camel.toolkits package

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camel.toolkits package#


camel.toolkits.base module#

class camel.toolkits.base.BaseToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Base class for toolkits.


timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout for the toolkit.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


timeout: float | None = None#

camel.toolkits.code_execution module#

class camel.toolkits.code_execution.CodeExecutionToolkit(sandbox: Literal['internal_python', 'jupyter', 'docker', 'subprocess', 'e2b'] = 'subprocess', verbose: bool = False, unsafe_mode: bool = False, import_white_list: List[str] | None = None, require_confirm: bool = False, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A tookit for code execution.

  • sandbox (str) – The environment type used to execute code. (default: subprocess)

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print the output of the code execution. (default: False)

  • unsafe_mode (bool) – If True, the interpreter runs the code by eval() without any security check. (default: False)

  • import_white_list (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of allowed imports. (default: None)

  • require_confirm (bool) – Whether to require confirmation before executing code. (default: False)

execute_code(code: str) str[source]#

Execute a given code snippet.


code (str) – The input code to the Code Interpreter tool call.


The text output from the Code Interpreter tool call.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.dalle_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.dalle_toolkit.DalleToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for image generation using OpenAI’s DALL-E model.

base64_to_image(base64_string: str) Image | None[source]#

Converts a base64 encoded string into a PIL Image object.


base64_string (str) – The base64 encoded string of the image.


The PIL Image object or None if conversion


Return type:


get_dalle_img(prompt: str, image_dir: str = 'img') str[source]#
Generate an image using OpenAI’s DALL-E model.

The generated image is saved to the specified directory.

  • prompt (str) – The text prompt based on which the image is generated.

  • image_dir (str) – The directory to save the generated image. Defaults to ‘img’.


The path to the saved image.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


image_path_to_base64(image_path: str) str[source]#

Converts the file path of an image to a Base64 encoded string.


image_path (str) – The path to the image file.


A Base64 encoded string representing the content of the image


Return type:


image_to_base64(image: Image) str[source]#

Converts an image into a base64-encoded string.

This function takes an image object as input, encodes the image into a PNG format base64 string, and returns it. If the encoding process encounters an error, it prints the error message and returns None.


image – The image object to be encoded, supports any image format that can be saved in PNG format.


A base64-encoded string of the image.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.github_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.github_toolkit.GithubToolkit(repo_name: str, access_token: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with GitHub repositories.

This class provides methods for retrieving open issues, retrieving

specific issues, and creating pull requests in a GitHub repository.

  • repo_name (str) – The name of the GitHub repository.

  • access_token (str, optional) – The access token to authenticate with GitHub. If not provided, it will be obtained using the get_github_access_token method.

create_pull_request(file_path: str, new_content: str, pr_title: str, body: str, branch_name: str) str[source]#

Creates a pull request.

This function creates a pull request in specified repository, which updates a file in the specific path with new content. The pull request description contains information about the issue title and number.

  • file_path (str) – The path of the file to be updated in the repository.

  • new_content (str) – The specified new content of the specified file.

  • pr_title (str) – The title of the issue that is solved by this pull request.

  • body (str) – The commit message for the pull request.

  • branch_name (str) – The name of the branch to create and submit the pull request from.


A formatted report of whether the pull request was created

successfully or not.

Return type:


get_all_file_paths(path: str = '') List[str][source]#

Recursively retrieves all file paths in the GitHub repository.


path (str) – The repository path to start the traversal from. empty string means starts from the root directory. (default: :obj: “”)


A list of file paths within the specified directory


Return type:


get_github_access_token() str[source]#

Retrieve the GitHub access token from environment variables.


A string containing the GitHub access token.

Return type:



ValueError – If the API key or secret is not found in the environment variables.

get_issue_content(issue_number: int) str[source]#

Retrieves the content of a specific issue by its number.


issue_number (int) – The number of the issue to retrieve.


issues content details.

Return type:


get_issue_list(state: Literal['open', 'closed', 'all'] = 'all') List[Dict[str, object]][source]#

Retrieves all issues from the GitHub repository.


state (Literal["open", "closed", "all"]) – The state of pull requests to retrieve. (default: :obj: all) Options are: - “open”: Retrieve only open pull requests. - “closed”: Retrieve only closed pull requests. - “all”: Retrieve all pull requests, regardless of state.


A list of dictionaries where each

dictionary contains the issue number and title.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, object]]

get_pull_request_code(pr_number: int) List[Dict[str, str]][source]#

Retrieves the code changes of a specific pull request.


pr_number (int) – The number of the pull request to retrieve.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary

contains the file name and the corresponding code changes (patch).

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]

get_pull_request_comments(pr_number: int) List[Dict[str, str]][source]#

Retrieves the comments from a specific pull request.


pr_number (int) – The number of the pull request to retrieve.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary

contains the user ID and the comment body.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]

get_pull_request_list(state: Literal['open', 'closed', 'all'] = 'all') List[Dict[str, object]][source]#

Retrieves all pull requests from the GitHub repository.


state (Literal["open", "closed", "all"]) – The state of pull requests to retrieve. (default: :obj: all) Options are: - “open”: Retrieve only open pull requests. - “closed”: Retrieve only closed pull requests. - “all”: Retrieve all pull requests, regardless of state.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains the

pull request number and title.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


retrieve_file_content(file_path: str) str[source]#

Retrieves the content of a file from the GitHub repository.


file_path (str) – The path of the file to retrieve.


The decoded content of the file.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.google_maps_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.google_maps_toolkit.GoogleMapsToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with GoogleMaps API. This class provides methods for validating addresses, retrieving elevation, and fetching timezone information using the Google Maps API.

get_address_description(address: str | List[str], region_code: str | None = None, locality: str | None = None) str[source]#

Validates an address via Google Maps API, returns a descriptive summary. Validates an address using Google Maps API, returning a summary that includes information on address completion, formatted address, location coordinates, and metadata types that are true for the given address.

  • address (Union[str, List[str]]) – The address or components to validate. Can be a single string or a list representing different parts.

  • region_code (str, optional) – Country code for regional restriction, helps narrow down results. (default: None)

  • locality (str, optional) – Restricts validation to a specific locality, e.g., “Mountain View”. (default: None)


Summary of the address validation results, including

information on address completion, formatted address, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), and metadata types true for the address.

Return type:


get_elevation(lat: float, lng: float) str[source]#

Retrieves elevation data for a given latitude and longitude. Uses the Google Maps API to fetch elevation data for the specified latitude and longitude. It handles exceptions gracefully and returns a description of the elevation, including its value in meters and the data resolution.

  • lat (float) – The latitude of the location to query.

  • lng (float) – The longitude of the location to query.


A description of the elevation at the specified location(s),

including the elevation in meters and the data resolution. If elevation data is not available, a message indicating this is returned.

Return type:


get_timezone(lat: float, lng: float) str[source]#

Retrieves timezone information for a given latitude and longitude. This function uses the Google Maps Timezone API to fetch timezone data for the specified latitude and longitude. It returns a natural language description of the timezone, including the timezone ID, name, standard time offset, daylight saving time offset, and the total offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  • lat (float) – The latitude of the location to query.

  • lng (float) – The longitude of the location to query.


A descriptive string of the timezone information,

including the timezone ID and name, standard time offset, daylight saving time offset, and total offset from UTC.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.google_maps_toolkit.handle_googlemaps_exceptions(func: Callable[[...], Any]) Callable[[...], Any][source]#

Decorator to catch and handle exceptions raised by Google Maps API calls.


func (Callable) – The function to be wrapped by the decorator.


A wrapper function that calls the wrapped function and

handles exceptions.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.linkedin_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.linkedin_toolkit.LinkedInToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for LinkedIn operations.

This class provides methods for creating a post, deleting a post, and retrieving the authenticated user’s profile information.

create_post(text: str) dict[source]#

Creates a post on LinkedIn for the authenticated user.


text (str) – The content of the post to be created.


A dictionary containing the post ID and the content of

the post. If the post creation fails, the values will be None.

Return type:



Exception – If the post creation fails due to an error response from LinkedIn API.

delete_post(post_id: str) str[source]#

Deletes a LinkedIn post with the specified ID for an authorized user.

This function sends a DELETE request to the LinkedIn API to delete a post with the specified ID. Before sending the request, it prompts the user to confirm the deletion.


post_id (str) – The ID of the post to delete.


A message indicating the result of the deletion. If the

deletion was successful, the message includes the ID of the deleted post. If the deletion was not successful, the message includes an error message.

Return type:



get_profile(include_id: bool = False) dict[source]#

Retrieves the authenticated user’s LinkedIn profile info.

This function sends a GET request to the LinkedIn API to retrieve the authenticated user’s profile information. Optionally, it also returns the user’s LinkedIn ID.


include_id (bool) – Whether to include the LinkedIn profile ID in the response.


A dictionary containing the user’s LinkedIn profile

information. If include_id is True, the dictionary will also include the profile ID.

Return type:



Exception – If the profile retrieval fails due to an error response from LinkedIn API.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.math_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.math_toolkit.MathToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for mathematical operations.

This class provides methods for basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and rounding.

add(a: float, b: float) float[source]#

Adds two numbers.

  • a (float) – The first number to be added.

  • b (float) – The second number to be added.


The sum of the two numbers.

Return type:


divide(a: float, b: float, decimal_places: int = 2) float[source]#

Divides two numbers.

  • a (float) – The dividend in the division.

  • b (float) – The divisor in the division.

  • decimal_places (int, optional) – The number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 2.


The result of dividing a by b.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


multiply(a: float, b: float, decimal_places: int = 2) float[source]#

Multiplies two numbers.

  • a (float) – The multiplier in the multiplication.

  • b (float) – The multiplicand in the multiplication.

  • decimal_places (int, optional) – The number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 2.


The product of the two numbers.

Return type:


round(a: float, decimal_places: int = 0) float[source]#

Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

  • a (float) – The number to be rounded.

  • decimal_places (int, optional) – The number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 0.


The rounded number.

Return type:


sub(a: float, b: float) float[source]#

Do subtraction between two numbers.

  • a (float) – The minuend in subtraction.

  • b (float) – The subtrahend in subtraction.


The result of subtracting b from a.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.open_api_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.open_api_toolkit.OpenAPIToolkit[source]#

Bases: object

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with OpenAPI APIs.

This class provides methods for interacting with APIs based on OpenAPI specifications. It dynamically generates functions for each API operation defined in the OpenAPI specification, allowing users to make HTTP requests to the API endpoints.

apinames_filepaths_to_funs_schemas(apinames_filepaths: List[Tuple[str, str]]) Tuple[List[Callable], List[Dict[str, Any]]][source]#

Combines functions and schemas from multiple OpenAPI specifications, using API names as keys.

This function iterates over tuples of API names and OpenAPI spec file paths, parsing each spec to generate callable functions and schema dictionaries, all organized by API name.

Args: apinames_filepaths (List[Tuple[str, str]]): A list of tuples, where

each tuple consists of: - The API name (str) as the first element. - The file path (str) to the API’s OpenAPI specification file as

the second element.


Tuple[List[Callable], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:: one of callable

functions for API operations, and another of dictionaries representing the schemas from the specifications.

generate_apinames_filepaths() List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Generates a list of tuples containing API names and their corresponding file paths.

This function iterates over the OpenAPIName enum, constructs the file path for each API’s OpenAPI specification file, and appends a tuple of the API name and its file path to the list. The file paths are relative to the ‘open_api_specs’ directory located in the same directory as this script.


A list of tuples where each tuple contains

two elements. The first element of each tuple is a string representing the name of an API, and the second element is a string that specifies the file path to that API’s OpenAPI specification file.

Return type:

List[Tuple[str, str]]

generate_openapi_funcs(api_name: str, openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any]) List[Callable][source]#

Generates a list of Python functions based on OpenAPI specification.

This function dynamically creates a list of callable functions that represent the API operations defined in an OpenAPI specification document. Each function is designed to perform an HTTP request corresponding to an API operation (e.g., GET, POST) as defined in the specification. The functions are decorated with openapi_function_decorator, which configures them to construct and send the HTTP requests with appropriate parameters, headers, and body content.

  • api_name (str) – The name of the API, used to prefix generated function names.

  • openapi_spec (Dict[str, Any]) – The OpenAPI specification as a dictionary.


A list containing the generated functions. Each

function, when called, will make an HTTP request according to its corresponding API operation defined in the OpenAPI specification.

Return type:



ValueError – If the OpenAPI specification does not contain server information, which is necessary for determining the base URL for the API requests.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


openapi_function_decorator(api_name: str, base_url: str, path: str, method: str, openapi_security: List[Dict[str, Any]], sec_schemas: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], operation: Dict[str, Any]) Callable[source]#

Decorate a function to make HTTP requests based on OpenAPI specification details.

This decorator dynamically constructs and executes an API request based on the provided OpenAPI operation specifications, security requirements, and parameters. It supports operations secured with apiKey type security schemes and automatically injects the necessary API keys from environment variables. Parameters in path, query, header, and cookie are also supported.

  • api_name (str) – The name of the API, used to retrieve API key names and URLs from the configuration.

  • base_url (str) – The base URL for the API.

  • path (str) – The path for the API endpoint, relative to the base URL.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method (e.g., ‘get’, ‘post’) for the request.

  • openapi_security (List[Dict[str, Any]]) – The global security definitions as specified in the OpenAPI specs.

  • sec_schemas (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) – Detailed security schemes.

  • operation (Dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary containing the OpenAPI operation details, including parameters and request body definitions.


A decorator that, when applied to a function, enables the

function to make HTTP requests based on the provided OpenAPI operation details.

Return type:


  • TypeError – If the security requirements include unsupported types.

  • ValueError – If required API keys are missing from environment variables or if the content type of the request body is unsupported.

openapi_spec_to_openai_schemas(api_name: str, openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any]) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Convert OpenAPI specification to OpenAI schema format.

This function iterates over the paths and operations defined in an OpenAPI specification, filtering out deprecated operations. For each operation, it constructs a schema in a format suitable for OpenAI, including operation metadata such as function name, description, parameters, and request bodies. It raises a ValueError if an operation lacks a description or summary.

  • api_name (str) – The name of the API, used to prefix generated function names.

  • openapi_spec (Dict[str, Any]) – The OpenAPI specification as a dictionary.


A list of dictionaries, each representing a

function in the OpenAI schema format, including details about the function’s name, description, and parameters.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


ValueError – If an operation in the OpenAPI specification does not have a description or summary.


This function assumes that the OpenAPI specification follows the 3.0+ format.


parse_openapi_file(openapi_spec_path: str) Dict[str, Any] | None[source]#

Load and parse an OpenAPI specification file.

This function utilizes the prance.ResolvingParser to parse and resolve the given OpenAPI specification file, returning the parsed OpenAPI specification as a dictionary.


openapi_spec_path (str) – The file path or URL to the OpenAPI specification.


The parsed OpenAPI specification

as a dictionary. None if the package is not installed.

Return type:

Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

camel.toolkits.openai_function module#

class camel.toolkits.function_tool.FunctionTool(func: Callable, openai_tool_schema: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, synthesize_schema: bool | None = False, synthesize_schema_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, synthesize_schema_max_retries: int = 2, synthesize_output: bool | None = False, synthesize_output_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, synthesize_output_format: Type[BaseModel] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

An abstraction of a function that OpenAI chat models can call. See

By default, the tool schema will be parsed from the func, or you can provide a user-defined tool schema to override.

  • func (Callable) – The function to call. The tool schema is parsed from the function signature and docstring by default.

  • openai_tool_schema (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional) – A user-defined OpenAI tool schema to override the default result. (default: None)

  • synthesize_schema (Optional[bool], optional) – Whether to enable the use of a schema assistant model to automatically synthesize the schema if validation fails or no valid schema is provided. (default: False)

  • synthesize_schema_model (Optional[BaseModelBackend], optional) – An assistant model (e.g., an LLM model) used to synthesize the schema if synthesize_schema is enabled and no valid schema is provided. (default: None)

  • synthesize_schema_max_retries (int, optional) – The maximum number of attempts to retry schema synthesis using the schema assistant model if the previous attempts fail. (default: 2)

  • synthesize_output (Optional[bool], optional) – Flag for enabling synthesis output mode, where output is synthesized based on the function’s execution. (default: False)

  • synthesize_output_model (Optional[BaseModelBackend], optional) – Model used for output synthesis in synthesis mode. (default: None)

  • synthesize_output_format (Optional[Type[BaseModel]], optional) – Format for the response when synthesizing output. (default: None)

async async_call(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Any[source]#
get_function_description() str[source]#

Gets the description of the function from the OpenAI tool schema.


The description of the function.

Return type:


get_function_name() str[source]#

Gets the name of the function from the OpenAI tool schema.


The name of the function.

Return type:


get_openai_function_schema() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Gets the schema of the function from the OpenAI tool schema.

This method extracts and returns the function-specific part of the OpenAI tool schema associated with this function.


The schema of the function within the OpenAI tool


Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_openai_tool_schema() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Gets the OpenAI tool schema for this function.

This method returns the OpenAI tool schema associated with this function, after validating it to ensure it meets OpenAI’s specifications.


