Source code for camel.storages.graph_storages.nebula_graph

# ========= Copyright 2023-2024 @ All Rights Reserved. =========
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# ========= Copyright 2023-2024 @ All Rights Reserved. =========

import logging
import re
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from camel.storages.graph_storages.base import BaseGraphStorage
from camel.storages.graph_storages.graph_element import (
from camel.utils.commons import dependencies_required

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from import (  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
    from import (  # type: ignore[import-untyped]


[docs] class NebulaGraph(BaseGraphStorage): @dependencies_required('nebula3') def __init__( self, host, username, password, space, port=9669, timeout=10000 ): r"""Initializes the NebulaGraph client. Args: host (str): The host address of the NebulaGraph service. username (str): The username for authentication. password (str): The password for authentication. space (str): The graph space to use. If it doesn't exist, a new one will be created. port (int, optional): The port number for the connection. (default: :obj:`9669`) timeout (int, optional): The connection timeout in milliseconds. (default: :obj:`10000`) """ = host self.username = username self.password = password = space self.timeout = timeout self.port = port self.schema: str = "" self.structured_schema: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.connection_pool = self._init_connection_pool() self.session = self._get_session() def _init_connection_pool(self) -> "ConnectionPool": r"""Initialize the connection pool. Returns: ConnectionPool: A connection pool instance. Raises: Exception: If the connection pool initialization fails. """ from nebula3.Config import Config # type: ignore[import-untyped] from import ConnectionPool config = Config() config.max_connection_pool_size = 10 config.timeout = self.timeout # Create the connection pool connection_pool = ConnectionPool() # Initialize the connection pool with Nebula Graph's address and port if not connection_pool.init([(, self.port)], config): raise Exception("Failed to initialize the connection pool") return connection_pool def _get_session(self) -> "Session": r"""Get a session from the connection pool. Returns: Session: A session object connected to NebulaGraph. Raises: Exception: If session creation or space usage fails. """ session = self.connection_pool.get_session( self.username, self.password ) if not session: raise Exception("Failed to create a session") # Use the specified space session.execute( f"CREATE SPACE IF NOT EXISTS {} " "(vid_type=FIXED_STRING(30));" ) for attempt in range(MAX_RETRIES): res = session.execute(f"USE {};") if res.is_succeeded(): return session if attempt < MAX_RETRIES - 1: time.sleep(RETRY_DELAY) else: # Final attempt failed, raise an exception raise Exception( f"Failed to execute `{}` after " f"{MAX_RETRIES} attempts: {res.error_msg()}" ) @property def get_client(self) -> Any: r"""Get the underlying graph storage client.""" return self.session
[docs] def query(self, query: str) -> "ResultSet": # type:ignore[override] r"""Execute a query on the graph store. Args: query (str): The Cypher-like query to be executed. Returns: ResultSet: The result set of the query execution. Raises: ValueError: If the query execution fails. """ try: # Get the session result_set = self.session.execute(query) return result_set except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Query execution error: {e!s}")
[docs] def get_relationship_types(self) -> List[str]: r"""Retrieve relationship types from the graph. Returns: List[str]: A list of relationship (edge) type names. """ # Query all edge types result = self.query('SHOW EDGES') rel_types = [] # Extract relationship type names for row in result.rows(): edge_name = row.values[0].get_sVal().decode('utf-8') rel_types.append(edge_name) return rel_types
[docs] def add_graph_elements( self, graph_elements: List[GraphElement], ) -> None: r"""Add graph elements (nodes and relationships) to the graph. Args: graph_elements (List[GraphElement]): A list of graph elements containing nodes and relationships. """ nodes = self._extract_nodes(graph_elements) for node in nodes: try: self.add_node(node['id'], node['type']) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to add node {node}. Error: {e}") continue relationships = self._extract_relationships(graph_elements) for rel in relationships: try: self.add_triplet( rel['subj']['id'], rel['obj']['id'], rel['type'] ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to add relationship {rel}. Error: {e}") continue
[docs] def ensure_edge_type_exists( self, edge_type: str, time_label: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: r"""Ensures that a specified edge type exists in the NebulaGraph database. If the edge type already exists, this method does nothing. Args: edge_type (str): The name of the edge type to be created. time_label (str, optional): A specific timestamp to set as the default value for the time label property. If not provided, no timestamp will be added. (default: :obj:`None`) Raises: Exception: If the edge type creation fails after multiple retry attempts, an exception is raised with the error message. """ create_edge_stmt = f"CREATE EDGE IF NOT EXISTS {edge_type} ()" if time_label is not None: time_label = self._validate_time_label(time_label) create_edge_stmt = f"""CREATE EDGE IF NOT EXISTS {edge_type} (time_label DATETIME DEFAULT {time_label})""" for attempt in range(MAX_RETRIES): res = self.query(create_edge_stmt) if res.is_succeeded(): return # Edge type creation succeeded if attempt < MAX_RETRIES - 1: time.sleep(RETRY_DELAY) else: # Final attempt failed, raise an exception raise Exception( f"Failed to create edge type `{edge_type}` after " f"{MAX_RETRIES} attempts: {res.error_msg()}" )
