
1. Concept#

The prompt module guides AI models to produce accurate, contextually relevant and personalized outputs. It includes various prompt templates and dictionaries designed for different tasks such as role descriptions, code generation, evaluation, text embedding, misalignment tasks, object recognition and so on. You can also create your own prompt to tailor your own AI agent.

2. Get Started#

2.1 Using Prompt Templates#

CAMEL provides various and comprehensive prompt templates for users to easily create AI specialists. For example, here we aggregate them to create a task-specific agent:

from camel.agents import TaskSpecifyAgent
from camel.configs import ChatGPTConfig
from camel.models import ModelFactory
from camel.types import ModelPlatformType, ModelType, TaskType

model = ModelFactory.create(
task_specify_agent = TaskSpecifyAgent(
    model=model, task_type=TaskType.AI_SOCIETY
specified_task_prompt =
    task_prompt="Improving stage presence and performance skills",
        assistant_role="Musician", user_role="Student", word_limit=100

print(f"Specified task prompt:\n{specified_task_prompt}\n")

Set task_type=TaskType.AI_SOCIETY when creating a task specify agent and it will automatically evoke prompt with template AISocietyPromptTemplateDict.TASK_SPECIFY_PROMPT . You can set the role that you want the assistant to play. The output will be like this:

>> Response:
Musician will help Student enhance stage presence by practicing engaging eye contact, dynamic movement, and expressive gestures during a mock concert, followed by a review session with video playback to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

2.2 Using Your Own Prompt#

CAMEL also ensures high flexibility for users to create identical prompts. Still using TaskSpecifyAgent as an example, here is a demo for you to pass your own prompt template:

from camel.agents import TaskSpecifyAgent
from camel.configs import ChatGPTConfig
from camel.models import ModelFactory
from camel.prompts import TextPrompt
from camel.types import ModelPlatformType, ModelType

model = ModelFactory.create(

my_prompt_template = TextPrompt(
    'Here is a task: I\'m a {occupation} and I want to {task}. Help me to make this task more specific.'
)  # Write anything you would like to use as prompt template
task_specify_agent = TaskSpecifyAgent(
    model=model, task_specify_prompt=my_prompt_template
response =
    task_prompt="get promotion",
    meta_dict=dict(occupation="Software Engineer"),

The response will be like this:

>>> Response:
Certainly! To make the task of getting a promotion more specific, you can break it down into actionable steps and set clear, measurable goals. Here’s a more detailed plan:

### 1. **Set Clear Objectives**
   - **Identify the Promotion Criteria:** Understand what skills, achievements, and experiences are required for the promotion.
   - **Define Your Desired Position:** Specify the role or title you are aiming for.

### 2. **Skill Development**
   - **Technical Skills:** Identify any technical skills that are necessary for the promotion and create a plan to acquire or improve them (e.g., mastering a new programming language, learning about system architecture, etc.).
   - **Soft Skills:** Focus on improving soft skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork.

## 3. Introduction to `CodePrompt` Class

In this part, we will explore the `CodePrompt` class, which is a class that represents a code prompt. It extends the `TextPrompt` class, which in turn extends the built-in `str` class. The `CodePrompt` class provides additional functionality related to code execution and handling.

### Importing the `CodePrompt` Class

To use the `CodePrompt` class, you need to import it. Here's an example of how to import the class:

from camel.prompts import CodePrompt

Creating a CodePrompt Instance#

To create a CodePrompt instance, you can simply instantiate the class, providing the code string and the code type as an input argument.

code_prompt = CodePrompt("a = 1 + 1", code_type="python")

In this example, we create a CodePrompt instance with the code string "a = 1 + 1". We also specify the code type as "python". The code type can be set to None if not needed.

Accessing the Code and Code Type#

Once you have a CodePrompt instance, you can access the code string and code type as following:

  • code_prompt: Accesses the code string of the prompt.

