Source code for camel.agents.chat_agent

# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import re
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

from import ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from import Function
from pydantic import BaseModel

from camel.agents.base import BaseAgent
from camel.configs import ChatGPTConfig
from camel.memories import (
from camel.messages import BaseMessage, FunctionCallingMessage, OpenAIMessage
from camel.models import BaseModelBackend, ModelFactory
from camel.responses import ChatAgentResponse
from camel.types import (
from camel.utils import (

    from openai import Stream

    from camel.terminators import ResponseTerminator
    from camel.toolkits import OpenAIFunction

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# AgentOps decorator setting
    import os

    if os.getenv("AGENTOPS_API_KEY") is not None:
        from agentops import track_agent
        raise ImportError
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
    from camel.utils import track_agent

[docs] class FunctionCallingRecord(BaseModel): r"""Historical records of functions called in the conversation. Attributes: func_name (str): The name of the function being called. args (Dict[str, Any]): The dictionary of arguments passed to the function. result (Any): The execution result of calling this function. """ func_name: str args: Dict[str, Any] result: Any def __str__(self) -> str: r"""Overridden version of the string function. Returns: str: Modified string to represent the function calling. """ return ( f"Function Execution: {self.func_name}\n" f"\tArgs: {self.args}\n" f"\tResult: {self.result}" )
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return self.model_dump()
[docs] @track_agent(name="ChatAgent") class ChatAgent(BaseAgent): r"""Class for managing conversations of CAMEL Chat Agents. Args: system_message (BaseMessage): The system message for the chat agent. model (BaseModelBackend, optional): The model backend to use for generating responses. (default: :obj:`OpenAIModel` with `GPT_4O_MINI`) memory (AgentMemory, optional): The agent memory for managing chat messages. If `None`, a :obj:`ChatHistoryMemory` will be used. (default: :obj:`None`) message_window_size (int, optional): The maximum number of previous messages to include in the context window. If `None`, no windowing is performed. (default: :obj:`None`) token_limit (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens in a context. The context will be automatically pruned to fulfill the limitation. If `None`, it will be set according to the backend model. (default: :obj:`None`) output_language (str, optional): The language to be output by the agent. (default: :obj:`None`) tools (List[OpenAIFunction], optional): List of available :obj:`OpenAIFunction`. (default: :obj:`None`) external_tools (List[OpenAIFunction], optional): List of external tools (:obj:`OpenAIFunction`) bind to one chat agent. When these tools are called, the agent will directly return the request instead of processing it. (default: :obj:`None`) response_terminators (List[ResponseTerminator], optional): List of :obj:`ResponseTerminator` bind to one chat agent. (default: :obj:`None`) """ def __init__( self, system_message: BaseMessage, model: Optional[BaseModelBackend] = None, memory: Optional[AgentMemory] = None, message_window_size: Optional[int] = None, token_limit: Optional[int] = None, output_language: Optional[str] = None, tools: Optional[List[OpenAIFunction]] = None, external_tools: Optional[List[OpenAIFunction]] = None, response_terminators: Optional[List[ResponseTerminator]] = None, ) -> None: self.orig_sys_message: BaseMessage = system_message self.system_message = system_message self.role_name: str = system_message.role_name self.role_type: RoleType = system_message.role_type self.model_backend: BaseModelBackend = ( model if model is not None else ModelFactory.create( model_platform=ModelPlatformType.OPENAI, model_type=ModelType.GPT_4O_MINI, model_config_dict=ChatGPTConfig().as_dict(), ) ) self.output_language: Optional[str] = output_language if self.output_language is not None: self.set_output_language(self.output_language) self.model_type: ModelType = self.model_backend.model_type # tool registration external_tools = external_tools or [] tools = tools or [] all_tools = tools + external_tools self.external_tool_names = [ tool.get_function_name() for tool in external_tools ] self.func_dict = { tool.get_function_name(): tool.func for tool in all_tools } # If the user hasn't configured tools in `BaseModelBackend`, # the tools set from `ChatAgent` will be used. # This design simplifies the interface while retaining tool-running # capabilities for `BaseModelBackend`. if all_tools and not self.model_backend.model_config_dict.get("tools"): tool_schema_list = [ tool.get_openai_tool_schema() for tool in all_tools ] self.model_backend.model_config_dict['tools'] = tool_schema_list self.tool_schema_list = tool_schema_list self.model_config_dict = self.model_backend.model_config_dict self.model_token_limit = token_limit or self.model_backend.token_limit