
For more detailed usage information, please refer to our cookbook: Memory Cookbook

1. Concept#

The Memory module in CAMEL provides a flexible and powerful system for storing, retrieving, and managing information for AI agents. It enables agents to maintain context across conversations and retrieve relevant information from past interactions, enhancing the coherence and relevance of AI responses.

2. Get Started#

2.1 Basic Usage#

Here’s a quick example of how to use the LongtermAgentMemory:

from camel.memories import (
from camel.messages import BaseMessage
from camel.types import ModelType, OpenAIBackendRole
from camel.utils import OpenAITokenCounter

# Initialize the memory
memory = LongtermAgentMemory(

# Create and write new records
records = [
            content="What is CAMEL AI?",
            content=" is the 1st LLM multi-agent framework and "
                    "an open-source community dedicated to finding the scaling law "
                    "of agents.",

# Get context for the agent
context, token_count = memory.get_context()

print(f"Retrieved context (token count: {token_count}):")
for message in context:
>>> Retrieved context (token count: 49):
{'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is AI?'}
{'role': 'assistant', 'content': 'AI refers to systems that mimic human intelligence.'}

Adding LongtermAgentMemory to your ChatAgent:

from camel.agents import ChatAgent

# Define system message for the agent
sys_msg = BaseMessage.make_assistant_message(
    content='You are a curious agent wondering about the universe.',

# Initialize agent
agent = ChatAgent(system_message=sys_msg)

# Set memory to the agent
agent.memory = memory

# Define a user message
usr_msg = BaseMessage.make_user_message(
    content="Tell me which is the 1st LLM multi-agent framework based on what we have discussed",

# Sending the message to the agent
response = agent.step(usr_msg)

# Check the response (just for illustrative purpose)
>>> CAMEL AI is recognized as the first LLM (Large Language Model) multi-agent framework. It is an open-source community initiative focused on exploring the scaling laws of agents, enabling the development and interaction of multiple AI agents in a collaborative environment. This framework allows researchers and developers to experiment with various configurations and interactions among agents, facilitating advancements in AI capabilities and understanding.

3. Core Components#

3.1 MemoryRecord#

The basic data unit in the CAMEL memory system.


  • message: The main content of the record (BaseMessage)

  • role_at_backend: The role this message played at the OpenAI backend (OpenAIBackendRole)

  • uuid: A unique identifier for the record

  • extra_info: Additional key-value pairs for extra information


  • from_dict(): Static method to construct a MemoryRecord from a dictionary

  • to_dict(): Convert the MemoryRecord to a dictionary for serialization

  • to_openai_message(): Convert the record to an OpenAIMessage object

3.2 ContextRecord#

The result of memory retrieval from AgentMemory, which is used by ContextCreator to select records for creating the context for the agent.


  • memory_record: A MemoryRecord

  • score: A float value representing the relevance or importance of the record

3.3 MemoryBlock (Abstract Base Class)#

Serves as the fundamental component within the agent memory system. MemoryBlock class follows the “Composite Design pattern” so that you can compose objects into tree structures and then work with these structures as if they were individual objects.

  • write_records(): Write multiple records to memory

  • write_record(): Write a single record to memory

  • clear(): Remove all records from memory

3.4 BaseContextCreator (Abstract Base Class)#

Defines the context creation strategies when retrieval messages exceed the model’s context length.

  • token_counter: For counting tokens in a message

  • token_limit: The maximum number of tokens allowed in the generated context

  • create_context(): Create conversational context from chat history

3.5 AgentMemory (Abstract Base Class)#

A specialized form of MemoryBlock designed for direct integration with an agent.

  • retrieve(): Get a list of ContextRecords from memory

  • get_context_creator(): Get a context creator

  • get_context(): Get chat context with a proper size for the agent

4. Memory Block Implementations#

4.1 ChatHistoryBlock#

Stores all the chat histories and retrieves with optional window size.


  • storage: Optional BaseKeyValueStorage (default: InMemoryKeyValueStorage)

  • keep_rate: Float value for scoring historical messages (default: 0.9)


  • retrieve(): Get recent chat history with optional window size

  • write_records(): Write new records to chat history

  • clear(): Remove all chat messages

Use Case: Ideal for maintaining recent conversation context and flow.

4.2 VectorDBBlock#

Uses vector embeddings for maintaining and retrieving information.


  • storage: Optional BaseVectorStorage (default: QdrantStorage)

  • embedding: Optional BaseEmbedding (default: OpenAIEmbedding)


  • retrieve(): Get similar records based on a keyword

  • write_records(): Convert and write new records to the vector database

  • clear(): Remove all records from the vector database

Use Case: Better for retrieving semantically relevant information across a large set of messages.