The OpenAI tool schema for this function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_parameter(param_name: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Gets the schema for a specific parameter from the function schema.


param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to get the schema.


The schema of the specified parameter.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_paramter_description(param_name: str) str[source]#

Gets the description of a specific parameter from the function schema.


param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to get the description.


The description of the specified parameter.

Return type:


property is_async: bool#
property parameters: Dict[str, Any]#

Getter method for the property parameters.


the dictionary containing information of

parameters of this function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

set_function_description(description: str) None[source]#

Sets the description of the function in the OpenAI tool schema.


description (str) – The description for the function.

set_function_name(name: str) None[source]#

Sets the name of the function in the OpenAI tool schema.


name (str) – The name of the function to set.

set_openai_function_schema(openai_function_schema: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Sets the schema of the function within the OpenAI tool schema.


openai_function_schema (Dict[str, Any]) – The function schema to set within the OpenAI tool schema.

set_openai_tool_schema(schema: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Sets the OpenAI tool schema for this function.

Allows setting a custom OpenAI tool schema for this function.


schema (Dict[str, Any]) – The OpenAI tool schema to set.

set_parameter(param_name: str, value: Dict[str, Any])[source]#

Sets the schema for a specific parameter in the function schema.

  • param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to set the schema for.

  • value (Dict[str, Any]) – The schema to set for the parameter.

set_paramter_description(param_name: str, description: str) None[source]#

Sets the description for a specific parameter in the function schema.

  • param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to set the description for.

  • description (str) – The description for the parameter.

synthesize_execution_output(args: tuple[Any, ...] | None = None, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any[source]#

Synthesizes the output of the function based on the provided positional arguments and keyword arguments.

  • args (Optional[tuple]) – Positional arguments to pass to the function during synthesis. (default: None)

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – Keyword arguments to pass to the function during synthesis. (default: None)


Synthesized output from the function execution. If no

synthesis model is provided, a warning is logged.

Return type:


synthesize_openai_tool_schema(max_retries: int | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Synthesizes an OpenAI tool schema for the specified function.

This method uses a language model (LLM) to synthesize the OpenAI tool schema for the specified function by first generating a docstring and then creating a schema based on the function’s source code. The schema synthesis and validation process is retried up to max_retries times in case of failure.


max_retries (Optional[int], optional) – The maximum number of retries for schema synthesis and validation if the process fails. (default: None)


The synthesis OpenAI tool schema for the function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


ValueError – If schema synthesis or validation fails after the maximum number of retries, a ValueError is raised, prompting manual schema setting.

static validate_openai_tool_schema(openai_tool_schema: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Validates the OpenAI tool schema against ToolAssistantToolsFunction. This function checks if the provided openai_tool_schema adheres to the specifications required by OpenAI’s ToolAssistantToolsFunction. It ensures that the function description and parameters are correctly formatted according to JSON Schema specifications. :param openai_tool_schema: The OpenAI tool schema to


  • ValidationError – If the schema does not comply with the specifications.

  • SchemaError – If the parameters do not meet JSON Schema reference specifications.

camel.toolkits.function_tool.generate_docstring(code: str, model: BaseModelBackend | None = None) str[source]#

Generates a docstring for a given function code using LLM.

This function leverages a language model to generate a PEP 8/PEP 257-compliant docstring for a provided Python function. If no model is supplied, a default gpt-4o-mini is used.

  • code (str) – The source code of the function.

  • model (Optional[BaseModelBackend]) – An optional language model backend instance. If not provided, a default gpt-4o-mini is used.


The generated docstring.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.function_tool.get_openai_function_schema(func: Callable) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Generates a schema dict for an OpenAI function based on its signature.

This function is deprecated and will be replaced by get_openai_tool_schema() in future versions. It parses the function’s parameters and docstring to construct a JSON schema-like dictionary.


func (Callable) – The OpenAI function to generate the schema for.


A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the

function, including its name, description, and parameter specifications.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

camel.toolkits.function_tool.get_openai_tool_schema(func: Callable) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Generates an OpenAI JSON schema from a given Python function.

This function creates a schema compatible with OpenAI’s API specifications, based on the provided Python function. It processes the function’s parameters, types, and docstrings, and constructs a schema accordingly.


  • Each parameter in func must have a type annotation; otherwise, it’s treated as ‘Any’.

  • Variable arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs) are not supported and will be ignored.

  • A functional description including a brief and detailed explanation should be provided in the docstring of func.

  • All parameters of func must be described in its docstring.

  • Supported docstring styles: ReST, Google, Numpydoc, and Epydoc.


func (Callable) – The Python function to be converted into an OpenAI JSON schema.


A dictionary representing the OpenAI JSON schema of

the provided function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


Cleans and updates the function schema to conform with OpenAI’s requirements: - Removes invalid ‘default’ fields from the parameters schema. - Ensures all fields or function parameters are marked as required.


parameters_dict (dict) – The dictionary representing the function schema.


The updated dictionary with invalid defaults removed and all

fields set as required.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.reddit_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.reddit_toolkit.RedditToolkit(retries: int = 3, delay: float = 0.0, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Reddit operations.

This toolkit provides methods to interact with the Reddit API, allowing users to collect top posts, perform sentiment analysis on comments, and track keyword discussions across multiple subreddits.


Number of retries for API requests in case of failure.




Delay between retries in seconds.




An instance of the Reddit client.



collect_top_posts(subreddit_name: str, post_limit: int = 5, comment_limit: int = 5) List[Dict[str, Any]] | str[source]#

Collects the top posts and their comments from a specified subreddit.

  • subreddit_name (str) – The name of the subreddit to collect posts from.

  • post_limit (int) – The maximum number of top posts to collect. Defaults to 5.

  • comment_limit (int) – The maximum number of top comments to collect per post. Defaults to 5.


A list of dictionaries, each

containing the post title and its top comments if success. String warming if credentials are not set.

Return type:

Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], str]

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects for the

toolkit methods.

Return type:


perform_sentiment_analysis(data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Performs sentiment analysis on the comments collected from Reddit posts.


data (List[Dict[str, Any]]) – A list of dictionaries containing Reddit post data and comments.


The original data with an added ‘Sentiment

Score’ for each comment.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

track_keyword_discussions(subreddits: List[str], keywords: List[str], post_limit: int = 10, comment_limit: int = 10, sentiment_analysis: bool = False) List[Dict[str, Any]] | str[source]#

Tracks discussions about specific keywords in specified subreddits.

  • subreddits (List[str]) – A list of subreddit names to search within.

  • keywords (List[str]) – A list of keywords to track in the subreddit discussions.

  • post_limit (int) – The maximum number of top posts to collect per subreddit. Defaults to 10.

  • comment_limit (int) – The maximum number of top comments to collect per post. Defaults to 10.

  • sentiment_analysis (bool) – If True, performs sentiment analysis on the comments. Defaults to False.


A list of dictionaries

containing the subreddit name, post title, comment body, and upvotes for each comment that contains the specified keywords if success. String warming if credentials are not set.

Return type:

Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], str]

camel.toolkits.retrieval_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.retrieval_toolkit.RetrievalToolkit(auto_retriever: AutoRetriever | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for information retrieval.

This class provides methods for retrieving information from a local vector storage system based on a specified query.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


information_retrieval(query: str, contents: str | List[str], top_k: int = 1, similarity_threshold: float = 0.7) str[source]#

Retrieves information from a local vector storage based on the specified query. This function connects to a local vector storage system and retrieves relevant information by processing the input query. It is essential to use this function when the answer to a question requires external knowledge sources.

  • query (str) – The question or query for which an answer is required.

  • contents (Union[str, List[str]]) – Local file paths, remote URLs or string contents.

  • top_k (int, optional) – The number of top results to return during retrieve. Must be a positive integer. Defaults to DEFAULT_TOP_K_RESULTS.

  • similarity_threshold (float, optional) – The similarity threshold for filtering results. Defaults to DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD.


The information retrieved in response to the query, aggregated

and formatted as a string.

Return type:



# Retrieve information about CAMEL AI. information_retrieval(query = “How to contribute to CAMEL AI?”,


camel.toolkits.search_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.search_toolkit.SearchToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for web search.

This class provides methods for searching information on the web using search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha, Brave.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


query_wolfram_alpha(query: str, is_detailed: bool = False) str | Dict[str, Any][source]#

Queries Wolfram|Alpha and returns the result. Wolfram|Alpha is an answer engine developed by Wolfram Research. It is offered as an online service that answers factual queries by computing answers from externally sourced data.

  • query (str) – The query to send to Wolfram Alpha.

  • is_detailed (bool) – Whether to include additional details including step by step information in the result. (default: False)


The result from Wolfram Alpha.

Returns a string if is_detailed is False, otherwise returns a dictionary with detailed information.

Return type:

Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]

search_baidu(query: str, max_results: int = 5) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Search Baidu using web scraping to retrieve relevant search results. This method queries Baidu’s search engine and extracts search results including titles, descriptions, and URLs.

  • query (str) – Search query string to submit to Baidu.

  • max_results (int) – Maximum number of results to return. (default: 5)


A dictionary containing search results or error


Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_bing(query: str, max_results: int = 5) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Use Bing search engine to search information for the given query.

This function queries the Chinese version of Bing search engine (cn. using web scraping to retrieve relevant search results. It extracts search results including titles, snippets, and URLs. This function is particularly useful when the query is in Chinese or when Chinese search results are desired.

  • query (str) – The search query string to submit to Bing. Works best with Chinese queries or when Chinese results are preferred.

  • max_results (int) – Maximum number of results to return. (default: 5)


A dictionary containing either:
  • ’results’: A list of dictionaries, each with:
    • ’result_id’: The index of the result.

    • ’snippet’: A brief description of the search result.

    • ’title’: The title of the search result.

    • ’link’: The URL of the search result.

  • or ‘error’: An error message if something went wrong.

Return type:

Dict ([str, Any])

search_bocha(query: str, freshness: str = 'noLimit', summary: bool = False, count: int = 10, page: int = 1) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Query the Bocha AI search API and return search results.

  • query (str) – The search query.

  • freshness (str) – Time frame filter for search results. Default is “noLimit”. Options include: - ‘noLimit’: no limit (default). - ‘oneDay’: past day. - ‘oneWeek’: past week. - ‘oneMonth’: past month. - ‘oneYear’: past year.

  • summary (bool) – Whether to include text summaries in results. Default is False.

  • count (int) – Number of results to return (1-50). Default is 10.

  • page (int) – Page number of results. Default is 1.


A dictionary containing search results, including

web pages, images, and videos if available. The structure follows the Bocha AI search API response format.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_brave(q: str, country: str = 'US', search_lang: str = 'en', ui_lang: str = 'en-US', count: int = 20, offset: int = 0, safesearch: str = 'moderate', freshness: str | None = None, text_decorations: bool = True, spellcheck: bool = True, result_filter: str | None = None, goggles_id: str | None = None, units: str | None = None, extra_snippets: bool | None = None, summary: bool | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

This function queries the Brave search engine API and returns a dictionary, representing a search result. See for more details.

  • q (str) – The user’s search query term. Query cannot be empty. Maximum of 400 characters and 50 words in the query.

  • country (str) – The search query country where results come from. The country string is limited to 2 character country codes of supported countries. For a list of supported values, see Country Codes. (default: :obj:`US `)

  • search_lang (str) – The search language preference. The 2 or more character language code for which search results are provided. For a list of possible values, see Language Codes.

  • ui_lang (str) – User interface language preferred in response. Usually of the format ‘<language_code>-<country_code>’. For more, see RFC 9110. For a list of supported values, see UI Language Codes.

  • count (int) – The number of search results returned in response. The maximum is 20. The actual number delivered may be less than requested. Combine this parameter with offset to paginate search results.

  • offset (int) – The zero based offset that indicates number of search results per page (count) to skip before returning the result. The maximum is 9. The actual number delivered may be less than requested based on the query. In order to paginate results use this parameter together with count. For example, if your user interface displays 20 search results per page, set count to 20 and offset to 0 to show the first page of results. To get subsequent pages, increment offset by 1 (e.g. 0, 1, 2). The results may overlap across multiple pages.

  • safesearch (str) –

    Filters search results for adult content. The following values are supported: - ‘off’: No filtering is done. - ‘moderate’: Filters explicit content, like images and videos,

    but allows adult domains in the search results.

    • ’strict’: Drops all adult content from search results.

  • freshness (Optional[str]) –

    Filters search results by when they were discovered: - ‘pd’: Discovered within the last 24 hours. - ‘pw’: Discovered within the last 7 Days. - ‘pm’: Discovered within the last 31 Days. - ‘py’: Discovered within the last 365 Days. - ‘YYYY-MM-DDtoYYYY-MM-DD’: Timeframe is also supported by

    specifying the date range e.g. ‘2022-04-01to2022-07-30’.

  • text_decorations (bool) – Whether display strings (e.g. result snippets) should include decoration markers (e.g. highlighting characters).

  • spellcheck (bool) – Whether to spellcheck provided query. If the spellchecker is enabled, the modified query is always used for search. The modified query can be found in altered key from the query response model.

  • result_filter (Optional[str]) – A comma delimited string of result types to include in the search response. Not specifying this parameter will return back all result types in search response where data is available and a plan with the corresponding option is subscribed. The response always includes query and type to identify any query modifications and response type respectively. Available result filter values are: - ‘discussions’ - ‘faq’ - ‘infobox’ - ‘news’ - ‘query’ - ‘summarizer’ - ‘videos’ - ‘web’ - ‘locations’

  • goggles_id (Optional[str]) – Goggles act as a custom re-ranking on top of Brave’s search index. For more details, refer to the Goggles repository.

  • units (Optional[str]) – The measurement units. If not provided, units are derived from search country. Possible values are: - ‘metric’: The standardized measurement system - ‘imperial’: The British Imperial system of units.

  • extra_snippets (Optional[bool]) – A snippet is an excerpt from a page you get as a result of the query, and extra_snippets allow you to get up to 5 additional, alternative excerpts. Only available under Free AI, Base AI, Pro AI, Base Data, Pro Data and Custom plans.

  • summary (Optional[bool]) – This parameter enables summary key generation in web search results. This is required for summarizer to be enabled.


A dictionary representing a search result.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_duckduckgo(query: str, source: str = 'text', max_results: int = 5) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Use DuckDuckGo search engine to search information for the given query.

This function queries the DuckDuckGo API for related topics to the given search term. The results are formatted into a list of dictionaries, each representing a search result.

  • query (str) – The query to be searched.

  • source (str) – The type of information to query (e.g., “text”, “images”, “videos”). Defaults to “text”.

  • max_results (int) – Max number of results, defaults to 5.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary

represents a search result.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

search_google(query: str, num_result_pages: int = 5) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Use Google search engine to search information for the given query.

  • query (str) – The query to be searched.

  • num_result_pages (int) – The number of result pages to retrieve.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a website.

Each dictionary contains the following keys: - ‘result_id’: A number in order. - ‘title’: The title of the website. - ‘description’: A brief description of the website. - ‘long_description’: More detail of the website. - ‘url’: The URL of the website.

Example: {

’result_id’: 1, ‘title’: ‘OpenAI’, ‘description’: ‘An organization focused on ensuring that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.’, ‘long_description’: ‘OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole’, ‘url’: ‘


title, description, url of a website.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

search_linkup(query: str, depth: Literal['standard', 'deep'] = 'standard', output_type: Literal['searchResults', 'sourcedAnswer', 'structured'] = 'searchResults', structured_output_schema: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Search for a query in the Linkup API and return results in various formats.

  • query (str) – The search query.

  • depth (Literal["standard", "deep"]) – The depth of the search. “standard” for a straightforward search, “deep” for a more comprehensive search.

  • (Literal["searchResults" (output_type) – “structured”]): The type of output: - “searchResults” for raw search results, - “sourcedAnswer” for an answer with supporting sources, - “structured” for output based on a provided schema.

  • "sourcedAnswer" – “structured”]): The type of output: - “searchResults” for raw search results, - “sourcedAnswer” for an answer with supporting sources, - “structured” for output based on a provided schema.

:param“structured”]): The type of output:
  • “searchResults” for raw search results,

  • “sourcedAnswer” for an answer with supporting sources,

  • “structured” for output based on a provided schema.


structured_output_schema (Optional[str]) – If output_type is “structured”, specify the schema of the output. Must be a string representing a valid object JSON schema.


A dictionary representing the search result. The

structure depends on the output_type. If an error occurs, returns an error message.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_wiki(entity: str) str[source]#
Search the entity in WikiPedia and return the summary of the

required page, containing factual information about the given entity.


entity (str) – The entity to be searched.


The search result. If the page corresponding to the entity

exists, return the summary of this entity in a string.

Return type:


Use Tavily Search API to search information for the given query.

  • query (str) – The query to be searched.

  • num_results (int) – The number of search results to retrieve (default is 5).

  • **kwargs

    Additional optional parameters supported by Tavily’s API: - search_depth (str): “basic” or “advanced” search depth. - topic (str): The search category, e.g., “general” or “news.” - days (int): Time frame in days for news-related searches. - max_results (int): Max number of results to return

    (overrides num_results).

    See api-reference for details.