context_creator = ScoreBasedContextCreator( self.model_backend.token_counter, self.model_token_limit, ) self.memory: AgentMemory = memory or ChatHistoryMemory( context_creator, window_size=message_window_size ) self.terminated: bool = False self.response_terminators = response_terminators or [] self.init_messages() # ruff: noqa: E501 def _generate_tool_prompt(self, tool_schema_list: List[Dict]) -> str: tool_prompts = [] for tool in tool_schema_list: tool_info = tool['function'] tool_name = tool_info['name'] tool_description = tool_info['description'] tool_json = json.dumps(tool_info, indent=4) prompt = f"Use the function '{tool_name}' to '{tool_description}':\n{tool_json}\n" tool_prompts.append(prompt) tool_prompt_str = "\n".join(tool_prompts) final_prompt = f''' # Tool prompt TOOL_PROMPT = f""" You have access to the following functions: {tool_prompt_str} If you choose to call a function ONLY reply in the following format with no prefix or suffix: <function=example_function_name>{{"example_name": "example_value"}}</function> Reminder: - Function calls MUST follow the specified format, start with <function= and end with </function> - Required parameters MUST be specified - Only call one function at a time - Put the entire function call reply on one line - If there is no function call available, answer the question like normal with your current knowledge and do not tell the user about function calls """ ''' return final_prompt def _parse_tool_response(self, response: str): function_regex = r"<function=(\w+)>(.*?)</function>" match =, response) if match: function_name, args_string = match.groups() try: args = json.loads(args_string) return {"function": function_name, "arguments": args} except json.JSONDecodeError as error: print(f"Error parsing function arguments: {error}") return None return None
[docs] def reset(self): r"""Resets the :obj:`ChatAgent` to its initial state and returns the stored messages. Returns: List[BaseMessage]: The stored messages. """ self.terminated = False self.init_messages() for terminator in self.response_terminators: terminator.reset()
@property def system_message(self) -> BaseMessage: r"""The getter method for the property :obj:`system_message`. Returns: BaseMessage: The system message of this agent. """ return self._system_message @system_message.setter def system_message(self, message: BaseMessage): r"""The setter method for the property :obj:`system_message`. Args: message (BaseMessage): The message to be set as the new system message of this agent. """ self._system_message = message
[docs] def is_tools_added(self) -> bool: r"""Whether OpenAI function calling is enabled for this agent. Returns: bool: Whether OpenAI function calling is enabled for this agent, determined by whether the dictionary of tools is empty. """ return len(self.func_dict) > 0
[docs] def update_memory( self, message: BaseMessage, role: OpenAIBackendRole ) -> None: r"""Updates the agent memory with a new message. Args: message (BaseMessage): The new message to add to the stored messages. role (OpenAIBackendRole): The backend role type. """ self.memory.write_record( MemoryRecord(message=message, role_at_backend=role) )
[docs] def set_output_language(self, output_language: str) -> BaseMessage: r"""Sets the output language for the system message. This method updates the output language for the system message. The output language determines the language in which the output text should be generated. Args: output_language (str): The desired output language. Returns: BaseMessage: The updated system message object. """ self.output_language = output_language content = self.orig_sys_message.content + ( "\nRegardless of the input language, " f"you must output text in {output_language}." ) self.system_message = self.system_message.create_new_instance(content) return self.system_message
[docs] def get_info( self, session_id: Optional[str], usage: Optional[Dict[str, int]], termination_reasons: List[str], num_tokens: int, tool_calls: List[FunctionCallingRecord], external_tool_request: Optional[ChatCompletionMessageToolCall] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Returns a dictionary containing information about the chat session. Args: session_id (str, optional): The ID of the chat session. usage (Dict[str, int], optional): Information about the usage of the LLM model. termination_reasons (List[str]): The reasons for the termination of the chat session. num_tokens (int): The number of tokens used in the chat session. tool_calls (List[FunctionCallingRecord]): The list of function calling records, containing the information of called tools. external_tool_request (Optional[ChatCompletionMessageToolCall], optional): The tool calling request of external tools from the model. These requests are directly returned to the user instead of being processed by the agent automatically. (default: :obj:`None`) Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The chat session information. """ return { "id": session_id, "usage": usage, "termination_reasons": termination_reasons, "num_tokens": num_tokens, "tool_calls": tool_calls, "external_tool_request": external_tool_request, }