Key Differences:

  1. Storage Mechanism: ChatHistoryBlock uses key-value storage, VectorDBBlock uses vector database storage.

  2. Retrieval Method: ChatHistoryBlock retrieves based on recency, VectorDBBlock retrieves based on semantic similarity.

  3. Data Representation: ChatHistoryBlock stores messages in original form, VectorDBBlock converts to vector embeddings.

5. Agent Memory Implementations#

5.1 ChatHistoryMemory#

An AgentMemory implementation that wraps ChatHistoryBlock.


  • context_creator: BaseContextCreator

  • storage: Optional BaseKeyValueStorage

  • window_size: Optional int for retrieval window


  • retrieve(): Get recent chat messages

  • write_records(): Write new records to chat history

  • get_context_creator(): Get the context creator

  • clear(): Remove all chat messages

5.2 VectorDBMemory#

An AgentMemory implementation that wraps VectorDBBlock.


  • context_creator: BaseContextCreator

  • storage: Optional BaseVectorStorage

  • retrieve_limit: int for maximum number of retrieved messages (default:3)


  • retrieve(): Get relevant messages from the vector database

  • write_records(): Write new records and update current topic

  • get_context_creator(): Get the context creator

5.3 LongtermAgentMemory#

Combines ChatHistoryMemory and VectorDBMemory for comprehensive memory management.


  • context_creator: BaseContextCreator

  • chat_history_block: Optional ChatHistoryBlock

  • vector_db_block: Optional VectorDBBlock

  • retrieve_limit: int for maximum number of retrieved messages (default: 3)


  • retrieve(): Get context from both chat history and vector database

  • write_records(): Write new records to both chat history and vector database

  • get_context_creator(): Get the context creator

  • clear(): Remove all records from both memory blocks

5.4 Mem0Storage Integration#

Mem0 offers cloud-based memory management capabilities that can be seamlessly integrated with CAMEL.

Initialization params of Mem0Storage:

  • api_key: Optional str for Mem0 API authentication

  • agent_id: Optional str to associate memories with an agent

  • user_id: Optional str to associate memories with a user

  • metadata: Optional dictionary of metadata to include with all memories

The simplest way to use Mem0 is through its Mem0Storage backend with ChatHistoryMemory:

from camel.memories import ChatHistoryMemory, ScoreBasedContextCreator
from camel.storages import Mem0Storage
from camel.types import ModelType
from camel.utils import OpenAITokenCounter

# Initialize ChatHistoryMemory with Mem0Storage
memory = ChatHistoryMemory(
        api_key="your_mem0_api_key",  # Or set MEM0_API_KEY environment variable
        agent_id="agent123"  # Unique identifier for this agent
    agent_id="agent123"  # Should match the storage agent_id

# Create and write new records
records = [
            content="What is CAMEL AI?",
            content=" is the 1st LLM multi-agent framework and "
                    "an open-source community dedicated to finding the scaling law "
                    "of agents.",

# Get context for the agent
context, token_count = memory.get_context()

print(f"Retrieved context (token count: {token_count}):")
for message in context:
>>> Retrieved context (token count: 49):
{'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is CAMEL AI?'}
{'role': 'assistant', 'content': ' is the 1st LLM multi-agent framework and an open-source community dedicated to finding the scaling law of agents.'}

This approach provides cloud persistence for chat history while maintaining the simple sequential retrieval of ChatHistoryMemory. The key features include:

  1. Cloud persistence of chat history

  2. Simple setup and configuration

  3. Sequential retrieval based on conversation order

  4. Automatic synchronization across sessions

Choose this approach when you need reliable cloud storage for your chat history without complex semantic search requirements.

6. Advanced Topics#

6.1 Customizing Context Creator#

You can create custom context creators by subclassing BaseContextCreator:

from camel.memories import BaseContextCreator

class MyCustomContextCreator(BaseContextCreator):
    def token_counter(self):
        # Implement your token counting logic

    def token_limit(self):
        return 1000  # Or any other limit

    def create_context(self, records):
        # Implement your context creation logic

6.2 Customizing Vector Database Block#

For VectorDBBlock, you can customize it by adjusting the embedding models or vector storages:

from camel.embeddings import OpenAIEmbedding
from camel.memories import VectorDBBlock
from camel.storages import QdrantStorage

vector_db = VectorDBBlock(

6.3 Performance Considerations#

  • For large-scale applications, consider using persistent storage backends instead of in-memory storage.

  • Optimize your context creator to balance between context relevance and token limits.

  • When using VectorDBMemory, be mindful of the trade-off between retrieval accuracy and speed as the database grows.