[docs] def ensure_tag_exists( self, tag_name: str, time_label: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: r"""Ensures a tag is created in the NebulaGraph database. If the tag already exists, it does nothing. Args: tag_name (str): The name of the tag to be created. time_label (str, optional): A specific timestamp to set as the default value for the time label property. If not provided, no timestamp will be added. (default: :obj:`None`) Raises: Exception: If the tag creation fails after retries, an exception is raised with the error message. """ create_tag_stmt = f"CREATE TAG IF NOT EXISTS {tag_name} ()" if time_label is not None: time_label = self._validate_time_label(time_label) create_tag_stmt = f"""CREATE TAG IF NOT EXISTS {tag_name} (time_label DATETIME DEFAULT {time_label})""" for attempt in range(MAX_RETRIES): res = self.query(create_tag_stmt) if res.is_succeeded(): return # Tag creation succeeded, exit the method if attempt < MAX_RETRIES - 1: time.sleep(RETRY_DELAY) else: # Final attempt failed, raise an exception raise Exception( f"Failed to create tag `{tag_name}` after " f"{MAX_RETRIES} attempts: {res.error_msg()}" )
[docs] def add_node( self, node_id: str, tag_name: str, time_label: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: r"""Add a node with the specified tag and properties. Args: node_id (str): The ID of the node. tag_name (str): The tag name of the node. time_label (str, optional): A specific timestamp to set for the node's time label property. If not provided, no timestamp will be added. (default: :obj:`None`) """ node_id = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]', '', node_id) tag_name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]', '', tag_name) self.ensure_tag_exists(tag_name, time_label) # Insert node with or without time_label property if time_label is not None: time_label = self._validate_time_label(time_label) insert_stmt = ( f'INSERT VERTEX IF NOT EXISTS {tag_name}(time_label) VALUES ' f'"{node_id}":("{time_label}")' ) else: insert_stmt = ( f'INSERT VERTEX IF NOT EXISTS {tag_name}() VALUES ' f'"{node_id}":()' ) for attempt in range(MAX_RETRIES): res = self.query(insert_stmt) if res.is_succeeded(): return # Node creation succeeded, exit the method if attempt < MAX_RETRIES - 1: time.sleep(RETRY_DELAY) else: # Final attempt failed, raise an exception raise Exception( f"Failed to add node `{node_id}` after" f" {MAX_RETRIES} attempts: {res.error_msg()}" )
def _extract_nodes(self, graph_elements: List[Any]) -> List[Dict]: r"""Extracts unique nodes from graph elements. Args: graph_elements (List[Any]): A list of graph elements containing nodes. Returns: List[Dict]: A list of dictionaries representing nodes. """ nodes = [] seen_nodes = set() for graph_element in graph_elements: for node in graph_element.nodes: node_key = (, node.type) if node_key not in seen_nodes: nodes.append( { 'id':, 'type': node.type, 'properties':, } ) seen_nodes.add(node_key) return nodes def _extract_relationships(self, graph_elements: List[Any]) -> List[Dict]: r"""Extracts relationships from graph elements. Args: graph_elements (List[Any]): A list of graph elements containing relationships. Returns: List[Dict]: A list of dictionaries representing relationships. """ relationships = [] for graph_element in graph_elements: for rel in graph_element.relationships: relationship_dict = { 'subj': {'id':, 'type': rel.subj.type}, 'obj': {'id':, 'type': rel.obj.type}, 'type': rel.type, } relationships.append(relationship_dict) return relationships
[docs] def refresh_schema(self) -> None: r"""Refreshes the schema by fetching the latest schema details.""" self.schema = self.get_schema() self.structured_schema = self.get_structured_schema
@property def get_structured_schema(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Generates a structured schema consisting of node and relationship properties, relationships, and metadata, including timestamps. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the structured schema. """ _, node_properties = self.get_node_properties() _, rel_properties = self.get_relationship_properties() relationships = self.get_relationship_types() index = self.get_indexes() # Build structured_schema structured_schema = { "node_props": { el["labels"]: el["properties"] for el in node_properties }, "rel_props": { el["type"]: el["properties"] for el in rel_properties }, "relationships": relationships, "metadata": {"index": index}, } return structured_schema
[docs] def get_schema(self): r"""Generates a schema string describing node and relationship properties and relationships. Returns: str: A string describing the schema. """ # Get all node and relationship properties formatted_node_props, _ = self.get_node_properties() formatted_rel_props, _ = self.get_relationship_properties() formatted_rels = self.get_relationship_types() # Generate schema string schema = "\n".join( [ "Node properties are the following:", ", ".join(formatted_node_props), "Relationship properties are the following:", ", ".join(formatted_rel_props), "The relationships are the following:", ", ".join(formatted_rels), ] ) return schema
[docs] def get_indexes(self): r"""Fetches the tag indexes from the database. Returns: List[str]: A list of tag index names. """ result = self.query('SHOW TAG INDEXES') indexes = [] # Get tag indexes for row in result.rows(): index_name = row.values[0].get_sVal().decode('utf-8') indexes.append(index_name) return indexes