A list of dictionaries representing search

results. Each dictionary contains: - ‘result_id’ (int): The result’s index. - ‘title’ (str): The title of the result. - ‘description’ (str): A brief description of the result. - ‘long_description’ (str): Detailed information, if available. - ‘url’ (str): The URL of the result. - ‘content’ (str): Relevant content from the search result. - ‘images’ (list): A list of related images (if

include_images is True).

  • ’published_date’ (str): Publication date for news topics (if available).

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

camel.toolkits.slack_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.slack_toolkit.SlackToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Slack operations.

This class provides methods for Slack operations such as creating a new channel, joining an existing channel, leaving a channel.

create_slack_channel(name: str, is_private: bool | None = True) str[source]#

Creates a new slack channel, either public or private.

  • name (str) – Name of the public or private channel to create.

  • is_private (bool, optional) – Whether to create a private channel instead of a public one. Defaults to True.


JSON string containing information about Slack

channel created.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

delete_slack_message(time_stamp: str, channel_id: str) str[source]#

Delete a message to a Slack channel.

  • time_stamp (str) – Timestamp of the message to be deleted.

  • channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to delete message.


A confirmation message indicating whether the message

was delete successfully or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If an error occurs while sending the message.

get_slack_channel_information() str[source]#
Retrieve Slack channels and return relevant information in JSON



JSON string containing information about Slack channels.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

get_slack_channel_message(channel_id: str) str[source]#

Retrieve messages from a Slack channel.


channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to retrieve messages from.


JSON string containing filtered message data.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel message.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


join_slack_channel(channel_id: str) str[source]#

Joins an existing Slack channel.


channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to join.


A confirmation message indicating whether join successfully

or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

leave_slack_channel(channel_id: str) str[source]#

Leaves an existing Slack channel.


channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to leave.


A confirmation message indicating whether leave successfully

or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

send_slack_message(message: str, channel_id: str, user: str | None = None) str[source]#

Send a message to a Slack channel.

  • message (str) – The message to send.

  • channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to send message.

  • user (Optional[str]) – The user ID of the recipient. Defaults to None.


A confirmation message indicating whether the message was sent

successfully or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If an error occurs while sending the message.

camel.toolkits.twitter_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.twitter_toolkit.TwitterToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Twitter operations.

This class provides methods for creating a tweet, deleting a tweet, and getting the authenticated user’s profile information.



To use this toolkit, you need to set the following environment variables: - TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: The consumer key for the Twitter API. - TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: The consumer secret for the Twitter API. - TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token for the Twitter API. - TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: The access token secret for the Twitter


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.twitter_toolkit.create_tweet(text: str, poll_options: List[str] | None = None, poll_duration_minutes: int | None = None, quote_tweet_id: int | str | None = None) str[source]#

Creates a new tweet, optionally including a poll or a quote tweet, or simply a text-only tweet.

This function sends a POST request to the Twitter API to create a new tweet. The tweet can be a text-only tweet, or optionally include a poll or be a quote tweet. A confirmation prompt is presented to the user before the tweet is created.

  • text (str) – The text of the tweet. The Twitter character limit for a single tweet is 280 characters.

  • poll_options (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of poll options for a tweet with a poll.

  • poll_duration_minutes (Optional[int]) – Duration of the poll in minutes for a tweet with a poll. This is only required if the request includes poll_options.

  • quote_tweet_id (Optional[Union[int, str]]) – Link to the tweet being quoted.


A message indicating the success of the tweet creation,

including the tweet ID and text. If the request to the Twitter API is not successful, the return is an error message.

Return type:



You can only provide either the quote_tweet_id parameter or the pair of poll_duration_minutes and poll_options parameters, not both.


camel.toolkits.twitter_toolkit.delete_tweet(tweet_id: str) str[source]#

Deletes a tweet with the specified ID for an authorized user.

This function sends a DELETE request to the Twitter API to delete a tweet with the specified ID. Before sending the request, it prompts the user to confirm the deletion.


tweet_id (str) – The ID of the tweet to delete.


A message indicating the result of the deletion. If the

deletion was successful, the message includes the ID of the deleted tweet. If the deletion was not successful, the message includes an error message.

Return type:



camel.toolkits.twitter_toolkit.get_my_user_profile() str[source]#

Retrieves the authenticated user’s Twitter profile info.

This function sends a GET request to the Twitter API to retrieve the authenticated user’s profile information, including their pinned tweet. It then formats this information into a readable report.


A formatted report of the authenticated user’s Twitter profile

information. This includes their ID, name, username, description, location, most recent tweet ID, profile image URL, account creation date, protection status, verification type, public metrics, and pinned tweet information. If the request to the Twitter API is not successful, the return is an error message.

Return type:



camel.toolkits.twitter_toolkit.get_user_by_username(username: str) str[source]#

Retrieves one user’s Twitter profile info by username (handle).

This function sends a GET request to the Twitter API to retrieve the user’s profile information, including their pinned tweet. It then formats this information into a readable report.


username (str) – The username (handle) of the user to retrieve.


A formatted report of the user’s Twitter profile information.

This includes their ID, name, username, description, location, most recent tweet ID, profile image URL, account creation date, protection status, verification type, public metrics, and pinned tweet information. If the request to the Twitter API is not successful, the return is an error message.

Return type:



camel.toolkits.weather_toolkit module#

class camel.toolkits.weather_toolkit.WeatherToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with weather data.

This class provides methods for fetching weather data for a given city using the OpenWeatherMap API.

get_openweathermap_api_key() str[source]#

Retrieve the OpenWeatherMap API key from environment variables.


The OpenWeatherMap API key.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If the API key is not found in the environment

  • variables.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


get_weather_data(city: str, temp_units: Literal['kelvin', 'celsius', 'fahrenheit'] = 'kelvin', wind_units: Literal['meters_sec', 'miles_hour', 'knots', 'beaufort'] = 'meters_sec', visibility_units: Literal['meters', 'miles'] = 'meters', time_units: Literal['unix', 'iso', 'date'] = 'unix') str[source]#

Fetch and return a comprehensive weather report for a given city as a string. The report includes current weather conditions, temperature, wind details, visibility, and sunrise/sunset times, all formatted as a readable string.

The function interacts with the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve the data.

  • city (str) – The name of the city for which the weather information is desired. Format “City, CountryCode” (e.g., “Paris, FR” for Paris, France). If the country code is not provided, the API will search for the city in all countries, which may yield incorrect results if multiple cities with the same name exist.

  • temp_units (Literal['kelvin', 'celsius', 'fahrenheit']) – Units for temperature. (default: kelvin)

  • wind_units – (Literal[‘meters_sec’, ‘miles_hour’, ‘knots’, ‘beaufort’]): Units for wind speed. (default: meters_sec)

  • visibility_units (Literal['meters', 'miles']) – Units for visibility distance. (default: meters)

  • time_units (Literal['unix', 'iso', 'date']) – Format for sunrise and sunset times. (default: unix)


A string containing the fetched weather data, formatted in a

readable manner. If an error occurs, a message indicating the error will be returned instead.

Return type:


Example of return string:

“Weather in Paris, FR: 15°C, feels like 13°C. Max temp: 17°C, Min temp : 12°C. Wind: 5 m/s at 270 degrees. Visibility: 10 kilometers. Sunrise at 05:46:05 (UTC), Sunset at 18:42:20 (UTC).”


Please ensure that the API key is valid and has permissions

to access the weather data.

Module contents#

class camel.toolkits.ArxivToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for interacting with the arXiv API to search and download academic papers.

download_papers(query: str, paper_ids: List[str] | None = None, max_results: int | None = 5, output_dir: str | None = './') str[source]#

Downloads PDFs of academic papers from arXiv based on the provided query.

  • query (str) – The search query string.

  • paper_ids (List[str], optional) – A list of specific arXiv paper IDs to download. (default: :obj: None)

  • max_results (int, optional) – The maximum number of search results to download. (default: :obj: 5)

  • output_dir (str, optional) – The directory to save the downloaded PDFs. Defaults to the current directory.


Status message indicating success or failure.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


search_papers(query: str, paper_ids: List[str] | None = None, max_results: int | None = 5) List[Dict[str, str]][source]#

Searches for academic papers on arXiv using a query string and optional paper IDs.

  • query (str) – The search query string.

  • paper_ids (List[str], optional) – A list of specific arXiv paper IDs to search for. (default: :obj: None)

  • max_results (int, optional) – The maximum number of search results to return. (default: :obj: 5)


A list of dictionaries, each containing

information about a paper, including title, published date, authors, entry ID, summary, and extracted text from the paper.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]

class camel.toolkits.AskNewsToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with the AskNews API.

This class provides methods for fetching news, stories, and other content based on user queries using the AskNews API.

get_news(query: str, n_articles: int = 10, return_type: Literal['string', 'dicts', 'both'] = 'string', method: Literal['nl', 'kw'] = 'kw') str | dict | Tuple[str, dict][source]#

Fetch news or stories based on a user query.

  • query (str) – The search query for fetching relevant news.

  • n_articles (int) – Number of articles to include in the response. (default: 10)

  • return_type (Literal["string", "dicts", "both"]) – The format of the return value. (default: "string")

  • method (Literal["nl", "kw"]) – The search method, either “nl” for natural language or “kw” for keyword search. (default: "kw")


A string, dictionary,

or both containing the news or story content, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[str, dict, Tuple[str, dict]]

get_stories(query: str, categories: List[Literal['Politics', 'Economy', 'Finance', 'Science', 'Technology', 'Sports', 'Climate', 'Environment', 'Culture', 'Entertainment', 'Business', 'Health', 'International']], reddit: int = 3, expand_updates: bool = True, max_updates: int = 2, max_articles: int = 10) dict | str[source]#

Fetch stories based on the provided parameters.

  • query (str) – The search query for fetching relevant stories.

  • categories (list) – The categories to filter stories by.

  • reddit (int) – Number of Reddit threads to include. (default: 3)

  • expand_updates (bool) – Whether to include detailed updates. (default: True)

  • max_updates (int) – Maximum number of recent updates per story. (default: 2)

  • max_articles (int) – Maximum number of articles associated with each update. (default: 10)


A dictionary containing the stories and their

associated data, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Unio[dict, str]

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#
Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions

in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


Perform a live web search based on the given queries.

  • queries (List[str]) – A list of search queries.

  • return_type (Literal["string", "dicts", "both"]) – The format of the return value. (default: "string")


A string,

dictionary, or both containing the search results, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[str, dict, Tuple[str, dict]]

query_finance(asset: Literal['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'cardano', 'uniswap', 'ripple', 'solana', 'polkadot', 'polygon', 'chainlink', 'tether', 'dogecoin', 'monero', 'tron', 'binance', 'aave', 'tesla', 'microsoft', 'amazon'], metric: Literal['news_positive', 'news_negative', 'news_total', 'news_positive_weighted', 'news_negative_weighted', 'news_total_weighted'] = 'news_positive', return_type: Literal['list', 'string'] = 'string', date_from: datetime | None = None, date_to: datetime | None = None) list | str[source]#

Fetch asset sentiment data for a given asset, metric, and date range.

  • asset (Literal) – The asset for which to fetch sentiment data.

  • metric (Literal) – The sentiment metric to analyze.

  • return_type (Literal["list", "string"]) – The format of the return value. (default: "string")

  • date_from (datetime, optional) – The start date and time for the data in ISO 8601 format.

  • date_to (datetime, optional) – The end date and time for the data in ISO 8601 format.


A list of dictionaries containing the datetime

and value or a string describing all datetime and value pairs for providing quantified time-series data for news sentiment on topics of interest, or an error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[list, str]

search_reddit(keywords: List[str], n_threads: int = 5, return_type: Literal['string', 'dicts', 'both'] = 'string', method: Literal['nl', 'kw'] = 'kw') str | dict | Tuple[str, dict][source]#

Search Reddit based on the provided keywords.

  • keywords (List[str]) – The keywords to search for on Reddit.

  • n_threads (int) – Number of Reddit threads to summarize and return. (default: 5)

  • return_type (Literal["string", "dicts", "both"]) – The format of the return value. (default: "string")

  • method (Literal["nl", "kw"]) – The search method, either “nl” for natural language or “kw” for keyword search. (default: "kw")


The Reddit search

results as a string, dictionary, or both, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[str, dict, Tuple[str, dict]]

class camel.toolkits.AsyncAskNewsToolkit[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with the AskNews API asynchronously.

This class provides methods for fetching news, stories, and other content based on user queries using the AskNews API.

get_news(query: str, n_articles: int = 10, return_type: Literal['string', 'dicts', 'both'] = 'string', method: Literal['nl', 'kw'] = 'kw') str | dict | Tuple[str, dict][source]#

Fetch news or stories based on a user query.

  • query (str) – The search query for fetching relevant news or stories.

  • n_articles (int) – Number of articles to include in the response. (default: :obj:10)

  • return_type (Literal["string", "dicts", "both"]) – The format of the return value. (default: :obj:”string”)

  • method (Literal["nl", "kw"]) – The search method, either “nl” for natural language or “kw” for keyword search. (default: :obj:”kw”)


A string,

dictionary, or both containing the news or story content, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[str, dict, Tuple[str, dict]]

get_stories(query: str, categories: List[Literal['Politics', 'Economy', 'Finance', 'Science', 'Technology', 'Sports', 'Climate', 'Environment', 'Culture', 'Entertainment', 'Business', 'Health', 'International']], reddit: int = 3, expand_updates: bool = True, max_updates: int = 2, max_articles: int = 10) dict | str[source]#

Fetch stories based on the provided parameters.

  • query (str) – The search query for fetching relevant stories.

  • categories (list) – The categories to filter stories by.

  • reddit (int) – Number of Reddit threads to include. (default: 3)

  • expand_updates (bool) – Whether to include detailed updates. (default: True)

  • max_updates (int) – Maximum number of recent updates per story. (default: 2)

  • max_articles (int) – Maximum number of articles associated with each update. (default: 10)


A dictionary containing the stories and their

associated data, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Unio[dict, str]

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#
Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions

in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


Perform a live web search based on the given queries.

  • queries (List[str]) – A list of search queries.

  • return_type (Literal["string", "dicts", "both"]) – The format of the return value. (default: "string")


A string,

dictionary, or both containing the search results, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[str, dict, Tuple[str, dict]]

query_finance(asset: Literal['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'cardano', 'uniswap', 'ripple', 'solana', 'polkadot', 'polygon', 'chainlink', 'tether', 'dogecoin', 'monero', 'tron', 'binance', 'aave', 'tesla', 'microsoft', 'amazon'], metric: Literal['news_positive', 'news_negative', 'news_total', 'news_positive_weighted', 'news_negative_weighted', 'news_total_weighted'] = 'news_positive', return_type: Literal['list', 'string'] = 'string', date_from: datetime | None = None, date_to: datetime | None = None) list | str[source]#

Fetch asset sentiment data for a given asset, metric, and date range.

  • asset (Literal) – The asset for which to fetch sentiment data.

  • metric (Literal) – The sentiment metric to analyze.

  • return_type (Literal["list", "string"]) – The format of the return value. (default: "string")

  • date_from (datetime, optional) – The start date and time for the data in ISO 8601 format.

  • date_to (datetime, optional) – The end date and time for the data in ISO 8601 format.


A list of dictionaries containing the datetime

and value or a string describing all datetime and value pairs for providing quantified time-series data for news sentiment on topics of interest, or an error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[list, str]

search_reddit(keywords: List[str], n_threads: int = 5, return_type: Literal['string', 'dicts', 'both'] = 'string', method: Literal['nl', 'kw'] = 'kw') str | dict | Tuple[str, dict][source]#

Search Reddit based on the provided keywords.

  • keywords (list) – The keywords to search for on Reddit.

  • n_threads (int) – Number of Reddit threads to summarize and return. (default: :obj:5)

  • return_type (Literal["string", "dicts", "both"]) – The format of the return value. (default: :obj:”string”)

  • method (Literal["nl", "kw"]) – The search method, either “nl” for natural language or “kw” for keyword search. (default: :obj:”kw”)


The Reddit search

results as a string, dictionary, or both, or error message if the process fails.

Return type:

Union[str, dict, Tuple[str, dict]]

class camel.toolkits.AudioAnalysisToolkit(cache_dir: str | None = None, transcribe_model: BaseAudioModel | None = None, audio_reasoning_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for audio processing and analysis.

This class provides methods for processing, transcribing, and extracting information from audio data, including direct question answering about audio content.

  • cache_dir (Optional[str]) – Directory path for caching downloaded audio files. If not provided, ‘tmp/’ will be used. (default: None)

  • transcribe_model (Optional[BaseAudioModel]) – Model used for audio transcription. If not provided, OpenAIAudioModels will be used. (default: None)

  • audio_reasoning_model (Optional[BaseModelBackend]) – Model used for audio reasoning and question answering. If not provided, uses the default model from ChatAgent. (default: None)

ask_question_about_audio(audio_path: str, question: str) str[source]#

Ask any question about the audio and get the answer using multimodal model.

  • audio_path (str) – The path to the audio file.

  • question (str) – The question to ask about the audio.


The answer to the question.

