Source code for camel.memories.records

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from dataclasses import asdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field

from camel.messages import BaseMessage, FunctionCallingMessage, OpenAIMessage
from camel.types import OpenAIBackendRole

[docs] class MemoryRecord(BaseModel): r"""The basic message storing unit in the CAMEL memory system. Attributes: message (BaseMessage): The main content of the record. role_at_backend (OpenAIBackendRole): An enumeration value representing the role this message played at the OpenAI backend. Note that this value is different from the :obj:`RoleType` used in the CAMEL role playing system. uuid (UUID, optional): A universally unique identifier for this record. This is used to uniquely identify this record in the memory system. If not given, it will be assigned with a random UUID. extra_info (Dict[str, str], optional): A dictionary of additional key-value pairs that provide more information. If not given, it will be an empty `Dict`. timestamp (float, optional): The timestamp when the record was created. agent_id (str): The identifier of the agent associated with this memory. """ model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) message: BaseMessage role_at_backend: OpenAIBackendRole uuid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) extra_info: Dict[str, str] = Field(default_factory=dict) timestamp: float = Field( default_factory=lambda: ) agent_id: str = Field(default="") _MESSAGE_TYPES: ClassVar[dict] = { "BaseMessage": BaseMessage, "FunctionCallingMessage": FunctionCallingMessage, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, record_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "MemoryRecord": r"""Reconstruct a :obj:`MemoryRecord` from the input dict. Args: record_dict(Dict[str, Any]): A dict generated by :meth:`to_dict`. """ message_cls = cls._MESSAGE_TYPES[record_dict["message"]["__class__"]] kwargs: Dict = record_dict["message"].copy() kwargs.pop("__class__") reconstructed_message = message_cls(**kwargs) return cls( uuid=UUID(record_dict["uuid"]), message=reconstructed_message, role_at_backend=record_dict["role_at_backend"], extra_info=record_dict["extra_info"], timestamp=record_dict["timestamp"], agent_id=record_dict["agent_id"], )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Convert the :obj:`MemoryRecord` to a dict for serialization purposes. """ return { "uuid": str(self.uuid), "message": { "__class__": self.message.__class__.__name__, **asdict(self.message), }, "role_at_backend": self.role_at_backend, "extra_info": self.extra_info, "timestamp": self.timestamp, "agent_id": self.agent_id, }
[docs] def to_openai_message(self) -> OpenAIMessage: r"""Converts the record to an :obj:`OpenAIMessage` object.""" return self.message.to_openai_message(self.role_at_backend)
[docs] class ContextRecord(BaseModel): r"""The result of memory retrieving.""" memory_record: MemoryRecord score: float timestamp: float = Field( default_factory=lambda: )