  • code_type: Accesses the type of code associated with the prompt.

# >>> "a = 1 + 1"

# >>> "python"

Modifying the Code Type#

If you need to change the code type associated with a CodePrompt instance, you can use the set_code_type method. This method takes a code type as a parameter and updates the code type of the instance.

code_prompt = CodePrompt("a = 1 + 1")
# >>> None

# >>> "python"

In this example, we change the code type of the CodePrompt instance from None to "python".

Executing the Code#

The CodePrompt class provides a method called execute that allows you to execute the code string associated with the prompt. It returns a string containing the stdout and stderr.

code_prompt = CodePrompt("a = 1 + 1\nb = a + 1\nprint(a,b)", code_type="python")
output = code_prompt.execute()
# Running code? [Y/n]: y
# >>> 2 3

4. Write Your Prompts with the TextPrompt Class#

In this part, we will explore the TextPrompt class and understand its functionalities. The TextPrompt class is a subclass of the built-in str class and provides additional features for working with text prompts. We will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to the TextPrompt class

  • Using the TextPrompt class

Introduction to the TextPrompt class#

The TextPrompt class represents a text prompt and extends the functionality of the str class. It provides a property called key_words, which returns a set of strings representing the key words in the prompt.

Here’s an example of how to use the TextPrompt class:

from camel.prompts import TextPrompt

prompt = TextPrompt('Please enter your name and age: {name}, {age}')
>>> 'Please enter your name and age: {name}, {age}'

In the above example, we create a TextPrompt instance with a format string containing key words for name and age. We can print TextPrompt like Python str.

Using the TextPrompt class#

Once we have created a TextPrompt instance, we can use various methods and properties provided by the class to manipulate and work with the text prompt.

The key_words property#

The key_words property returns a set of strings representing the key words in the prompt.

from camel.prompts import TextPrompt

prompt = TextPrompt('Please enter your name and age: {name}, {age}')
>>> {'name', 'age'}

In the above example, the key_words property returns a set of strings representing the key words in the prompt, which in this case are ‘name’ and ‘age’.

The format method#

The format method overrides the built-in str.format method to allow for partial formatting values in the format string. It replaces the key words in the format string with the provided values.

from camel.prompts import TextPrompt

prompt = TextPrompt('Your name and age are: {name}, {age}')

name, age = 'John', 30
formatted_prompt = prompt.format(name=name, age=age)
>>> "Your name and age are: John, 30"

In the above example, we use the format method to replace the key words {name} and {age} with the values ‘John’ and 30, respectively.

We can also perform partial formatting by providing only some of the values:

from camel.prompts import TextPrompt

prompt = TextPrompt('Your name and age are: {name}, {age}')

name = 'John'
partial_formatted_prompt = prompt.format(name=name)
>>> "Your name and age are: John, {age}"

In the above example, we provide only the value for the name key word, while the age key word remains as it is. This will be helpful when we want to format different key words of TextPrompt in different agents.

Manipulating TextPrompt instances#

We can perform various string manipulation operations on TextPrompt instances, such as concatenation, joining, and applying string methods like Python str.

from camel.prompts import TextPrompt

prompt1 = TextPrompt('Hello, {name}!')
prompt2 = TextPrompt('Welcome, {name}!')

# Concatenation
prompt3 = prompt1 + ' ' + prompt2
>>> "Hello, {name}! Welcome, {name}!"

print(isinstance(prompt3, TextPrompt))
>>> True

>>> {'name'}

# Joining
prompt4 = TextPrompt(' ').join([prompt1, prompt2])
>>> "Hello, {name}! Welcome, {name}!"

print(isinstance(prompt4, TextPrompt))
>>> True

>>> {'name'}

# Applying string methods
prompt5 = prompt4.upper()

print(isinstance(prompt5, TextPrompt))
>>> True

>>> {'NAME'}

In the above example, we demonstrate concatenation using the + operator, joining using the join method, and applying the upper method to a TextPrompt instance. The resulting prompts are also instances of TextPrompt.