Return type:


audio2text(audio_path: str) str[source]#

Transcribe audio to text.


audio_path (str) – The path to the audio file or URL.


The transcribed text.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#
Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions

in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing the

functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.BaseToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Base class for toolkits.


timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout for the toolkit.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


timeout: float | None = None#
class camel.toolkits.BrowserToolkit(headless: bool = False, cache_dir: str | None = None, history_window: int = 5, web_agent_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, planning_agent_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, output_language: str = 'en')[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class for browsing the web and interacting with web pages.

This class provides methods for browsing the web and interacting with web pages.

browse_url(task_prompt: str, start_url: str, round_limit: int = 12) str[source]#

A powerful toolkit which can simulate the browser interaction to solve the task which needs multi-step actions.

  • task_prompt (str) – The task prompt to solve.

  • start_url (str) – The start URL to visit.

  • round_limit (int) – The round limit to solve the task (default: 12).


The simulation result to the task.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.CodeExecutionToolkit(sandbox: Literal['internal_python', 'jupyter', 'docker', 'subprocess', 'e2b'] = 'subprocess', verbose: bool = False, unsafe_mode: bool = False, import_white_list: List[str] | None = None, require_confirm: bool = False, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A tookit for code execution.

  • sandbox (str) – The environment type used to execute code. (default: subprocess)

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print the output of the code execution. (default: False)

  • unsafe_mode (bool) – If True, the interpreter runs the code by eval() without any security check. (default: False)

  • import_white_list (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of allowed imports. (default: None)

  • require_confirm (bool) – Whether to require confirmation before executing code. (default: False)

execute_code(code: str) str[source]#

Execute a given code snippet.


code (str) – The input code to the Code Interpreter tool call.


The text output from the Code Interpreter tool call.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.DalleToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for image generation using OpenAI’s DALL-E model.

base64_to_image(base64_string: str) Image | None[source]#

Converts a base64 encoded string into a PIL Image object.


base64_string (str) – The base64 encoded string of the image.


The PIL Image object or None if conversion


Return type:


get_dalle_img(prompt: str, image_dir: str = 'img') str[source]#
Generate an image using OpenAI’s DALL-E model.

The generated image is saved to the specified directory.

  • prompt (str) – The text prompt based on which the image is generated.

  • image_dir (str) – The directory to save the generated image. Defaults to ‘img’.


The path to the saved image.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


image_path_to_base64(image_path: str) str[source]#

Converts the file path of an image to a Base64 encoded string.


image_path (str) – The path to the image file.


A Base64 encoded string representing the content of the image


Return type:


image_to_base64(image: Image) str[source]#

Converts an image into a base64-encoded string.

This function takes an image object as input, encodes the image into a PNG format base64 string, and returns it. If the encoding process encounters an error, it prints the error message and returns None.


image – The image object to be encoded, supports any image format that can be saved in PNG format.


A base64-encoded string of the image.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.DappierToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with the Dappier API.

This class provides methods for searching real time data and fetching ai recommendations across key verticals like News, Finance, Stock Market, Sports, Weather and more.

get_ai_recommendations(query: str, data_model_id: str = 'dm_01j0pb465keqmatq9k83dthx34', similarity_top_k: int = 9, ref: str | None = None, num_articles_ref: int = 0, search_algorithm: Literal['most_recent', 'semantic', 'most_recent_semantic', 'trending'] = 'most_recent') List[Dict[str, str]] | Dict[str, str][source]#

Retrieve AI-powered recommendations based on the provided query and data model.

This function fetches real-time AI-generated recommendations using the specified data model and search algorithm. The results include personalized content based on the query and, optionally, relevance to a specific reference domain.

Supported Data Models:
  • dm_01j0pb465keqmatq9k83dthx34:

Real-time news, updates, and personalized content from top sports sources such as Sportsnaut, Forever Blueshirts, Minnesota Sports Fan, LAFB Network, Bounding Into Sports, and Ringside Intel. - dm_01j0q82s4bfjmsqkhs3ywm3x6y: Real-time updates, analysis, and personalized content from top sources like The Mix, Snipdaily, Nerdable, and Familyproof.

  • query (str) – The user query for retrieving recommendations.

  • data_model_id (str, optional) – The data model ID to use for recommendations. Data model IDs always start with the prefix “dm_”. (default: :obj: dm_01j0pb465keqmatq9k83dthx34)

  • similarity_top_k (int, optional) – The number of top documents to retrieve based on similarity. (default: :obj: 9)

  • ref (Optional[str], optional) – The site domain where AI recommendations should be displayed. (default: :obj: None)

  • num_articles_ref (int, optional) – The minimum number of articles to return from the specified reference domain (ref). The remaining articles will come from other sites in the RAG model. (default: :obj: 0)

  • (Literal[ (search_algorithm) – “most_recent”, “semantic”, “most_recent_semantic”, “trending”, ], optional): The search algorithm to use for retrieving articles. (default: :obj: most_recent)


A list of recommended articles or content

based on the specified parameters, query, and data model.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]


Multiple data model IDs are available and can be found at:

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


search_real_time_data(query: str, ai_model_id: str = 'am_01j06ytn18ejftedz6dyhz2b15') str[source]#

Search real-time data using an AI model.

This function accesses real-time information using the specified AI model based on the given query. Depending on the AI model ID, the data retrieved can vary between general web search results or financial news and stock prices.

Supported AI Models:
  • am_01j06ytn18ejftedz6dyhz2b15:

Access real-time Google web search results, including the latest news, weather updates, travel details, deals, and more. - am_01j749h8pbf7ns8r1bq9s2evrh: Access real-time financial news, stock prices, and trades from, with AI-powered insights and up-to-the-minute updates.

  • query (str) – The user-provided query. Examples include: - “How is the weather today in Austin, TX?” - “What is the latest news for Meta?” - “What is the stock price for AAPL?”

  • ai_model_id (str, optional) – The AI model ID to use for the query. The AI model ID always starts with the prefix “am_”. (default: am_01j06ytn18ejftedz6dyhz2b15)


The search result corresponding to the provided query and

AI model ID. This may include real time search data, depending on the selected AI model.

Return type:



Multiple AI model IDs are available, which can be found at:

class camel.toolkits.ExcelToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for extract detailed cell information from an Excel file.

This class provides method for processing docx, pdf, pptx, etc. It cannot process excel files.

extract_excel_content(document_path: str) str[source]#

Extract detailed cell information from an Excel file, including multiple sheets.


document_path (str) – The path of the Excel file.


Extracted excel information, including details of each sheet.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.FileWriteToolkit(output_dir: str = './', timeout: float | None = None, default_encoding: str = 'utf-8', backup_enabled: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for creating, writing, and modifying text in files.

This class provides cross-platform (macOS, Linux, Windows) support for writing to various file formats (Markdown, DOCX, PDF, and plaintext), replacing text in existing files, automatic backups, custom encoding, and enhanced formatting options for specialized formats.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Return a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the available functions in this toolkit.

Return type:


write_to_file(content: str | List[List[str]], filename: str, encoding: str | None = None) str[source]#

Write the given content to a file.

If the file exists, it will be overwritten. Supports multiple formats: Markdown (.md, .markdown, default), Plaintext (.txt), CSV (.csv), DOC/DOCX (.doc, .docx), PDF (.pdf), JSON (.json), YAML (.yml, .yaml), and HTML (.html, .htm).

  • content (Union[str, List[List[str]]]) – The content to write to the file. For all formats, content must be a string or list in the appropriate format.

  • filename (str) – The name or path of the file. If a relative path is supplied, it is resolved to self.output_dir.

  • encoding (Optional[str]) – The character encoding to use. (default: :obj: None)


A message indicating success or error details.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.FunctionTool(func: Callable, openai_tool_schema: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, synthesize_schema: bool | None = False, synthesize_schema_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, synthesize_schema_max_retries: int = 2, synthesize_output: bool | None = False, synthesize_output_model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, synthesize_output_format: Type[BaseModel] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

An abstraction of a function that OpenAI chat models can call. See

By default, the tool schema will be parsed from the func, or you can provide a user-defined tool schema to override.

  • func (Callable) – The function to call. The tool schema is parsed from the function signature and docstring by default.

  • openai_tool_schema (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional) – A user-defined OpenAI tool schema to override the default result. (default: None)

  • synthesize_schema (Optional[bool], optional) – Whether to enable the use of a schema assistant model to automatically synthesize the schema if validation fails or no valid schema is provided. (default: False)

  • synthesize_schema_model (Optional[BaseModelBackend], optional) – An assistant model (e.g., an LLM model) used to synthesize the schema if synthesize_schema is enabled and no valid schema is provided. (default: None)

  • synthesize_schema_max_retries (int, optional) – The maximum number of attempts to retry schema synthesis using the schema assistant model if the previous attempts fail. (default: 2)

  • synthesize_output (Optional[bool], optional) – Flag for enabling synthesis output mode, where output is synthesized based on the function’s execution. (default: False)

  • synthesize_output_model (Optional[BaseModelBackend], optional) – Model used for output synthesis in synthesis mode. (default: None)

  • synthesize_output_format (Optional[Type[BaseModel]], optional) – Format for the response when synthesizing output. (default: None)

async async_call(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Any[source]#
get_function_description() str[source]#

Gets the description of the function from the OpenAI tool schema.


The description of the function.

Return type:


get_function_name() str[source]#

Gets the name of the function from the OpenAI tool schema.


The name of the function.

Return type:


get_openai_function_schema() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Gets the schema of the function from the OpenAI tool schema.

This method extracts and returns the function-specific part of the OpenAI tool schema associated with this function.


The schema of the function within the OpenAI tool


Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_openai_tool_schema() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Gets the OpenAI tool schema for this function.

This method returns the OpenAI tool schema associated with this function, after validating it to ensure it meets OpenAI’s specifications.


The OpenAI tool schema for this function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_parameter(param_name: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Gets the schema for a specific parameter from the function schema.


param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to get the schema.


The schema of the specified parameter.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_paramter_description(param_name: str) str[source]#

Gets the description of a specific parameter from the function schema.


param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to get the description.


The description of the specified parameter.

Return type:


property is_async: bool#
property parameters: Dict[str, Any]#

Getter method for the property parameters.


the dictionary containing information of

parameters of this function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

set_function_description(description: str) None[source]#

Sets the description of the function in the OpenAI tool schema.


description (str) – The description for the function.

set_function_name(name: str) None[source]#

Sets the name of the function in the OpenAI tool schema.


name (str) – The name of the function to set.

set_openai_function_schema(openai_function_schema: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Sets the schema of the function within the OpenAI tool schema.


openai_function_schema (Dict[str, Any]) – The function schema to set within the OpenAI tool schema.

set_openai_tool_schema(schema: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Sets the OpenAI tool schema for this function.

Allows setting a custom OpenAI tool schema for this function.


schema (Dict[str, Any]) – The OpenAI tool schema to set.

set_parameter(param_name: str, value: Dict[str, Any])[source]#

Sets the schema for a specific parameter in the function schema.

  • param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to set the schema for.

  • value (Dict[str, Any]) – The schema to set for the parameter.

set_paramter_description(param_name: str, description: str) None[source]#

Sets the description for a specific parameter in the function schema.

  • param_name (str) – The name of the parameter to set the description for.

  • description (str) – The description for the parameter.

synthesize_execution_output(args: tuple[Any, ...] | None = None, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any[source]#

Synthesizes the output of the function based on the provided positional arguments and keyword arguments.

  • args (Optional[tuple]) – Positional arguments to pass to the function during synthesis. (default: None)

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – Keyword arguments to pass to the function during synthesis. (default: None)


Synthesized output from the function execution. If no

synthesis model is provided, a warning is logged.

Return type:


synthesize_openai_tool_schema(max_retries: int | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Synthesizes an OpenAI tool schema for the specified function.

This method uses a language model (LLM) to synthesize the OpenAI tool schema for the specified function by first generating a docstring and then creating a schema based on the function’s source code. The schema synthesis and validation process is retried up to max_retries times in case of failure.


max_retries (Optional[int], optional) – The maximum number of retries for schema synthesis and validation if the process fails. (default: None)


The synthesis OpenAI tool schema for the function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


ValueError – If schema synthesis or validation fails after the maximum number of retries, a ValueError is raised, prompting manual schema setting.

static validate_openai_tool_schema(openai_tool_schema: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Validates the OpenAI tool schema against ToolAssistantToolsFunction. This function checks if the provided openai_tool_schema adheres to the specifications required by OpenAI’s ToolAssistantToolsFunction. It ensures that the function description and parameters are correctly formatted according to JSON Schema specifications. :param openai_tool_schema: The OpenAI tool schema to


  • ValidationError – If the schema does not comply with the specifications.

  • SchemaError – If the parameters do not meet JSON Schema reference specifications.

class camel.toolkits.GithubToolkit(repo_name: str, access_token: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with GitHub repositories.

This class provides methods for retrieving open issues, retrieving

specific issues, and creating pull requests in a GitHub repository.

  • repo_name (str) – The name of the GitHub repository.

  • access_token (str, optional) – The access token to authenticate with GitHub. If not provided, it will be obtained using the get_github_access_token method.

create_pull_request(file_path: str, new_content: str, pr_title: str, body: str, branch_name: str) str[source]#

Creates a pull request.

This function creates a pull request in specified repository, which updates a file in the specific path with new content. The pull request description contains information about the issue title and number.

  • file_path (str) – The path of the file to be updated in the repository.

  • new_content (str) – The specified new content of the specified file.

  • pr_title (str) – The title of the issue that is solved by this pull request.

  • body (str) – The commit message for the pull request.

  • branch_name (str) – The name of the branch to create and submit the pull request from.


A formatted report of whether the pull request was created

successfully or not.

Return type:


get_all_file_paths(path: str = '') List[str][source]#

Recursively retrieves all file paths in the GitHub repository.


path (str) – The repository path to start the traversal from. empty string means starts from the root directory. (default: :obj: “”)


A list of file paths within the specified directory


Return type:


get_github_access_token() str[source]#

Retrieve the GitHub access token from environment variables.


A string containing the GitHub access token.

Return type:



ValueError – If the API key or secret is not found in the environment variables.

get_issue_content(issue_number: int) str[source]#

Retrieves the content of a specific issue by its number.


issue_number (int) – The number of the issue to retrieve.


issues content details.

Return type:


get_issue_list(state: Literal['open', 'closed', 'all'] = 'all') List[Dict[str, object]][source]#

Retrieves all issues from the GitHub repository.


state (Literal["open", "closed", "all"]) – The state of pull requests to retrieve. (default: :obj: all) Options are: - “open”: Retrieve only open pull requests. - “closed”: Retrieve only closed pull requests. - “all”: Retrieve all pull requests, regardless of state.


A list of dictionaries where each

dictionary contains the issue number and title.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, object]]

get_pull_request_code(pr_number: int) List[Dict[str, str]][source]#

Retrieves the code changes of a specific pull request.


pr_number (int) – The number of the pull request to retrieve.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary

contains the file name and the corresponding code changes (patch).

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]

get_pull_request_comments(pr_number: int) List[Dict[str, str]][source]#

Retrieves the comments from a specific pull request.


pr_number (int) – The number of the pull request to retrieve.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary

contains the user ID and the comment body.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]

get_pull_request_list(state: Literal['open', 'closed', 'all'] = 'all') List[Dict[str, object]][source]#

Retrieves all pull requests from the GitHub repository.


state (Literal["open", "closed", "all"]) – The state of pull requests to retrieve. (default: :obj: all) Options are: - “open”: Retrieve only open pull requests. - “closed”: Retrieve only closed pull requests. - “all”: Retrieve all pull requests, regardless of state.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains the

pull request number and title.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


retrieve_file_content(file_path: str) str[source]#

Retrieves the content of a file from the GitHub repository.


file_path (str) – The path of the file to retrieve.


The decoded content of the file.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.GoogleMapsToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with GoogleMaps API. This class provides methods for validating addresses, retrieving elevation, and fetching timezone information using the Google Maps API.

get_address_description(address: str | List[str], region_code: str | None = None, locality: str | None = None) str[source]#

Validates an address via Google Maps API, returns a descriptive summary. Validates an address using Google Maps API, returning a summary that includes information on address completion, formatted address, location coordinates, and metadata types that are true for the given address.

  • address (Union[str, List[str]]) – The address or components to validate. Can be a single string or a list representing different parts.

  • region_code (str, optional) – Country code for regional restriction, helps narrow down results. (default: None)

  • locality (str, optional) – Restricts validation to a specific locality, e.g., “Mountain View”. (default: None)


Summary of the address validation results, including

information on address completion, formatted address, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), and metadata types true for the address.

Return type:


get_elevation(lat: float, lng: float) str[source]#

Retrieves elevation data for a given latitude and longitude. Uses the Google Maps API to fetch elevation data for the specified latitude and longitude. It handles exceptions gracefully and returns a description of the elevation, including its value in meters and the data resolution.

  • lat (float) – The latitude of the location to query.

  • lng (float) – The longitude of the location to query.


A description of the elevation at the specified location(s),

including the elevation in meters and the data resolution. If elevation data is not available, a message indicating this is returned.