[docs] def init_messages(self) -> None: r"""Initializes the stored messages list with the initial system message. """ system_record = MemoryRecord( message=self.system_message, role_at_backend=OpenAIBackendRole.SYSTEM, ) self.memory.clear() self.memory.write_record(system_record)
[docs] def record_message(self, message: BaseMessage) -> None: r"""Records the externally provided message into the agent memory as if it were an answer of the :obj:`ChatAgent` from the backend. Currently, the choice of the critic is submitted with this method. Args: message (BaseMessage): An external message to be recorded in the memory. """ self.update_memory(message, OpenAIBackendRole.ASSISTANT)
[docs] def step( self, input_message: BaseMessage, output_schema: Optional[Type[BaseModel]] = None, ) -> ChatAgentResponse: r"""Performs a single step in the chat session by generating a response to the input message. Args: input_message (BaseMessage): The input message to the agent. Its `role` field that specifies the role at backend may be either `user` or `assistant` but it will be set to `user` anyway since for the self agent any incoming message is external. output_schema (Optional[Type[BaseModel]], optional): A pydantic model class that includes value types and field descriptions used to generate a structured response by LLM. This schema helps in defining the expected output format. (default: :obj:`None`) Returns: ChatAgentResponse: A struct containing the output messages, a boolean indicating whether the chat session has terminated, and information about the chat session. """ if ( isinstance(self.model_type, ModelType) and "lama" in self.model_type.value or isinstance(self.model_type, str) and "lama" in self.model_type ): if self.model_backend.model_config_dict.get("tools", None): tool_prompt = self._generate_tool_prompt(self.tool_schema_list) tool_sys_msg = BaseMessage.make_assistant_message( role_name="Assistant", content=tool_prompt, ) self.update_memory(tool_sys_msg, OpenAIBackendRole.SYSTEM) self.update_memory(input_message, OpenAIBackendRole.USER) tool_call_records: List[FunctionCallingRecord] = [] while True: # Check if token has exceeded try: openai_messages, num_tokens = self.memory.get_context() except RuntimeError as e: return self._step_token_exceed( e.args[1], tool_call_records, "max_tokens_exceeded" ) ( response, output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, ) = self._step_model_response(openai_messages, num_tokens) # If the model response is not a function call, meaning the # model has generated a message response, break the loop if ( not self.is_tools_added() or not isinstance(response, ChatCompletion) or "</function>" not in response.choices[0].message.content # type: ignore[operator] ): break parsed_content = self._parse_tool_response( response.choices[0].message.content # type: ignore[arg-type] ) response.choices[0].message.tool_calls = [ ChatCompletionMessageToolCall( id=str(uuid.uuid4()), function=Function( arguments=str(parsed_content["arguments"]).replace( "'", '"' ), name=str(parsed_content["function"]), ), type="function", ) ] # Check for external tool call tool_call_request = response.choices[0].message.tool_calls[0] if in self.external_tool_names: # if model calls an external tool, directly return the # request info = self._step_get_info( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_records, num_tokens, tool_call_request, ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info, ) # Normal function calling tool_call_records.append( self._step_tool_call_and_update(response) ) if ( output_schema is not None and self.model_type.supports_tool_calling ): ( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call, num_tokens, ) = self._structure_output_with_function(output_schema) tool_call_records.append(tool_call) info = self._step_get_info( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_records, num_tokens, ) if len(output_messages) == 1: # Auto record if the output result is a single message self.record_message(output_messages[0]) else: logger.warning( "Multiple messages returned in `step()`, message won't be " "recorded automatically. Please call `record_message()` " "to record the selected message manually." ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info ) else: self.update_memory(input_message, OpenAIBackendRole.USER) tool_call_records: List[FunctionCallingRecord] = [] # type: ignore[no-redef] while True: # Check if token has exceeded try: openai_messages, num_tokens = self.memory.get_context() except RuntimeError as e: return self._step_token_exceed( e.args[1], tool_call_records, "max_tokens_exceeded" ) ( response, output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, ) = self._step_model_response(openai_messages, num_tokens) # If the model response is not a function call, meaning the # model has generated a message response, break the loop if ( not self.is_tools_added() or not isinstance(response, ChatCompletion) or response.choices[0].message.tool_calls is None ): break # Check for external tool call tool_call_request = response.choices[0].message.tool_calls[0] if