FunctionTool(self.compute_inverse), FunctionTool(self.compute_eigenvalues), FunctionTool(self.compute_eigenvectors), FunctionTool(self.compute_nullspace), FunctionTool(self.compute_rank), FunctionTool(self.compute_inner_product), ]