5. Supported Prompt Templates#

5.1 AISocietyPromptTemplateDict#

This class defines prompts used in the AI Society task with role playing and task handling. For more information about AI Society usage, please refer to corresponding documentation. Template text prompts (defined as attributes) include:

  • GENERATE_ASSISTANTS: Prompt to list specified number of roles that the AI assistant can play.

  • GENERATE_USERS: Prompt to list common groups of internet users or occupations.

  • GENERATE_TASKS: Prompt to list diverse tasks for AI assistants.

  • TASK_SPECIFY_PROMPT: Specifies a task in more detail with spcified assistant role and user role.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Rules of the conversation and instructions for completing tasks.

  • USER_PROMPT: Rules of the conversation and instructions for giving instructions to the AI assistant.

  • CRITIC_PROMPT: Provides selection criteria for critics when choosing proposals from other roles.

5.2 CodePromptTemplateDict#

This class defines prompts for code-related tasks including generating programming languages, domains, tasks, and provide guidelines for AI assistants and users in coding scenarios. Template text prompts include:

  • GENERATE_LANGUAGES: Prompt to list specified number of computer programming languages.

  • GENERATE_DOMAINS: Prompt to list common fields of study that programming could help with.

  • GENERATE_TASKS: Prompt to list diverse tasks that AI assistant can assist for programmers.

  • TASK_SPECIFY_PROMPT: Prompt to specify a task in more detail.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Rules of the conversation and instructions for completing tasks.

  • USER_PROMPT: Outlines rules for conversation and for users instructing AI coders.

5.3 EvaluationPromptTemplateDict#

This class defines prompts that generate questions to evaluate knowledge. Template text prompt includes:

  • GENERATE_QUESTIONS: Prompt to generate a set of questions for evaluating knowledge emergence with preliminary knowledge in specific fields. You may provide some examples to enhance its generation quality.

5.4 GenerateTextEmbeddingDataPromptTemplateDict#

This class defines prompts for generating text embedding tasks. These prompts are used to create synthetic data for improving text embeddings. Template text prompts include:

  • GENERATE_TASKS: Prompt to generate specified number of synthetic text_embedding tasks.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Prompt to generate synthetic user queries in JSON format, positive documents, and hard negative documents for specified tasks.

5.5 MisalignmentPromptTemplateDict#

This class defines some misleading prompts to break the AI model alignments. Template text prompts include:

  • DAN_PROMPT: Prompt to role-playing as DAN (Do Anything Now) for jailbreaking. All the following templates in this dictionary includes DAN_PROMPT.

  • GENERATE_TASKS: Prompt to list unique malicious tasks that AI assistant can do.

  • TASK_SPECIFY_PROMPT: Prompt to specify a malicious task in more detail.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Rules and instructions for AI assistants when completing tasks.

  • USER_PROMPT: Outlines rules for conversation and for users instructing AI coders in misalignment tasks.

5.6 ObjectRecognitionPromptTemplateDict#

This class defines a prompt for object recognition tasks:

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Prompt to detect all objects in images without redundant outputs.

5.7 RoleDescriptionPromptTemplateDict#

This class inherits from AISocietyPromptTemplateDict aiming to add descriptions to its prompts.

  • ROLE_DESCRIPTION_PROMPT: Describes the roles and responsibilities.

5.8 SolutionExtractionPromptTemplateDict#

This class prompts the AI model to focus on finding solution with particular knowledge.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Rules of finding and presenting solutions.

5.9 TranslationPromptTemplateDict#

This class prompts a translation AI assistant from English to specified language.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Rules of completing translation tasks.

5.10 VideoDescriptionPromptTemplateDict#

This class prompts the AI model to describe a video in words.

  • ASSISTANT_PROMPT: Rules of completing video description tasks.