in self.external_tool_names: # if model calls an external tool, directly return the # request info = self._step_get_info( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_records, num_tokens, tool_call_request, ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info, ) # Normal function calling tool_call_records.append( self._step_tool_call_and_update(response) ) if ( output_schema is not None and self.model_type.supports_tool_calling ): ( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call, num_tokens, ) = self._structure_output_with_function(output_schema) tool_call_records.append(tool_call) info = self._step_get_info( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_records, num_tokens, ) if len(output_messages) == 1: # Auto record if the output result is a single message self.record_message(output_messages[0]) else: logger.warning( "Multiple messages returned in `step()`, message won't be " "recorded automatically. Please call `record_message()` " "to record the selected message manually." ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info )
[docs] async def step_async( self, input_message: BaseMessage, output_schema: Optional[Type[BaseModel]] = None, ) -> ChatAgentResponse: r"""Performs a single step in the chat session by generating a response to the input message. This agent step can call async function calls. Args: input_message (BaseMessage): The input message to the agent. Its `role` field that specifies the role at backend may be either `user` or `assistant` but it will be set to `user` anyway since for the self agent any incoming message is external. output_schema (Optional[Type[BaseModel]], optional): A pydantic model class that includes value types and field descriptions used to generate a structured response by LLM. This schema helps in defining the expected output format. (default: :obj:`None`) Returns: ChatAgentResponse: A struct containing the output messages, a boolean indicating whether the chat session has terminated, and information about the chat session. """ self.update_memory(input_message, OpenAIBackendRole.USER) tool_call_records: List[FunctionCallingRecord] = [] while True: try: openai_messages, num_tokens = self.memory.get_context() except RuntimeError as e: return self._step_token_exceed( e.args[1], tool_call_records, "max_tokens_exceeded" ) ( response, output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, ) = self._step_model_response(openai_messages, num_tokens) if ( not self.is_tools_added() or not isinstance(response, ChatCompletion) or response.choices[0].message.tool_calls is None ): break # Check for external tool call tool_call_request = response.choices[0].message.tool_calls[0] if in self.external_tool_names: # if model calls an external tool, directly return the request info = self._step_get_info( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_records, num_tokens, tool_call_request, ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info ) # Normal function calling tool_call_records.append( await self._step_tool_call_and_update_async(response) ) if output_schema is not None and self.model_type.supports_tool_calling: ( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_record, num_tokens, ) = self._structure_output_with_function(output_schema) tool_call_records.append(tool_call_record) info = self._step_get_info( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_records, num_tokens, ) if len(output_messages) == 1: # Auto record if the output result is a single message self.record_message(output_messages[0]) else: logger.warning( "Multiple messages returned in `step()`, message won't be " "recorded automatically. Please call `record_message()` to " "record the selected message manually." ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info )
def _step_tool_call_and_update( self, response: ChatCompletion ) -> FunctionCallingRecord: r"""Processes a function call within the chat completion response, records the function call in the provided list of tool calls and updates the memory of the current agent. Args: response (ChatCompletion): The response object from the chat completion. Returns: FunctionCallingRecord: The record of calling the function. """ # Perform function calling func_assistant_msg, func_result_msg, tool_call_record = ( self.step_tool_call(response) ) # Update the messages self.update_memory(func_assistant_msg, OpenAIBackendRole.ASSISTANT) self.update_memory(func_result_msg, OpenAIBackendRole.FUNCTION) return tool_call_record async def _step_tool_call_and_update_async( self, response: ChatCompletion ) -> FunctionCallingRecord: ( func_assistant_msg, func_result_msg, func_record, ) = await self.step_tool_call_async(response) self.update_memory(func_assistant_msg, OpenAIBackendRole.ASSISTANT) self.update_memory(func_result_msg, OpenAIBackendRole.FUNCTION) return func_record def _structure_output_with_function( self, output_schema: Type[BaseModel] ) -> Tuple[ List[BaseMessage], List[str], Dict[str, int], str, FunctionCallingRecord, int, ]: r"""Internal function of structuring the output of the agent based on the given output