Return type:


get_timezone(lat: float, lng: float) str[source]#

Retrieves timezone information for a given latitude and longitude. This function uses the Google Maps Timezone API to fetch timezone data for the specified latitude and longitude. It returns a natural language description of the timezone, including the timezone ID, name, standard time offset, daylight saving time offset, and the total offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  • lat (float) – The latitude of the location to query.

  • lng (float) – The longitude of the location to query.


A descriptive string of the timezone information,

including the timezone ID and name, standard time offset, daylight saving time offset, and total offset from UTC.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.GoogleScholarToolkit(author_identifier: str, is_author_name: bool = False, use_free_proxies: bool = False, proxy_http: str | None = None, proxy_https: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for retrieving information about authors and their publications from Google Scholar.


The author’s Google Scholar URL or name of the author to search for.


Union[str, None]


Flag to indicate if the identifier is a name. (default: False)




The scholarly module for querying Google Scholar.




Cached author details, allowing manual assignment if desired.


Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

property author: Dict[str, Any]#

Getter for the author attribute, fetching details if not cached.


A dictionary containing author details. If no data

is available, returns an empty dictionary.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_author_detailed_info() dict[source]#

Retrieves detailed information about the author.


A dictionary containing detailed information about the


Return type:


get_author_publications() List[str][source]#

Retrieves the titles of the author’s publications.


A list of publication titles authored by the author.

Return type:


Retrieves the full paper content from a given PDF URL using the arxiv2text tool.


pdf_url (str) – The URL of the PDF file.


The full text extracted from the PDF, or None if

an error occurs.

Return type:


get_publication_by_title(publication_title: str) dict | None[source]#

Retrieves detailed information about a specific publication by its title. Note that this method cannot retrieve the full content of the paper.


publication_title (str) – The title of the publication to search for.


A dictionary containing detailed information about

the publication if found; otherwise, None.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.HumanToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for human interaction.

ask_human_via_console(question: str) str[source]#

Ask a question to the human via the console.


question (str) – The question to ask the human.


The answer from the human.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.ImageAnalysisToolkit(model: BaseModelBackend | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for comprehensive image analysis and understanding. The toolkit uses vision-capable language models to perform these tasks.

ask_question_about_image(image_path: str, question: str, sys_prompt: str | None = None) str[source]#

Answers image questions with optional custom instructions.

  • image_path (str) – Local path or URL to an image file.

  • question (str) – Query about the image content.

  • sys_prompt (Optional[str]) – Custom system prompt for the analysis. (default: None)


Detailed answer based on visual understanding

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#
Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions

in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing the

functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


image_to_text(image_path: str, sys_prompt: str | None = None) str[source]#

Generates textual description of an image with optional custom prompt.

  • image_path (str) – Local path or URL to an image file.

  • sys_prompt (Optional[str]) – Custom system prompt for the analysis. (default: None)


Natural language description of the image.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.LinkedInToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for LinkedIn operations.

This class provides methods for creating a post, deleting a post, and retrieving the authenticated user’s profile information.

create_post(text: str) dict[source]#

Creates a post on LinkedIn for the authenticated user.


text (str) – The content of the post to be created.


A dictionary containing the post ID and the content of

the post. If the post creation fails, the values will be None.

Return type:



Exception – If the post creation fails due to an error response from LinkedIn API.

delete_post(post_id: str) str[source]#

Deletes a LinkedIn post with the specified ID for an authorized user.

This function sends a DELETE request to the LinkedIn API to delete a post with the specified ID. Before sending the request, it prompts the user to confirm the deletion.


post_id (str) – The ID of the post to delete.


A message indicating the result of the deletion. If the

deletion was successful, the message includes the ID of the deleted post. If the deletion was not successful, the message includes an error message.

Return type:



get_profile(include_id: bool = False) dict[source]#

Retrieves the authenticated user’s LinkedIn profile info.

This function sends a GET request to the LinkedIn API to retrieve the authenticated user’s profile information. Optionally, it also returns the user’s LinkedIn ID.


include_id (bool) – Whether to include the LinkedIn profile ID in the response.


A dictionary containing the user’s LinkedIn profile

information. If include_id is True, the dictionary will also include the profile ID.

Return type:



Exception – If the profile retrieval fails due to an error response from LinkedIn API.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.MCPToolkit(servers: List[_MCPServer] | None = None, config_path: str | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

MCPToolkit provides a unified interface for managing multiple MCP server connections and their tools.

This class handles the lifecycle of multiple MCP server connections and offers a centralized configuration mechanism for both local and remote MCP services.

  • servers (Optional[List[_MCPServer]]) – List of _MCPServer instances to manage.

  • config_path (Optional[str]) – Path to a JSON configuration file defining MCP servers.


Either servers or config_path must be provided. If both are provided, servers from both sources will be combined.

For web servers in the config file, you can specify authorization headers using the “headers” field to connect to protected MCP server endpoints.

Example configuration:

  "mcpWebServers": {
    "protected-server": {
      "url": "",
      "timeout": 30,
      "headers": {
        "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN",
        "X-API-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

List of _MCPServer instances being managed.




Explicitly connect to all MCP servers.


The connected toolkit instance

Return type:


connection() AsyncGenerator[MCPToolkit, None][source]#

Async context manager that simultaneously establishes connections to all managed MCP server instances.


MCPToolkit – Self with all servers connected.


Explicitly disconnect from all MCP servers.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Aggregates all tools from the managed MCP server instances.


Combined list of all available function tools.

Return type:


is_connected() bool[source]#

Checks if all the managed servers are connected.


True if connected, False otherwise.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.MathToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for mathematical operations.

This class provides methods for basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and rounding.

add(a: float, b: float) float[source]#

Adds two numbers.

  • a (float) – The first number to be added.

  • b (float) – The second number to be added.


The sum of the two numbers.

Return type:


divide(a: float, b: float, decimal_places: int = 2) float[source]#

Divides two numbers.

  • a (float) – The dividend in the division.

  • b (float) – The divisor in the division.

  • decimal_places (int, optional) – The number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 2.


The result of dividing a by b.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


multiply(a: float, b: float, decimal_places: int = 2) float[source]#

Multiplies two numbers.

  • a (float) – The multiplier in the multiplication.

  • b (float) – The multiplicand in the multiplication.

  • decimal_places (int, optional) – The number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 2.


The product of the two numbers.

Return type:


round(a: float, decimal_places: int = 0) float[source]#

Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

  • a (float) – The number to be rounded.

  • decimal_places (int, optional) – The number of decimal places to round to. Defaults to 0.


The rounded number.

Return type:


sub(a: float, b: float) float[source]#

Do subtraction between two numbers.

  • a (float) – The minuend in subtraction.

  • b (float) – The subtrahend in subtraction.


The result of subtracting b from a.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.MemoryToolkit(agent: ChatAgent, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit that provides methods for saving, loading, and clearing a ChatAgent’s memory. These methods are exposed as FunctionTool objects for function calling. Internally, it calls:

  • agent.save_memory(path)

  • agent.load_memory(new_memory_obj)

  • agent.load_memory_from_path(path)

  • agent.clear_memory()

  • agent (ChatAgent) – The chat agent whose memory will be managed.

  • timeout (Optional[float], optional) – Maximum execution time allowed for toolkit operations in seconds. If None, no timeout is applied. (default: None)

clear_memory() str[source]#

Clears the agent’s memory.


Confirmation message.

Return type:


get_tools() list[FunctionTool][source]#

Expose the memory management methods as function tools for the ChatAgent.


List of FunctionTool objects.

Return type:


load(memory_json: str) str[source]#

Loads memory into the agent from a JSON string.


memory_json (str) – A JSON string containing memory records.


Confirmation or error message.

Return type:


load_from_path(path: str) str[source]#

Loads the agent’s memory from a JSON file.


path (str) – The file path to load the memory from.


Confirmation message.

Return type:


save(path: str) str[source]#

Saves the agent’s current memory to a JSON file.


path (str) – The file path to save the memory to.


Confirmation message.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.MeshyToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for 3D model generation using Meshy.

This class provides methods that handle text/image to 3D model generation using Meshy.

Call the generate_3d_model_complete method to generate a refined 3D model.


generate_3d_model_complete(prompt: str, art_style: str, negative_prompt: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Generates a complete 3D model by handling preview and refinement stages

  • prompt (str) – Description of the object.

  • art_style (str) – Art style for the 3D model.

  • negative_prompt (str) – What the model should not look like.


The final refined 3D model response.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

generate_3d_preview(prompt: str, art_style: str, negative_prompt: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Generates a 3D preview using the Meshy API.

  • prompt (str) – Description of the object.

  • art_style (str) – Art style for the 3D model.

  • negative_prompt (str) – What the model should not look like.


The result property of the response contains the

task id of the newly created Text to 3D task.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_task_status(task_id: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Retrieves the status or result of a specific 3D model generation task using the Meshy API.


task_id (str) – The ID of the task to retrieve.


The response from the Meshy API.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

refine_3d_model(preview_task_id: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Refines a 3D model using the Meshy API.


preview_task_id (str) – The task ID of the preview to refine.


The response from the Meshy API.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

wait_for_task_completion(task_id: str, polling_interval: int = 10, timeout: int = 3600) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Waits for a task to complete by polling its status.

  • task_id (str) – The ID of the task to monitor.

  • polling_interval (int) – Seconds to wait between status checks. (default: 10)

  • timeout (int) – Maximum seconds to wait before timing out. (default: 3600)


Final response from the API when task completes.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

  • TimeoutError – If task doesn’t complete within timeout period.

  • RuntimeError – If task fails or is canceled.

class camel.toolkits.MinerUToolkit(api_key: str | None = None, api_url: str | None = '', is_ocr: bool = False, enable_formula: bool = False, enable_table: bool = True, layout_model: str = 'doclayout_yolo', language: str = 'en', wait: bool = True, timeout: float = 300)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

Toolkit for extracting and processing document content

using MinerU API.

Provides comprehensive document processing capabilities including content extraction from URLs and files, with support for OCR, formula recognition, and table detection through the MinerU API service.


  • Maximum file size: 200MB per file

  • Maximum pages: 600 pages per file

  • Daily quota: 2000 pages for high-priority parsing

  • Network restrictions may affect certain URLs (e.g., GitHub, AWS)

extract_from_urls(urls: str | List[str]) Dict[source]#

Process and extract content from one or multiple URLs.


urls (str | List[str]) – Target URL or list of URLs for content extraction. Supports both single URL string and multiple URLs in a list.


Response containing either completed task results when wait

is True, or task/batch identifiers for status tracking when wait is False.

Return type:


get_batch_status(batch_id: str) Dict[source]#

Retrieve current status of a batch extraction task.


batch_id (str) – Unique identifier for the batch extraction task to check.


Comprehensive status information and results for all files

in the batch task.

Return type:



This is a low-level status checking method. For most use cases, prefer using batch_extract_from_urls with wait=True for automatic completion handling.

get_task_status(task_id: str) Dict[source]#

Retrieve current status of an individual extraction task.


task_id (str) – Unique identifier for the extraction task to check.


Status information and results (if task is completed) for

the specified task.

Return type:



This is a low-level status checking method. For most use cases, prefer using extract_from_url with wait=True for automatic completion handling.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Retrieve available toolkit functions as FunctionTool objects.


Collection of FunctionTool objects representing

the available document processing functions in this toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.NetworkXToolkit(graph_type: Literal['graph', 'digraph', 'multigraph', 'multidigraph'] = 'graph')[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

add_edge(source: str, target: str, **attributes: Any) None[source]#

Adds an edge to the graph.

  • source (str) – Source node ID.

  • target (str) – Target node ID.

  • attributes (dict) – Additional edge attributes.

add_node(node_id: str, **attributes: Any) None[source]#

Adds a node to the graph.

  • node_id (str) – The ID of the node.

  • attributes (dict) – Additional node attributes.

clear_graph() None[source]#

Clears the current graph.

compute_centrality() Dict[str, float][source]#

Computes centrality measures for the graph.


Centrality values for each node.

Return type:

Dict[str, float]

deserialize_graph(data: str) None[source]#

Loads a graph from a serialized JSON string.


data (str) – The JSON string representing the graph.

export_to_file(file_path: str) None[source]#

Exports the graph to a file in JSON format.


file_path (str) – The file path to save the graph.

get_edges() List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Returns all edges in the graph.


A list of edges as (source, target).

Return type:

List[Tuple[str, str]]

get_nodes() List[str][source]#

Returns all nodes in the graph.


A list of node IDs.

Return type:


get_shortest_path(source: str, target: str, weight: str | Callable | None = None, method: Literal['dijkstra', 'bellman-ford'] = 'dijkstra') List[str][source]#

Finds the shortest path between two nodes.

  • source (str) – The source node ID.

  • target (str) – The target node ID.

  • weight (None, str or function, optional) – Edge weights/distances. If None, every edge has weight/distance/cost 1. If string, use this edge attribute as the edge weight. If function, the weight of an edge is the value returned by the function. The function must accept three positional arguments: the two endpoints and the edge attribute dictionary. (default: None)

  • method (Literal['dijkstra', 'bellman-ford'], optional) – Algorithm to compute the path. Ignored if weight is None. (default: 'dijkstra')


A list of nodes in the shortest path.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects for the

toolkit methods.

Return type:


import_from_file(file_path: str) None[source]#

Imports a graph from a JSON file.


file_path (str) – The file path to load the graph from.

serialize_graph() str[source]#

Serializes the graph to a JSON string.


The serialized graph in JSON format.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.NotionToolkit(notion_token: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for retrieving information from the user’s notion pages.


The notion_token used to interact with notion APIs. (default: None)


Optional[str], optional


The notion module for interacting with the notion APIs.



get_notion_block_text_content(block_id: str) str[source]#

Retrieves the text content of a Notion block.


block_id (str) – The ID of the Notion block to retrieve.


The text content of a Notion block, containing all

the sub blocks.

Return type:


get_text_from_block(block: dict) str[source]#

Extracts plain text from a Notion block based on its type.


block (dict) – A dictionary representing a Notion block.


A string containing the extracted plain text and block type.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


list_all_pages() List[dict][source]#

Lists all pages in the Notion workspace.


A list of page objects with title and id.

Return type:


list_all_users() List[dict][source]#

Lists all users via the Notion integration.


A list of user objects with type, name, and workspace.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.OpenAPIToolkit[source]#

Bases: object

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with OpenAPI APIs.

This class provides methods for interacting with APIs based on OpenAPI specifications. It dynamically generates functions for each API operation defined in the OpenAPI specification, allowing users to make HTTP requests to the API endpoints.

apinames_filepaths_to_funs_schemas(apinames_filepaths: List[Tuple[str, str]]) Tuple[List[Callable], List[Dict[str, Any]]][source]#

Combines functions and schemas from multiple OpenAPI specifications, using API names as keys.

This function iterates over tuples of API names and OpenAPI spec file paths, parsing each spec to generate callable functions and schema dictionaries, all organized by API name.

Args: apinames_filepaths (List[Tuple[str, str]]): A list of tuples, where

each tuple consists of: - The API name (str) as the first element. - The file path (str) to the API’s OpenAPI specification file as

the second element.


Tuple[List[Callable], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:: one of callable

functions for API operations, and another of dictionaries representing the schemas from the specifications.

generate_apinames_filepaths() List[Tuple[str, str]][source]#

Generates a list of tuples containing API names and their corresponding file paths.

This function iterates over the OpenAPIName enum, constructs the file path for each API’s OpenAPI specification file, and appends a tuple of the API name and its file path to the list. The file paths are relative to the ‘open_api_specs’ directory located in the same directory as this script.


A list of tuples where each tuple contains

two elements. The first element of each tuple is a string representing the name of an API, and the second element is a string that specifies the file path to that API’s OpenAPI specification file.

Return type:

List[Tuple[str, str]]

generate_openapi_funcs(api_name: str, openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any]) List[Callable][source]#

Generates a list of Python functions based on OpenAPI specification.

This function dynamically creates a list of callable functions that represent the API operations defined in an OpenAPI specification document. Each function is designed to perform an HTTP request corresponding to an API operation (e.g., GET, POST) as defined in the specification. The functions are decorated with openapi_function_decorator, which configures them to construct and send the HTTP requests with appropriate parameters, headers, and body content.

  • api_name (str) – The name of the API, used to prefix generated function names.

  • openapi_spec (Dict[str, Any]) – The OpenAPI specification as a dictionary.


A list containing the generated functions. Each

function, when called, will make an HTTP request according to its corresponding API operation defined in the OpenAPI specification.

Return type:



ValueError – If the OpenAPI specification does not contain server information, which is necessary for determining the base URL for the API requests.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


openapi_function_decorator(api_name: str, base_url: str, path: str, method: str, openapi_security: List[Dict[str, Any]], sec_schemas: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], operation: Dict[str, Any]) Callable[source]#

Decorate a function to make HTTP requests based on OpenAPI specification details.

This decorator dynamically constructs and executes an API request based on the provided OpenAPI operation specifications, security requirements, and parameters. It supports operations secured with apiKey type security schemes and automatically injects the necessary API keys from environment variables. Parameters in path, query, header, and cookie are also supported.