[docs] def add_triplet( self, subj: str, obj: str, rel: str, time_label: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: r"""Adds a relationship (triplet) between two entities in the Nebula Graph database. Args: subj (str): The identifier for the subject entity. obj (str): The identifier for the object entity. rel (str): The relationship between the subject and object. time_label (str, optional): A specific timestamp to set for the time label property of the relationship. If not provided, no timestamp will be added. (default: :obj:`None`) Raises: ValueError: If the time_label format is invalid. Exception: If creating the relationship fails. """ subj = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]', '', subj) obj = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]', '', obj) rel = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]', '', rel) self.ensure_tag_exists(subj) self.ensure_tag_exists(obj) self.ensure_edge_type_exists(rel, time_label) self.add_node(node_id=subj, tag_name=subj) self.add_node(node_id=obj, tag_name=obj) # Avoid latency time.sleep(1) # Create edge with or without time_label property if time_label is not None: time_label = self._validate_time_label(time_label) insert_stmt = ( f'INSERT EDGE IF NOT EXISTS {rel}(time_label) VALUES ' f'"{subj}"->"{obj}":("{time_label}")' ) else: insert_stmt = ( f'INSERT EDGE IF NOT EXISTS {rel}() VALUES ' f'"{subj}"->"{obj}":()' ) res = self.query(insert_stmt) if not res.is_succeeded(): raise Exception( f'create relationship `{subj}` -> `{obj}`' + f'failed: {res.error_msg()}' )
[docs] def delete_triplet(self, subj: str, obj: str, rel: str) -> None: r"""Deletes a specific triplet (relationship between two entities) from the Nebula Graph database. Args: subj (str): The identifier for the subject entity. obj (str): The identifier for the object entity. rel (str): The relationship between the subject and object. """ delete_edge_query = f'DELETE EDGE {rel} "{subj}"->"{obj}";' self.query(delete_edge_query) if not self._check_edges(subj): self.delete_entity(subj) if not self._check_edges(obj): self.delete_entity(obj)
[docs] def delete_entity(self, entity_id: str) -> None: r"""Deletes an entity (vertex) from the graph. Args: entity_id (str): The identifier of the entity to be deleted. """ delete_vertex_query = f'DELETE VERTEX "{entity_id}";' self.query(delete_vertex_query)
def _check_edges(self, entity_id: str) -> bool: r"""Checks if an entity has any remaining edges in the graph. Args: entity_id (str): The identifier of the entity. Returns: bool: :obj:`True` if the entity has edges, :obj:`False` otherwise. """ # Combine the outgoing and incoming edge count query check_query = f""" (GO FROM {entity_id} OVER * YIELD count(*) as out_count) UNION (GO FROM {entity_id} REVERSELY OVER * YIELD count(*) as in_count) """ # Execute the query result = self.query(check_query) # Check if the result contains non-zero edges if result.is_succeeded(): rows = result.rows() total_count = sum(int(row.values[0].get_iVal()) for row in rows) return total_count > 0 else: return False
[docs] def get_node_properties(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: r"""Retrieve node properties from the graph. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: A tuple where the first element is a list of node schema properties, and the second element is a list of dictionaries representing node structures. """ # Query all tags result = self.query('SHOW TAGS') node_schema_props = [] node_structure_props = [] # Iterate through each tag to get its properties for row in result.rows(): tag_name = row.values[0].get_sVal().decode('utf-8') describe_result = self.query(f'DESCRIBE TAG {tag_name}') properties = [] for prop_row in describe_result.rows(): prop_name = prop_row.values[0].get_sVal().decode('utf-8') node_schema_props.append(f"{tag_name}.{prop_name}") properties.append(prop_name) node_structure_props.append( {"labels": tag_name, "properties": properties} ) return node_schema_props, node_structure_props
[docs] def get_relationship_properties( self, ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: r"""Retrieve relationship (edge) properties from the graph. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: A tuple where the first element is a list of relationship schema properties, and the second element is a list of dictionaries representing relationship structures. """ # Query all edge types result = self.query('SHOW EDGES') rel_schema_props = [] rel_structure_props = [] # Iterate through each edge type to get its properties for row in result.rows(): edge_name = row.values[0].get_sVal().decode('utf-8') describe_result = self.query(f'DESCRIBE EDGE {edge_name}') properties = [] for prop_row in describe_result.rows(): prop_name = prop_row.values[0].get_sVal().decode('utf-8') rel_schema_props.append(f"{edge_name}.{prop_name}") properties.append(prop_name) rel_structure_props.append( {"type": edge_name, "properties": properties} ) return rel_schema_props, rel_structure_props
def _validate_time_label(self, time_label: str) -> str: r"""Validates the format of a time label string. Args: time_label (str): The time label string to validate. Should be in format 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'. Returns: str: The validated time label. Raises: ValueError: If the time label format is invalid. """ try: # Check if the format matches YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss pattern = r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$' if not re.match(pattern, time_label): raise ValueError( "Time label must be in format 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss'" ) return time_label except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid time label format: {e!s}")