schema. """ from camel.toolkits import OpenAIFunction schema_json = get_pydantic_object_schema(output_schema) func_str = json_to_function_code(schema_json) func_callable = func_string_to_callable(func_str) func = OpenAIFunction(func_callable) original_func_dict = self.func_dict original_model_dict = self.model_backend.model_config_dict # Replace the original tools with the structuring function self.func_dict = {func.get_function_name(): func.func} self.model_backend.model_config_dict = original_model_dict.copy() self.model_backend.model_config_dict["tools"] = [ func.get_openai_tool_schema() ] self.model_backend.model_config_dict["tool_choice"] = "required" openai_messages, num_tokens = self.memory.get_context() ( response, output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, ) = self._step_model_response(openai_messages, num_tokens) if isinstance(response, ChatCompletion): tool_call_record = self._step_tool_call_and_update(response) else: raise ValueError( "Structured output is not supported for stream responses." ) for base_message_item in output_messages: base_message_item.content = str(tool_call_record.result) # Recover the original tools self.func_dict = original_func_dict self.model_backend.model_config_dict = original_model_dict return ( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, tool_call_record, num_tokens, ) def _step_model_response( self, openai_messages: List[OpenAIMessage], num_tokens: int, ) -> tuple[ Union[ChatCompletion, Stream], List[BaseMessage], List[str], Dict[str, int], str, ]: r"""Internal function for agent step model response.""" # Obtain the model's response response = if isinstance(response, ChatCompletion): output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id = ( self.handle_batch_response(response) ) else: output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id = ( self.handle_stream_response(response, num_tokens) ) return ( response, output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id, ) def _step_get_info( self, output_messages: List[BaseMessage], finish_reasons: List[str], usage_dict: Dict[str, int], response_id: str, tool_calls: List[FunctionCallingRecord], num_tokens: int, external_tool_request: Optional[ChatCompletionMessageToolCall] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Loop over responses terminators, get list of termination # tuples with whether the terminator terminates the agent # and termination reason termination = [ terminator.is_terminated(output_messages) for terminator in self.response_terminators ] # Terminate the agent if any of the terminator terminates self.terminated, termination_reason = next( ( (terminated, termination_reason) for terminated, termination_reason in termination if terminated ), (False, None), ) # For now only retain the first termination reason if self.terminated and termination_reason is not None: finish_reasons = [termination_reason] * len(finish_reasons) info = self.get_info( response_id, usage_dict, finish_reasons, num_tokens, tool_calls, external_tool_request, ) return info
[docs] def handle_batch_response( self, response: ChatCompletion ) -> Tuple[List[BaseMessage], List[str], Dict[str, int], str]: r""" Args: response (dict): Model response. Returns: tuple: A tuple of list of output `ChatMessage`, list of finish reasons, usage dictionary, and response id. """ output_messages: List[BaseMessage] = [] for choice in response.choices: chat_message = BaseMessage( role_name=self.role_name, role_type=self.role_type, meta_dict=dict(), content=choice.message.content or "", ) output_messages.append(chat_message) finish_reasons = [ str(choice.finish_reason) for choice in response.choices ] usage = ( self._safe_model_dump(response.usage) if response.usage is not None else {} ) return ( output_messages, finish_reasons, usage,, )
def _safe_model_dump(self, obj): # Check if the `model_dump` method exists (Pydantic v2) if hasattr(obj, 'model_dump'): return obj.model_dump() # Fallback to `dict()` method (Pydantic v1) elif hasattr(obj, 'dict'): return obj.dict() else: raise TypeError("The object is not a Pydantic model")
[docs] def handle_stream_response( self, response: Stream[ChatCompletionChunk], prompt_tokens: int, ) -> Tuple[List[BaseMessage], List[str], Dict[str, int], str]: r""" Args: response (dict): Model response. prompt_tokens (int): Number of input prompt tokens. Returns: tuple: A tuple of list of output `ChatMessage`, list of finish reasons, usage dictionary, and response id. """ content_dict: defaultdict = defaultdict(lambda: "") finish_reasons_dict: defaultdict = defaultdict(lambda: "") output_messages: List[BaseMessage] = [] response_id: str = "" # All choices in one response share one role for chunk in response: response_id = for choice in chunk.choices: index = choice.index delta = if delta.content is not None: # When response has not been stopped # Notice that only the first chunk_dict has the "role" content_dict[index] += delta.content if choice.finish_reason: finish_reasons_dict[index] = choice.finish_reason chat_message = BaseMessage( role_name=self.role_name, role_type=self.role_type, meta_dict=dict(), content=content_dict[index], ) output_messages.append(chat_message) finish_reasons = [ finish_reasons_dict[i] for i in range(len(finish_reasons_dict)) ] usage_dict = self.get_usage_dict(output_messages, prompt_tokens) return output_messages, finish_reasons, usage_dict, response_id