  • api_name (str) – The name of the API, used to retrieve API key names and URLs from the configuration.

  • base_url (str) – The base URL for the API.

  • path (str) – The path for the API endpoint, relative to the base URL.

  • method (str) – The HTTP method (e.g., ‘get’, ‘post’) for the request.

  • openapi_security (List[Dict[str, Any]]) – The global security definitions as specified in the OpenAPI specs.

  • sec_schemas (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) – Detailed security schemes.

  • operation (Dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary containing the OpenAPI operation details, including parameters and request body definitions.


A decorator that, when applied to a function, enables the

function to make HTTP requests based on the provided OpenAPI operation details.

Return type:


  • TypeError – If the security requirements include unsupported types.

  • ValueError – If required API keys are missing from environment variables or if the content type of the request body is unsupported.

openapi_spec_to_openai_schemas(api_name: str, openapi_spec: Dict[str, Any]) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Convert OpenAPI specification to OpenAI schema format.

This function iterates over the paths and operations defined in an OpenAPI specification, filtering out deprecated operations. For each operation, it constructs a schema in a format suitable for OpenAI, including operation metadata such as function name, description, parameters, and request bodies. It raises a ValueError if an operation lacks a description or summary.

  • api_name (str) – The name of the API, used to prefix generated function names.

  • openapi_spec (Dict[str, Any]) – The OpenAPI specification as a dictionary.


A list of dictionaries, each representing a

function in the OpenAI schema format, including details about the function’s name, description, and parameters.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


ValueError – If an operation in the OpenAPI specification does not have a description or summary.


This function assumes that the OpenAPI specification follows the 3.0+ format.


parse_openapi_file(openapi_spec_path: str) Dict[str, Any] | None[source]#

Load and parse an OpenAPI specification file.

This function utilizes the prance.ResolvingParser to parse and resolve the given OpenAPI specification file, returning the parsed OpenAPI specification as a dictionary.


openapi_spec_path (str) – The file path or URL to the OpenAPI specification.


The parsed OpenAPI specification

as a dictionary. None if the package is not installed.

Return type:

Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

class camel.toolkits.OpenBBToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for accessing financial data and analysis through OpenBB Platform.

This toolkit provides methods for retrieving and analyzing financial market data, including stocks, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, economic indicators, and more through the OpenBB Platform SDK. For credential configuration, please refer to the OpenBB documentation .

get_available_indicators(provider: Literal['econdb', 'imf'] = 'econdb') List[source]#

Get list of available economic indicators.


provider (Literal["econdb", "imf"]) – Data provider. (default: econdb)


Available indicators.

Return type:


get_available_indices(provider: Literal['fmp', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp') List[source]#

Get list of available market indices.


provider (Literal["fmp", "yfinance"]) – Data provider. (default: fmp)


Available indices.

Return type:


get_company_profile(symbol: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'intrinio', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp') List[source]#

Get company profile information.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.).

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "intrinio", "yfinance"]) – Data provider. (default: fmp)


Company profile.

Return type:


get_dividend_calendar(start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None) List[source]#

Get dividend calendar with optional yield calculations.

  • start_date (Optional[str]) – Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)

  • end_date (Optional[str]) – End date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)


Dividend calendar.

Return type:


get_earnings_calendar(start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None) List[source]#

Get company earnings calendar with filtering and sorting options.

  • start_date (Optional[str]) – Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)

  • end_date (Optional[str]) – End date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)


Earnings calendar.

Return type:


get_economic_calendar(provider: Literal['fmp', 'tradingeconomics'] = 'fmp', start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None) List[source]#

Get economic calendar events.

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "tradingeconomics"]) – Data provider. (default: fmp)

  • start_date (Optional[str]) – Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)

  • end_date (Optional[str]) – End date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)


Economic calendar.

Return type:


get_financial_attributes(symbol: str, tag: str, frequency: Literal['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly'] = 'yearly') List[source]#

Get historical values for a specific financial attribute.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.).

  • tag (str) – Financial attribute tag (use search_financial_attributes to find tags).

  • (Literal["daily" (frequency) – “yearly”]): Data frequency, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “quarterly”, “yearly”. (default: yearly)

  • "weekly" – “yearly”]): Data frequency, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “quarterly”, “yearly”. (default: yearly)

  • "monthly" – “yearly”]): Data frequency, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “quarterly”, “yearly”. (default: yearly)

  • "quarterly" – “yearly”]): Data frequency, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”, “quarterly”, “yearly”. (default: yearly)

:param“yearly”]): Data frequency, “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly”,

“quarterly”, “yearly”. (default: yearly)


Historical values.

Return type:


get_financial_metrics(symbol: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'intrinio', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp', period: Literal['annual', 'quarter'] = 'annual', limit: int = 5) List[source]#

Get company financial metrics and ratios.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.).

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "intrinio", "yfinance"]) – Data source. (default: fmp)

  • period (Literal["annual", "quarter"]) – Reporting period, “annual”: Annual metrics, “quarter”: Quarterly metrics. (default: annual)

  • limit (int) – Number of periods to return. (default: 5)


Financial metric.

Return type:


get_financial_statement(symbol: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'intrinio', 'polygon', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp', statement_type: Literal['balance', 'income', 'cash'] = 'balance', period: Literal['annual', 'quarter'] = 'annual', limit: int = 5) List[source]#

Get company financial statements.

Access balance sheet, income statement, or cash flow statement data. Data availability and field names vary by provider and company type.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.).

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "intrinio", "polygon", "yfinance"]) – Data provider. (default: fmp)

  • statement_type (Literal["balance", "income", "cash"]) – Type of financial statement, “balance”: Balance sheet, “income”: Income statement, “cash”: Cash flow statement. (default: balance)

  • period (Literal["annual", "quarter"]) – Reporting period, “annual”: Annual reports, “quarter”: Quarterly reports. (default: annual)

  • limit (int) – Number of periods to return. (default: 5)


Financial statement data.

Return type:


get_historical_data(symbol: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'polygon', 'tiingo', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp', asset_type: Literal['equity', 'currency', 'crypto'] = 'equity', start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None, interval: Literal['1m', '5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '4h', '1d'] = '1d') List[source]#

Retrieves historical market data from OpenBB Platform providers.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.).

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "polygon", "tiingo", "yfinance"]) – Data source. (default: fmp)

  • asset_type (Literal["equity", "currency", "crypto"]) – Asset type. (default: equity)

  • start_date – Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If None, uses provider’s default lookback. (default: None)

  • end_date – End date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If None, uses current date. (default: None)

  • interval – Data frequency/timeframe. (default: 1d)


Historical market data.

Return type:


get_indicator_data(symbol: str, country: str, provider: Literal['econdb', 'imf'] = 'econdb') List[source]#

Get detailed metadata for an economic indicator.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.).

  • country (str) – Country code (e.g., ‘US’ for United States).

  • provider (Literal["econdb", "imf"]) – Data provider. (default: econdb)


Indicator data.

Return type:


get_ipo_calendar(start_date: str | None = None, end_date: str | None = None) List[source]#

Get IPO/SPO calendar with comprehensive filtering options.

  • start_date (Optional[str]) – Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)

  • end_date (Optional[str]) – End date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (default: None)


IPO/SPO calendar.

Return type:


get_market_data(category: Literal['gainers', 'losers', 'active'] = 'active') List[source]#

Get market movers data.


category (Literal["gainers", "losers", "active"]) – Type of market data. Must be ‘gainers’, ‘losers’, or ‘active’. (default: active)


Market movers data.

Return type:


get_stock_quote(symbol: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'intrinio', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp') List[source]#

Get current stock quote for a given symbol.

  • symbol (str) – Stock symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.)

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "intrinio", "yfinance"]) – Data source. (default: fmp)


Stock quote data in requested format

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of available OpenBB financial tools.


List of available tools.

Return type:


screen_market(provider: Literal['fmp', 'yfinance'] = 'fmp', country: str | None = None, exchange: str | None = None, sector: str | None = None, industry: str | None = None, mktcap_min: float | None = None, mktcap_max: float | None = None, beta_min: float | None = None, beta_max: float | None = None) List[source]#

Screen stocks based on market and fundamental criteria.

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "yfinance"]) – Data provider. (default: fmp)

  • country (Optional[str]) – Two-letter ISO country code (e.g., ‘US’, ‘IN’, ‘CN’). (default: None)

  • exchange (Optional[str]) – Stock exchange code (e.g., ‘NYSE’, ‘AMEX’, ‘NSE’). (default: None)

  • sector (Optional[str]) – Market sector (e.g., ‘Financial Services’, ‘Healthcare). (default: None)

  • industry (Optional[str]) – Industry within sector (e.g., ‘Banks—Regional’,’Drug Manufacturers’). (default: None)

  • mktcap_min (Optional[float]) – Minimum market cap in USD. (default: None)

  • mktcap_max (Optional[float]) – Maximum market cap in USD. (default: None)

  • beta_min (Optional[float]) – Minimum beta value. (default: None)

  • beta_max (Optional[float]) – Maximum beta value. (default: None)


Screened stocks.

Return type:


search_equity(query: str, provider: Literal['intrinio', 'sec'] = 'sec') List[source]#

Search for equity symbols and company information.

For SEC provider, an empty query (“”) returns the complete list of companies sorted by market cap.

  • query (str) – Search query (company name or symbol), use “” for complete SEC list.

  • provider (Literal["intrinio", "sec"]) – Data provider. Available options: - sec: SEC EDGAR Database (sorted by market cap) - intrinio: Intrinio Financial Data


Search results.

Return type:


search_etf(query: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'intrinio'] = 'fmp') List[source]#

Search for ETF information.

  • query (str) – Search query (ETF name or symbol).

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "intrinio"]) – Data provider. (default: fmp)


ETF search results.

Return type:


search_filings(symbol: str, provider: Literal['fmp', 'intrinio', 'sec'] = 'sec', form_type: str | None = None) List[source]#

Search for SEC filings by CIK or ticker symbol.

  • symbol (str) – Symbol to get data for (e.g., “MAXD”).

  • provider (Literal["fmp", "intrinio", "sec"]) – Data provider. (default: sec)

  • form_type (Optional[str]) – Filter by form type. Check the data provider for available types. Multiple comma separated items allowed for provider(s): sec. (default: None)


Filing search results.

Return type:


search_financial_attributes(query: str) List[source]#

Search for available financial attributes/tags.


query (str) – Search term (e.g., “marketcap”, “revenue”, “assets”).


Matching attributes.

Return type:


search_institution(query: str) List[source]#

Search for financial institutions in SEC database.


query (str) – Institution name to search (e.g., “Berkshire Hathaway”).


Institution search results.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.PubMedToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for interacting with PubMed’s E-utilities API to access MEDLINE data.

This toolkit provides functionality to search and retrieve papers from the PubMed database, including abstracts, citations, and other metadata.


timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout for API requests in seconds. (default: None)

BASE_URL = ''#
get_abstract(paper_id: str | int) str[source]#

Get the abstract of a specific biomedical paper from MEDLINE/ PubMed.


paper_id (Union[str, int]) – PubMed ID of the paper.


The abstract text.

Return type:


get_citation_count(paper_id: str | int) int[source]#

Get the number of citations for a biomedical paper in MEDLINE/ PubMed.


paper_id (Union[str, int]) – PubMed ID of the paper.


Number of citations, or 0 if retrieval fails.

Return type:


get_paper_details(paper_id: str | int, include_references: bool = False) Dict[str, Any] | None[source]#

Get detailed information about a specific biomedical paper from MEDLINE/PubMed.

  • paper_id (Union[str, int]) – PubMed ID of the paper.

  • include_references (bool, optional) – Whether to include referenced papers. (default: False)


Paper details including title, authors,

abstract, etc., or None if retrieval fails.

Return type:

Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Get biomedical papers related to a specific paper in MEDLINE/ PubMed.

  • paper_id (Union[str, int]) – PubMed ID of the paper.

  • max_results (int, optional) – Maximum number of results to return. (default: 10)


List of related papers with their metadata.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of tools provided by the PubMed toolkit.


List of available tools.

Return type:


search_papers(query: str, max_results: int = 10, sort: str = 'relevance', date_range: Dict[str, str] | None = None, publication_type: List[str] | None = None) List[Dict[str, str]][source]#

Search for biomedical papers in MEDLINE via PubMed with advanced filtering options.

  • query (str) – The search query string.

  • max_results (int, optional) – Maximum number of results to return. (default: 10)

  • sort (str, optional) – Sort order - ‘relevance’ or ‘date’. (default: "relevance")

  • date_range (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional) – Date range filter with ‘from’ and ‘to’ dates in YYYY/MM/DD format. (default: None)

  • publication_type (Optional[List[str]], optional) – Filter by publication types (e.g., [“Journal Article”, “Review”]). (default: None)


List of papers with their metadata.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, str]]

class camel.toolkits.RedditToolkit(retries: int = 3, delay: float = 0.0, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Reddit operations.

This toolkit provides methods to interact with the Reddit API, allowing users to collect top posts, perform sentiment analysis on comments, and track keyword discussions across multiple subreddits.


Number of retries for API requests in case of failure.




Delay between retries in seconds.




An instance of the Reddit client.



collect_top_posts(subreddit_name: str, post_limit: int = 5, comment_limit: int = 5) List[Dict[str, Any]] | str[source]#

Collects the top posts and their comments from a specified subreddit.

  • subreddit_name (str) – The name of the subreddit to collect posts from.

  • post_limit (int) – The maximum number of top posts to collect. Defaults to 5.

  • comment_limit (int) – The maximum number of top comments to collect per post. Defaults to 5.


A list of dictionaries, each

containing the post title and its top comments if success. String warming if credentials are not set.

Return type:

Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], str]

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects for the

toolkit methods.

Return type:


perform_sentiment_analysis(data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Performs sentiment analysis on the comments collected from Reddit posts.


data (List[Dict[str, Any]]) – A list of dictionaries containing Reddit post data and comments.


The original data with an added ‘Sentiment

Score’ for each comment.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

track_keyword_discussions(subreddits: List[str], keywords: List[str], post_limit: int = 10, comment_limit: int = 10, sentiment_analysis: bool = False) List[Dict[str, Any]] | str[source]#

Tracks discussions about specific keywords in specified subreddits.

  • subreddits (List[str]) – A list of subreddit names to search within.

  • keywords (List[str]) – A list of keywords to track in the subreddit discussions.

  • post_limit (int) – The maximum number of top posts to collect per subreddit. Defaults to 10.

  • comment_limit (int) – The maximum number of top comments to collect per post. Defaults to 10.

  • sentiment_analysis (bool) – If True, performs sentiment analysis on the comments. Defaults to False.


A list of dictionaries

containing the subreddit name, post title, comment body, and upvotes for each comment that contains the specified keywords if success. String warming if credentials are not set.

Return type:

Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], str]

class camel.toolkits.RetrievalToolkit(auto_retriever: AutoRetriever | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for information retrieval.

This class provides methods for retrieving information from a local vector storage system based on a specified query.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


information_retrieval(query: str, contents: str | List[str], top_k: int = 1, similarity_threshold: float = 0.7) str[source]#

Retrieves information from a local vector storage based on the specified query. This function connects to a local vector storage system and retrieves relevant information by processing the input query. It is essential to use this function when the answer to a question requires external knowledge sources.

  • query (str) – The question or query for which an answer is required.

  • contents (Union[str, List[str]]) – Local file paths, remote URLs or string contents.

  • top_k (int, optional) – The number of top results to return during retrieve. Must be a positive integer. Defaults to DEFAULT_TOP_K_RESULTS.

  • similarity_threshold (float, optional) – The similarity threshold for filtering results. Defaults to DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD.


The information retrieved in response to the query, aggregated

and formatted as a string.

Return type:



# Retrieve information about CAMEL AI. information_retrieval(query = “How to contribute to CAMEL AI?”,


class camel.toolkits.SearchToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for web search.

This class provides methods for searching information on the web using search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha, Brave.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


query_wolfram_alpha(query: str, is_detailed: bool = False) str | Dict[str, Any][source]#

Queries Wolfram|Alpha and returns the result. Wolfram|Alpha is an answer engine developed by Wolfram Research. It is offered as an online service that answers factual queries by computing answers from externally sourced data.

  • query (str) – The query to send to Wolfram Alpha.

  • is_detailed (bool) – Whether to include additional details including step by step information in the result. (default: False)


The result from Wolfram Alpha.

Returns a string if is_detailed is False, otherwise returns a dictionary with detailed information.

Return type:

Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]

search_baidu(query: str, max_results: int = 5) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Search Baidu using web scraping to retrieve relevant search results. This method queries Baidu’s search engine and extracts search results including titles, descriptions, and URLs.

  • query (str) – Search query string to submit to Baidu.

  • max_results (int) – Maximum number of results to return. (default: 5)


A dictionary containing search results or error


Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_bing(query: str, max_results: int = 5) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Use Bing search engine to search information for the given query.

This function queries the Chinese version of Bing search engine (cn. using web scraping to retrieve relevant search results. It extracts search results including titles, snippets, and URLs. This function is particularly useful when the query is in Chinese or when Chinese search results are desired.