def _step_token_exceed( self, num_tokens: int, tool_calls: List[FunctionCallingRecord], termination_reason: str, ) -> ChatAgentResponse: r"""Return trivial response containing number of tokens and information of called functions when the number of tokens exceeds. Args: num_tokens (int): Number of tokens in the messages. tool_calls (List[FunctionCallingRecord]): List of information objects of functions called in the current step. termination_reason (str): String of termination reason. Returns: ChatAgentResponse: The struct containing trivial outputs and information about token number and called functions. """ self.terminated = True output_messages: List[BaseMessage] = [] info = self.get_info( None, None, [termination_reason], num_tokens, tool_calls, ) return ChatAgentResponse( msgs=output_messages, terminated=self.terminated, info=info, )
[docs] def step_tool_call( self, response: ChatCompletion, ) -> Tuple[ FunctionCallingMessage, FunctionCallingMessage, FunctionCallingRecord ]: r"""Execute the function with arguments following the model's response. Args: response (Dict[str, Any]): The response obtained by calling the model. Returns: tuple: A tuple consisting of two obj:`FunctionCallingMessage`, one about the arguments and the other about the execution result, and a struct for logging information about this function call. """ choice = response.choices[0] if choice.message.tool_calls is None: raise RuntimeError("Tool call is None") func_name = choice.message.tool_calls[0] func = self.func_dict[func_name] args_str: str = choice.message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments args = json.loads(args_str) # Pass the extracted arguments to the indicated function try: result = func(**args) except Exception: raise ValueError( f"Execution of function {func.__name__} failed with " f"arguments being {args}." ) assist_msg = FunctionCallingMessage( role_name=self.role_name, role_type=self.role_type, meta_dict=None, content="", func_name=func_name, args=args, ) func_msg = FunctionCallingMessage( role_name=self.role_name, role_type=self.role_type, meta_dict=None, content="", func_name=func_name, result=result, ) # Record information about this function call func_record = FunctionCallingRecord( func_name=func_name, args=args, result=result ) return assist_msg, func_msg, func_record
[docs] async def step_tool_call_async( self, response: ChatCompletion, ) -> Tuple[ FunctionCallingMessage, FunctionCallingMessage, FunctionCallingRecord ]: r"""Execute the async function with arguments following the model's response. Args: response (Dict[str, Any]): The response obtained by calling the model. Returns: tuple: A tuple consisting of two obj:`FunctionCallingMessage`, one about the arguments and the other about the execution result, and a struct for logging information about this function call. """ # Note that when function calling is enabled, `n` is set to 1. choice = response.choices[0] if choice.message.tool_calls is None: raise RuntimeError("Tool call is None") func_name = choice.message.tool_calls[0] func = self.func_dict[func_name] args_str: str = choice.message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments args = json.loads(args_str) # Pass the extracted arguments to the indicated function try: result = await func(**args) except Exception: raise ValueError( f"Execution of function {func.__name__} failed with " f"arguments being {args}." ) assist_msg = FunctionCallingMessage( role_name=self.role_name, role_type=self.role_type, meta_dict=None, content="", func_name=func_name, args=args, ) func_msg = FunctionCallingMessage( role_name=self.role_name, role_type=self.role_type, meta_dict=None, content="", func_name=func_name, result=result, ) # Record information about this function call func_record = FunctionCallingRecord( func_name=func_name, args=args, result=result ) return assist_msg, func_msg, func_record
[docs] def get_usage_dict( self, output_messages: List[BaseMessage], prompt_tokens: int ) -> Dict[str, int]: r"""Get usage dictionary when using the stream mode. Args: output_messages (list): List of output messages. prompt_tokens (int): Number of input prompt tokens. Returns: dict: Usage dictionary. """ if isinstance(self.model_type, ModelType): encoding = get_model_encoding(self.model_type.value_for_tiktoken) else: encoding = get_model_encoding("gpt-4o-mini") completion_tokens = 0 for message in output_messages: completion_tokens += len(encoding.encode(message.content)) usage_dict = dict( completion_tokens=completion_tokens, prompt_tokens=prompt_tokens, total_tokens=completion_tokens + prompt_tokens, ) return usage_dict
def __repr__(self) -> str: r"""Returns a string representation of the :obj:`ChatAgent`. Returns: str: The string representation of the :obj:`ChatAgent`. """ return ( f"ChatAgent({self.role_name}, {self.role_type}, {self.model_type})" )