  • query (str) – The search query string to submit to Bing. Works best with Chinese queries or when Chinese results are preferred.

  • max_results (int) – Maximum number of results to return. (default: 5)


A dictionary containing either:
  • ’results’: A list of dictionaries, each with:
    • ’result_id’: The index of the result.

    • ’snippet’: A brief description of the search result.

    • ’title’: The title of the search result.

    • ’link’: The URL of the search result.

  • or ‘error’: An error message if something went wrong.

Return type:

Dict ([str, Any])

search_bocha(query: str, freshness: str = 'noLimit', summary: bool = False, count: int = 10, page: int = 1) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Query the Bocha AI search API and return search results.

  • query (str) – The search query.

  • freshness (str) – Time frame filter for search results. Default is “noLimit”. Options include: - ‘noLimit’: no limit (default). - ‘oneDay’: past day. - ‘oneWeek’: past week. - ‘oneMonth’: past month. - ‘oneYear’: past year.

  • summary (bool) – Whether to include text summaries in results. Default is False.

  • count (int) – Number of results to return (1-50). Default is 10.

  • page (int) – Page number of results. Default is 1.


A dictionary containing search results, including

web pages, images, and videos if available. The structure follows the Bocha AI search API response format.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_brave(q: str, country: str = 'US', search_lang: str = 'en', ui_lang: str = 'en-US', count: int = 20, offset: int = 0, safesearch: str = 'moderate', freshness: str | None = None, text_decorations: bool = True, spellcheck: bool = True, result_filter: str | None = None, goggles_id: str | None = None, units: str | None = None, extra_snippets: bool | None = None, summary: bool | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

This function queries the Brave search engine API and returns a dictionary, representing a search result. See for more details.

  • q (str) – The user’s search query term. Query cannot be empty. Maximum of 400 characters and 50 words in the query.

  • country (str) – The search query country where results come from. The country string is limited to 2 character country codes of supported countries. For a list of supported values, see Country Codes. (default: :obj:`US `)

  • search_lang (str) – The search language preference. The 2 or more character language code for which search results are provided. For a list of possible values, see Language Codes.

  • ui_lang (str) – User interface language preferred in response. Usually of the format ‘<language_code>-<country_code>’. For more, see RFC 9110. For a list of supported values, see UI Language Codes.

  • count (int) – The number of search results returned in response. The maximum is 20. The actual number delivered may be less than requested. Combine this parameter with offset to paginate search results.

  • offset (int) – The zero based offset that indicates number of search results per page (count) to skip before returning the result. The maximum is 9. The actual number delivered may be less than requested based on the query. In order to paginate results use this parameter together with count. For example, if your user interface displays 20 search results per page, set count to 20 and offset to 0 to show the first page of results. To get subsequent pages, increment offset by 1 (e.g. 0, 1, 2). The results may overlap across multiple pages.

  • safesearch (str) –

    Filters search results for adult content. The following values are supported: - ‘off’: No filtering is done. - ‘moderate’: Filters explicit content, like images and videos,

    but allows adult domains in the search results.

    • ’strict’: Drops all adult content from search results.

  • freshness (Optional[str]) –

    Filters search results by when they were discovered: - ‘pd’: Discovered within the last 24 hours. - ‘pw’: Discovered within the last 7 Days. - ‘pm’: Discovered within the last 31 Days. - ‘py’: Discovered within the last 365 Days. - ‘YYYY-MM-DDtoYYYY-MM-DD’: Timeframe is also supported by

    specifying the date range e.g. ‘2022-04-01to2022-07-30’.

  • text_decorations (bool) – Whether display strings (e.g. result snippets) should include decoration markers (e.g. highlighting characters).

  • spellcheck (bool) – Whether to spellcheck provided query. If the spellchecker is enabled, the modified query is always used for search. The modified query can be found in altered key from the query response model.

  • result_filter (Optional[str]) – A comma delimited string of result types to include in the search response. Not specifying this parameter will return back all result types in search response where data is available and a plan with the corresponding option is subscribed. The response always includes query and type to identify any query modifications and response type respectively. Available result filter values are: - ‘discussions’ - ‘faq’ - ‘infobox’ - ‘news’ - ‘query’ - ‘summarizer’ - ‘videos’ - ‘web’ - ‘locations’

  • goggles_id (Optional[str]) – Goggles act as a custom re-ranking on top of Brave’s search index. For more details, refer to the Goggles repository.

  • units (Optional[str]) – The measurement units. If not provided, units are derived from search country. Possible values are: - ‘metric’: The standardized measurement system - ‘imperial’: The British Imperial system of units.

  • extra_snippets (Optional[bool]) – A snippet is an excerpt from a page you get as a result of the query, and extra_snippets allow you to get up to 5 additional, alternative excerpts. Only available under Free AI, Base AI, Pro AI, Base Data, Pro Data and Custom plans.

  • summary (Optional[bool]) – This parameter enables summary key generation in web search results. This is required for summarizer to be enabled.


A dictionary representing a search result.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_duckduckgo(query: str, source: str = 'text', max_results: int = 5) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Use DuckDuckGo search engine to search information for the given query.

This function queries the DuckDuckGo API for related topics to the given search term. The results are formatted into a list of dictionaries, each representing a search result.

  • query (str) – The query to be searched.

  • source (str) – The type of information to query (e.g., “text”, “images”, “videos”). Defaults to “text”.

  • max_results (int) – Max number of results, defaults to 5.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary

represents a search result.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

search_google(query: str, num_result_pages: int = 5) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Use Google search engine to search information for the given query.

  • query (str) – The query to be searched.

  • num_result_pages (int) – The number of result pages to retrieve.


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a website.

Each dictionary contains the following keys: - ‘result_id’: A number in order. - ‘title’: The title of the website. - ‘description’: A brief description of the website. - ‘long_description’: More detail of the website. - ‘url’: The URL of the website.

Example: {

’result_id’: 1, ‘title’: ‘OpenAI’, ‘description’: ‘An organization focused on ensuring that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.’, ‘long_description’: ‘OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company. Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole’, ‘url’: ‘


title, description, url of a website.

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

search_linkup(query: str, depth: Literal['standard', 'deep'] = 'standard', output_type: Literal['searchResults', 'sourcedAnswer', 'structured'] = 'searchResults', structured_output_schema: str | None = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Search for a query in the Linkup API and return results in various formats.

  • query (str) – The search query.

  • depth (Literal["standard", "deep"]) – The depth of the search. “standard” for a straightforward search, “deep” for a more comprehensive search.

  • (Literal["searchResults" (output_type) – “structured”]): The type of output: - “searchResults” for raw search results, - “sourcedAnswer” for an answer with supporting sources, - “structured” for output based on a provided schema.

  • "sourcedAnswer" – “structured”]): The type of output: - “searchResults” for raw search results, - “sourcedAnswer” for an answer with supporting sources, - “structured” for output based on a provided schema.

:param“structured”]): The type of output:
  • “searchResults” for raw search results,

  • “sourcedAnswer” for an answer with supporting sources,

  • “structured” for output based on a provided schema.


structured_output_schema (Optional[str]) – If output_type is “structured”, specify the schema of the output. Must be a string representing a valid object JSON schema.


A dictionary representing the search result. The

structure depends on the output_type. If an error occurs, returns an error message.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

search_wiki(entity: str) str[source]#
Search the entity in WikiPedia and return the summary of the

required page, containing factual information about the given entity.


entity (str) – The entity to be searched.


The search result. If the page corresponding to the entity

exists, return the summary of this entity in a string.

Return type:


Use Tavily Search API to search information for the given query.

  • query (str) – The query to be searched.

  • num_results (int) – The number of search results to retrieve (default is 5).

  • **kwargs

    Additional optional parameters supported by Tavily’s API: - search_depth (str): “basic” or “advanced” search depth. - topic (str): The search category, e.g., “general” or “news.” - days (int): Time frame in days for news-related searches. - max_results (int): Max number of results to return

    (overrides num_results).

    See api-reference for details.


A list of dictionaries representing search

results. Each dictionary contains: - ‘result_id’ (int): The result’s index. - ‘title’ (str): The title of the result. - ‘description’ (str): A brief description of the result. - ‘long_description’ (str): Detailed information, if available. - ‘url’ (str): The URL of the result. - ‘content’ (str): Relevant content from the search result. - ‘images’ (list): A list of related images (if

include_images is True).

  • ’published_date’ (str): Publication date for news topics (if available).

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]

class camel.toolkits.SemanticScholarToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for interacting with the Semantic Scholar API to fetch paper and author data.

fetch_author_data(ids: List[str], fields: List[str] | None = None, save_to_file: bool = False) dict[source]#

Fetches author information from the Semantic Scholar API based on author IDs.

  • ids (list) – A list of author IDs (as strings) to fetch data for.

  • fields (Optional[List[str]], optional) – The fields to include in the response (default: None). If not provided defaults to [“name”, “url”, “paperCount”, “hIndex”, “papers”].

  • save_to_file (bool, optional) – Whether to save the results to a file (default: False).


The response data from the API or error information if

the request fails.

Return type:


fetch_bulk_paper_data(query: str, year: str = '2023-', fields: List[str] | None = None) dict[source]#

Fetches MULTIPLE papers at once from the Semantic Scholar API based on a related topic.

  • query (str) – The text query to match against the paper’s title and abstract. For example, you can use the following operators and techniques to construct your query: Example 1: ((cloud computing) | virtualization) +security -privacy This will match papers whose title or abstract contains “cloud” and “computing”, or contains the word “virtualization”. The papers must also include the term “security” but exclude papers that contain the word “privacy”.

  • year (str, optional) – The year filter for papers (default: "2023-").

  • fields (Optional[List[str]], optional) – The fields to include in the response (default: None). If not provided defaults to [“title”, “url”, “publicationTypes”, “publicationDate”, “openAccessPdf”].


The response data from the API or error information if the

request fails.

Return type:


fetch_paper_data_id(paper_id: str, fields: List[str] | None = None) dict[source]#

Fetches a SINGLE paper from the Semantic Scholar API based on a paper ID.

  • paper_id (str) – The ID of the paper to fetch.

  • fields (Optional[List[str]], optional) – The fields to include in the response (default: None). If not provided defaults to [“title”, “abstract”, “authors”, “year”, “citationCount”, “publicationTypes”, “publicationDate”, “openAccessPdf”].


The response data from the API or error information

if the request fails.

Return type:


fetch_paper_data_title(paper_title: str, fields: List[str] | None = None) dict[source]#

Fetches a SINGLE paper from the Semantic Scholar API based on a paper title.

  • paper_title (str) – The title of the paper to fetch.

  • fields (Optional[List[str]], optional) – The fields to include in the response (default: None). If not provided defaults to [“title”, “abstract”, “authors”, “year”, “citationCount”, “publicationTypes”, “publicationDate”, “openAccessPdf”].


The response data from the API or error information if the

request fails.

Return type:


Fetches recommended papers from the Semantic Scholar API based on the positive and negative paper IDs.

  • positive_paper_ids (list) – A list of paper IDs (as strings) that are positively correlated to the recommendation.

  • negative_paper_ids (list) – A list of paper IDs (as strings) that are negatively correlated to the recommendation.

  • fields (Optional[List[str]], optional) – The fields to include in the response (default: None). If not provided defaults to [“title”, “url”, “citationCount”, “authors”, “publicationTypes”, “publicationDate”, “openAccessPdf”].

  • limit (int, optional) – The maximum number of recommended papers to return (default: 500).

  • save_to_file (bool, optional) – If True, saves the response data to a file (default: False).


A dictionary containing recommended papers sorted by

citation count.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.SlackToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Slack operations.

This class provides methods for Slack operations such as creating a new channel, joining an existing channel, leaving a channel.

create_slack_channel(name: str, is_private: bool | None = True) str[source]#

Creates a new slack channel, either public or private.

  • name (str) – Name of the public or private channel to create.

  • is_private (bool, optional) – Whether to create a private channel instead of a public one. Defaults to True.


JSON string containing information about Slack

channel created.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

delete_slack_message(time_stamp: str, channel_id: str) str[source]#

Delete a message to a Slack channel.

  • time_stamp (str) – Timestamp of the message to be deleted.

  • channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to delete message.


A confirmation message indicating whether the message

was delete successfully or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If an error occurs while sending the message.

get_slack_channel_information() str[source]#
Retrieve Slack channels and return relevant information in JSON



JSON string containing information about Slack channels.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

get_slack_channel_message(channel_id: str) str[source]#

Retrieve messages from a Slack channel.


channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to retrieve messages from.


JSON string containing filtered message data.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel message.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


join_slack_channel(channel_id: str) str[source]#

Joins an existing Slack channel.


channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to join.


A confirmation message indicating whether join successfully

or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

leave_slack_channel(channel_id: str) str[source]#

Leaves an existing Slack channel.


channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to leave.


A confirmation message indicating whether leave successfully

or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If there is an error during get slack channel information.

send_slack_message(message: str, channel_id: str, user: str | None = None) str[source]#

Send a message to a Slack channel.

  • message (str) – The message to send.

  • channel_id (str) – The ID of the Slack channel to send message.

  • user (Optional[str]) – The user ID of the recipient. Defaults to None.


A confirmation message indicating whether the message was sent

successfully or an error message.

Return type:



SlackApiError – If an error occurs while sending the message.

class camel.toolkits.StripeToolkit(retries: int = 3, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Stripe operations.

This toolkit provides methods to interact with the Stripe API, allowing users to operate stripe core resources, including Customer, Balance, BalanceTransaction, Payment, Refund

Use the Developers Dashboard to create an API keys as STRIPE_API_KEY.


a logger to write logs.



balance_get() str[source]#

Retrieve your account balance.


A str containing the account balance if successful, or an

error message string if failed.

Return type:


balance_transaction_list(limit: int = 100) str[source]#

List your balance transactions.


limit (int, optional) – Number of balance transactions to retrieve. (default:100)


A list of balance transaction data if successful, or an error

message string if failed.

Return type:


customer_get(customer_id: str) str[source]#

Retrieve a customer by ID.


customer_id (str) – The ID of the customer to retrieve.


The customer data as a str.

Return type:


customer_list(limit: int = 100) str[source]#

List customers.


limit (int, optional) – Number of customers to retrieve. (default: 100)


An output str if successful, or an error message string if


Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects for the

toolkit methods.

Return type:


handle_exception(func_name: str, error: Exception) str[source]#

Handle exceptions by logging and returning an error message.

  • func_name (str) – The name of the function where the exception occurred.

  • error (Exception) – The exception instance.


An error message string.

Return type:


payment_get(payment_id: str) str[source]#

Retrieve a payment by ID.


payment_id (str) – The ID of the payment to retrieve.


The payment data as a str if successful, or an error message

string if failed.

Return type:


payment_list(limit: int = 100) str[source]#

List payments.


limit (int, optional) – Number of payments to retrieve. (default:100)


A list of payment data if successful, or an error message

string if failed.

Return type:


refund_get(refund_id: str) str[source]#

Retrieve a refund by ID.


refund_id (str) – The ID of the refund to retrieve.


The refund data as a str if successful, or an error message

string if failed.

Return type:


refund_list(limit: int = 100) str[source]#

List refunds.


limit (int, optional) – Number of refunds to retrieve. (default:100)


A list of refund data as a str if successful, or an error

message string if failed.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.SymPyToolkit(default_variable: str = 'x', timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for performing symbolic computations using SymPy. This includes methods for Algebraic manipulation calculus and Linear Algebra.

check_continuity(expression: str, variable: str, point: float) str[source]#

Checks if an expression is continuous at a given point.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression to check for continuity, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which continuity is checked.

  • point (float) – The point at which the continuity of the expression is checked.


JSON string containing the result of the continuity check in

the “result” field. The result will be “True” if the expression is continuous at the given point, otherwise “False”. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_determinant(matrix: List[List[float]]) str[source]#

Computes the determinant of a matrix.


matrix (List[List[float]]) – A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the determinant is to be computed.


JSON string containing the determinant of the matrix in the

”result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_eigenvalues(matrix: List[List[float]]) str[source]#

Computes the eigenvalues of a matrix.


matrix (List[List[float]]) – A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the eigenvalues are to be computed.


JSON string containing the eigenvalues of the matrix in the

”result” field. The eigenvalues are represented as a dictionary where keys are the eigenvalues (as strings) and values are their multiplicities (as strings). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_eigenvectors(matrix: List[List[float]]) str[source]#

Computes the eigenvectors of a matrix.


matrix (List[List[float]]) – A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the eigenvectors are to be computed.


JSON string containing the eigenvectors of the matrix in the

”result” field. Each eigenvalue is represented as a dictionary with the following keys: - “eigenvalue”: The eigenvalue (as a string). - “multiplicity”: The multiplicity of the eigenvalue (as an integer). - “eigenvectors”: A list of eigenvectors (each represented as a string).

If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_inner_product(vector1: List[float], vector2: List[float]) str[source]#

Computes the inner (dot) product of two vectors.

  • vector1 (List[float]) – The first vector as a list of floats.

  • vector2 (List[float]) – The second vector as a list of floats.


JSON string containing the inner product in the “result”

field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:



ValueError – If the vectors have different dimensions.

compute_inverse(matrix: List[List[float]]) str[source]#

Computes the inverse of a matrix.


matrix (List[List[float]]) – A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the inverse is to be computed.


JSON string containing the inverse of the matrix in the

”result” field. The inverse is represented in a symbolic matrix format. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_limit(expression: str, variable: str, point: float) str[source]#

Computes the limit of an expression as a variable approaches a point.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression for which the limit is to be computed, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the limit is computed.

  • point (float) – The point that the variable approaches.


JSON string containing the computed limit of the expression

in the “result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_nullspace(matrix: List[List[float]]) str[source]#

Computes the null space of a matrix.


matrix (List[List[float]]) – A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the null space is to be computed.


JSON string containing the null space of the matrix in the

”result” field. The null space is represented as a list of basis vectors, where each vector is given as a string in symbolic format. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


compute_rank(matrix: List[List[float]]) str[source]#

Computes the rank of a matrix.


matrix (List[List[float]]) – A two-dimensional list representing the matrix for which the rank is to be computed.


JSON string containing the rank of the matrix in the

”result” field. The rank is represented as an integer. If an error occurs,the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


definite_integral(expression: str, variable: str, lower: float, upper: float) str[source]#

Computes the definite integral of an expression within given bounds.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression to integrate, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the definite integration is performed.

  • lower (float) – The lower limit of the integration.

  • upper (float) – The upper limit of the integration.


JSON string containing the result of the definite integral

in the “result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


differentiate(expression: str, variable: str | None = None) str[source]#

Differentiates an expression with respect to a variable.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression to differentiate, provided as a string.

  • variable (str, optional) – The variable with respect to which the differentiation is performed. If not specified, the default variable is used.


JSON string containing the derivative of the expression in the

”result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


expand_expression(expression: str) str[source]#

Expands an algebraic expression.


expression (str) – The algebraic expression to expand, provided as a string.


JSON string containing the expanded algebraic expression

in the “result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


factor_expression(expression: str) str[source]#

Factors an algebraic expression.


expression (str) – The algebraic expression to factor, provided as a string.


JSON string containing the factored algebraic expression

in the “result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


find_critical_points(expression: str, variable: str) str[source]#

Finds the critical points of an expression by setting its derivative to zero.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression for which critical points are to be found, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the critical points are determined.


JSON string containing the critical points of the expression

in the “result” field. The critical points are returned as a list of values corresponding to the variable. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


find_roots(expression: str) str[source]#

Finds the roots of a polynomial or algebraic equation.


expression (str) – The polynomial or algebraic equation for which the roots are to be found, provided as a string.


JSON string containing the roots of the expression in the

”result” field. The roots are represented as a list of solutions. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include a “status” field set to “error” and a “message” field with the corresponding error description.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Exposes the tool’s methods to the agent framework.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the toolkit’s methods, making them accessible to the agent.

Return type:


handle_exception(func_name: str, error: Exception) str[source]#

Handles exceptions by logging and returning error details.

  • func_name (str) – The name of the function where the

  • occurred. (exception)

  • error (Exception) – The exception object containing

  • error. (details about the)


JSON string containing the error details.

The JSON includes: - “status”: Always set to “error”. - “message”: A string representation of the exception message.

Return type:


integrate(expression: str, variable: str | None = None) str[source]#

Integrates an expression with respect to a variable.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression to integrate, provided as a string.

  • variable (str, optional) – The variable with respect to which the integration is performed. If not specified, the default variable is used.


JSON string containing the integral of the expression in the

”result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


polynomial_coefficients(expression: str, variable: str) str[source]#

Returns the coefficients of a polynomial.

  • expression (str) – The polynomial expression from which the coefficients are to be extracted, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the polynomial coefficients are determined.


JSON string containing the list of coefficients of the

polynomial in the “result” field. The coefficients are ordered from the highest degree term to the constant term. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an `”error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


polynomial_degree(expression: str, variable: str) str[source]#

Returns the degree of a polynomial.

  • expression (str) – The polynomial expression for which the degree is to be determined, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the degree of the polynomial is calculated.


JSON string containing the degree of the polynomial in the

”result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


polynomial_representation(expression: str, variable: str) str[source]#

Represents an expression as a polynomial.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression to represent as a polynomial, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the polynomial representation will be created.


JSON string containing the polynomial representation of the

expression in the “result” field. The polynomial is returned in a symbolic format. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


reduce_inequalities(inequalities: List[str]) str[source]#

Reduces a system of inequalities.


inequalities (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the inequalities to be reduced.


JSON string containing the reduced system of inequalities

in the “result” field. The solution is represented in a symbolic format (e.g., combined intervals or expressions). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


series_expansion(expression: str, variable: str, point: float, order: int) str[source]#

Expands an expression into a Taylor series around a given point up to a specified order.

  • expression (str) – The mathematical expression to expand, provided as a string.

  • variable (str) – The variable with respect to which the series expansion is performed.

  • point (float) – The point around which the Taylor series is expanded.

  • order (int) – The order up to which the series expansion is

  • computed.


JSON string containing the Taylor series expansion of the

expression in the “result” field. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


simplify_expression(expression: str) str[source]#

Simplifies a mathematical expression.


expression (str) – The mathematical expression to simplify, provided as a string.


JSON string containing the simplified mathematical

expression in the “result” field. If an error occurs, the “status” field will be set to “error” with a corresponding “message”.

Return type:


solve_equation(sympy_equation: str, variable: str | None = None) str[source]#

Solves an equation for a specific variable.

  • sympy_equation (str) – The equation to solve, must be compatible with SymPy, provided as a string.

  • variable (str, optional) – The variable to solve for. If not specified, the function will use the default variable.


JSON string containing the solutions to the equation in the

”result” field. Each solution is represented as a string. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


solve_linear_system(equations: List[str], variables: List[str]) str[source]#

Solves a system of linear equations.

  • equations (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the linear equations to be solved.

  • variables (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the variables involved in the equations.


JSON string containing the solution to the system of equations

in the “result” field. Each solution is represented as a tuple of values corresponding to the variables. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


solve_nonlinear_system(sympy_equations: List[str], variables: List[str]) str[source]#

Solves a system of nonlinear equations.

  • sympy_equations (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the nonlinear equations to be solved. The equation to solve, must be compatible with SymPy, provided as a string.

  • variables (List[str]) – A list of strings representing the variables involved in the equations.


JSON string containing the solutions to the system of

equations in the “result” field. Each solution is represented as a tuple of values corresponding to the variables. If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


solve_univariate_inequality(inequality: str, variable: str) str[source]#

Solves a single-variable inequality.

  • inequality (str) – A string representing the inequality to be solved.

  • variable (str) – The variable in the inequality.


JSON string containing the solution to the inequality in the

”result” field. The solution is represented in a symbolic format (e.g., intervals or expressions). If an error occurs, the JSON string will include an “error” field with the corresponding error message.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.TerminalToolkit(timeout: float | None = None, shell_sessions: Dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for terminal operations across multiple operating systems.

This toolkit provides a set of functions for terminal operations such as searching for files by name or content, executing shell commands, and managing terminal sessions.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout for terminal operations.

  • shell_sessions (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – A dictionary to store shell session information. If None, an empty dictionary will be used.


Most functions are compatible with Unix-based systems (macOS, Linux). For Windows compatibility, additional implementation details are needed.

file_find_by_name(path: str, glob: str) str[source]#

Find files by name pattern in specified directory.

  • path (str) – Absolute path of directory to search.

  • glob (str) – Filename pattern using glob syntax wildcards.


List of files matching the pattern.

Return type:


file_find_in_content(file: str, regex: str, sudo: bool = False) str[source]#

Search for matching text within file content.

  • file (str) – Absolute path of the file to search within.

  • regex (str) – Regular expression pattern to match.

  • sudo (bool, optional) – Whether to use sudo privileges. Defaults to False. Note: Using sudo requires the process to have appropriate permissions.


Matching content found in the file.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing the

functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


shell_exec(id: str, exec_dir: str, command: str) str[source]#

Execute commands in a specified shell session.

  • id (str) – Unique identifier of the target shell session.

  • exec_dir (str) – Working directory for command execution (must use absolute path).

  • command (str) – Shell command to execute.


Output of the command execution or error message.

Return type:


shell_kill_process(id: str) str[source]#

Terminate a running process in a specified shell session.


id (str) – Unique identifier of the target shell session.


Status message indicating whether the process was terminated.

Return type:


shell_view(id: str) str[source]#

View the content of a specified shell session.


id (str) – Unique identifier of the target shell session.


Current output content of the shell session.

Return type:


shell_wait(id: str, seconds: int | None = None) str[source]#

Wait for the running process in a specified shell session to return.

  • id (str) – Unique identifier of the target shell session.

  • seconds (Optional[int], optional) – Wait duration in seconds. If None, wait indefinitely. Defaults to None.


Final output content after waiting.

Return type:


shell_write_to_process(id: str, input: str, press_enter: bool) str[source]#

Write input to a running process in a specified shell session.

  • id (str) – Unique identifier of the target shell session.

  • input (str) – Input content to write to the process.

  • press_enter (bool) – Whether to press Enter key after input.


Status message indicating whether the input was sent.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.ThinkingToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A toolkit for recording thoughts during reasoning processes.


A list to store the recorded thoughts.



get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Get all tools in the toolkit.


A list of tools.

Return type:


think(thought: str) str[source]#

Use the tool to think about something. It will not obtain new information or change the database, but just append the thought to the log. Use it when complex reasoning or some cache memory is needed.


thought (str) – A thought to think about.


The full log of thoughts including the new thought.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.TwitterToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for Twitter operations.

This class provides methods for creating a tweet, deleting a tweet, and getting the authenticated user’s profile information.



To use this toolkit, you need to set the following environment variables: - TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: The consumer key for the Twitter API. - TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: The consumer secret for the Twitter API. - TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token for the Twitter API. - TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: The access token secret for the Twitter


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.VideoAnalysisToolkit(download_directory: str | None = None, model: BaseModelBackend | None = None, use_audio_transcription: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class for analysing videos with vision-language model.

  • download_directory (Optional[str], optional) – The directory where the video will be downloaded to. If not provided, video will be stored in a temporary directory and will be cleaned up after use. (default: None)

  • model (Optional[BaseModelBackend], optional) – The model to use for visual analysis. (default: None)

  • use_audio_transcription (bool, optional) – Whether to enable audio transcription using OpenAI’s audio models. Requires a valid OpenAI API key. When disabled, video analysis will be based solely on visual content. (default: False)

ask_question_about_video(video_path: str, question: str, num_frames: int = 28) str[source]#

Ask a question about the video.

  • video_path (str) – The path to the video file. It can be a local file or a URL (such as Youtube website).

  • question (str) – The question to ask about the video.

  • num_frames (int) – The number of frames to extract from the video. To be adjusted based on the length of the video. (default: 28)


The answer to the question.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.VideoDownloaderToolkit(download_directory: str | None = None, cookies_path: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class for downloading videos and optionally splitting them into chunks.

  • download_directory (Optional[str], optional) – The directory where the video will be downloaded to. If not provided, video will be stored in a temporary directory and will be cleaned up after use. (default: None)

  • cookies_path (Optional[str], optional) – The path to the cookies file for the video service in Netscape format. (default: None)

download_video(url: str) str[source]#

Download the video and optionally split it into chunks.

yt-dlp will detect if the video is downloaded automatically so there is no need to check if the video exists.


The path to the downloaded video file.

Return type:


get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


get_video_bytes(video_path: str) bytes[source]#

Download video by the path, and return the content in bytes.


video_path (str) – The path to the video file.


The video file content in bytes.

Return type:


get_video_screenshots(video_path: str, amount: int) List[Image][source]#

Capture screenshots from the video at specified timestamps or by dividing the video into equal parts if an integer is provided.

  • video_url (str) – The URL of the video to take screenshots.

  • amount (int) – the amount of evenly split screenshots to capture.


A list of screenshots as Image.Image.

Return type:


class camel.toolkits.WeatherToolkit(timeout: float | None = None)[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with weather data.

This class provides methods for fetching weather data for a given city using the OpenWeatherMap API.

get_openweathermap_api_key() str[source]#

Retrieve the OpenWeatherMap API key from environment variables.


The OpenWeatherMap API key.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If the API key is not found in the environment

  • variables.

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects

representing the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


get_weather_data(city: str, temp_units: Literal['kelvin', 'celsius', 'fahrenheit'] = 'kelvin', wind_units: Literal['meters_sec', 'miles_hour', 'knots', 'beaufort'] = 'meters_sec', visibility_units: Literal['meters', 'miles'] = 'meters', time_units: Literal['unix', 'iso', 'date'] = 'unix') str[source]#

Fetch and return a comprehensive weather report for a given city as a string. The report includes current weather conditions, temperature, wind details, visibility, and sunrise/sunset times, all formatted as a readable string.

The function interacts with the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve the data.

  • city (str) – The name of the city for which the weather information is desired. Format “City, CountryCode” (e.g., “Paris, FR” for Paris, France). If the country code is not provided, the API will search for the city in all countries, which may yield incorrect results if multiple cities with the same name exist.

  • temp_units (Literal['kelvin', 'celsius', 'fahrenheit']) – Units for temperature. (default: kelvin)

  • wind_units – (Literal[‘meters_sec’, ‘miles_hour’, ‘knots’, ‘beaufort’]): Units for wind speed. (default: meters_sec)

  • visibility_units (Literal['meters', 'miles']) – Units for visibility distance. (default: meters)

  • time_units (Literal['unix', 'iso', 'date']) – Format for sunrise and sunset times. (default: unix)


A string containing the fetched weather data, formatted in a

readable manner. If an error occurs, a message indicating the error will be returned instead.

Return type:


Example of return string:

“Weather in Paris, FR: 15°C, feels like 13°C. Max temp: 17°C, Min temp : 12°C. Wind: 5 m/s at 270 degrees. Visibility: 10 kilometers. Sunrise at 05:46:05 (UTC), Sunset at 18:42:20 (UTC).”


Please ensure that the API key is valid and has permissions

to access the weather data.

class camel.toolkits.ZapierToolkit[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

A class representing a toolkit for interacting with Zapier’s NLA API.

This class provides methods for executing Zapier actions through natural language commands, allowing integration with various web services and automation of workflows through the Zapier platform.


The API key for authenticating with Zapier’s API.




The base URL for Zapier’s API endpoints.



execute_action(action_id: str, instructions: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Execute a specific Zapier action using natural language instructions.

  • action_id (str) – The ID of the Zapier action to execute.

  • instructions (str) – Natural language instructions for executing the action. For example: “Send an email to with subject ‘Hello’ and body ‘How are you?’”


The result of the action execution, including

status and any output data.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_execution_result(execution_id: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Get the execution result of a Zapier action.


execution_id (str) – The execution ID returned from execute_action.


The execution result containing status, logs,

and any output data from the action execution.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

get_tools() List[FunctionTool][source]#

Returns a list of FunctionTool objects representing the functions in the toolkit.


A list of FunctionTool objects representing

the functions in the toolkit.

Return type:


list_actions() Dict[str, Any][source]#

List all available Zapier actions.


A dictionary containing the list of available


Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

preview_action(action_id: str, instructions: str) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Preview a specific Zapier action using natural language instructions.

  • action_id (str) – The ID of the Zapier action to preview.

  • instructions (str) – Natural language instructions for previewing the action. For example: “Send an email to with subject ‘Hello’ and body ‘How are you?’”


The preview result showing what parameters would

be used if the action were executed.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

camel.toolkits.generate_docstring(code: str, model: BaseModelBackend | None = None) str[source]#

Generates a docstring for a given function code using LLM.

This function leverages a language model to generate a PEP 8/PEP 257-compliant docstring for a provided Python function. If no model is supplied, a default gpt-4o-mini is used.

  • code (str) – The source code of the function.

  • model (Optional[BaseModelBackend]) – An optional language model backend instance. If not provided, a default gpt-4o-mini is used.


The generated docstring.

Return type:


camel.toolkits.get_openai_function_schema(func: Callable) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Generates a schema dict for an OpenAI function based on its signature.

This function is deprecated and will be replaced by get_openai_tool_schema() in future versions. It parses the function’s parameters and docstring to construct a JSON schema-like dictionary.


func (Callable) – The OpenAI function to generate the schema for.


A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the

function, including its name, description, and parameter specifications.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

camel.toolkits.get_openai_tool_schema(func: Callable) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Generates an OpenAI JSON schema from a given Python function.

This function creates a schema compatible with OpenAI’s API specifications, based on the provided Python function. It processes the function’s parameters, types, and docstrings, and constructs a schema accordingly.


  • Each parameter in func must have a type annotation; otherwise, it’s treated as ‘Any’.

  • Variable arguments (*args) and keyword arguments (**kwargs) are not supported and will be ignored.

  • A functional description including a brief and detailed explanation should be provided in the docstring of func.

  • All parameters of func must be described in its docstring.

  • Supported docstring styles: ReST, Google, Numpydoc, and Epydoc.


func (Callable) – The Python function to be converted into an OpenAI JSON schema.


A dictionary representing the OpenAI JSON schema of

the provided function.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]