Source code for camel.interpreters.subprocess_interpreter

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import shlex
import subprocess
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List

from colorama import Fore

from camel.interpreters.base import BaseInterpreter
from camel.interpreters.interpreter_error import InterpreterError
from camel.logger import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class SubprocessInterpreter(BaseInterpreter): r"""SubprocessInterpreter is a class for executing code files or code strings in a subprocess. This class handles the execution of code in different scripting languages (currently Python and Bash) within a subprocess, capturing their stdout and stderr streams, and allowing user checking before executing code strings. Args: require_confirm (bool, optional): If True, prompt user before running code strings for security. (default: :obj:`True`) print_stdout (bool, optional): If True, print the standard output of the executed code. (default: :obj:`False`) print_stderr (bool, optional): If True, print the standard error of the executed code. (default: :obj:`True`) """ _CODE_EXECUTE_CMD_MAPPING: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { "python": "python {file_name}", "bash": "bash {file_name}", "r": "Rscript {file_name}", } _CODE_EXTENSION_MAPPING: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { "python": "py", "bash": "sh", "r": "R", } _CODE_TYPE_MAPPING: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { "python": "python", "py3": "python", "python3": "python", "py": "python", "shell": "bash", "bash": "bash", "sh": "bash", "r": "r", "R": "r", } def __init__( self, require_confirm: bool = True, print_stdout: bool = False, print_stderr: bool = True, ) -> None: self.require_confirm = require_confirm self.print_stdout = print_stdout self.print_stderr = print_stderr
[docs] def run_file( self, file: Path, code_type: str, ) -> str: r"""Executes a code file in a subprocess and captures its output. Args: file (Path): The path object of the file to run. code_type (str): The type of code to execute (e.g., 'python', 'bash'). Returns: str: A string containing the captured stdout and stderr of the executed code. Raises: RuntimeError: If the provided file path does not point to a file. InterpreterError: If the code type provided is not supported. """ if not file.is_file(): raise RuntimeError(f"{file} is not a file.") code_type = self._check_code_type(code_type) if self._CODE_TYPE_MAPPING[code_type] == "python": # For Python code, use ast to analyze and modify the code import ast import astor with open(file, 'r') as f: source = # Parse the source code try: tree = ast.parse(source) # Get the last node if tree.body: last_node = tree.body[-1] # Handle expressions that would normally not produce output # For example: In a REPL, typing '1 + 2' should show '3' if isinstance(last_node, ast.Expr): # Only wrap in print(repr()) if it's not already a # print call if not ( isinstance(last_node.value, ast.Call) and isinstance(last_node.value.func, ast.Name) and == 'print' ): # Transform the AST to wrap the expression in print # (repr()) # Example transformation: # Before: x + y # After: print(repr(x + y)) tree.body[-1] = ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( # Create print() function call func=ast.Name(id='print', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ ast.Call( # Create repr() function call func=ast.Name( id='repr', ctx=ast.Load() ), # Pass the original expression as # argument to repr() args=[last_node.value], keywords=[], ) ], keywords=[], ) ) # Fix missing source locations ast.fix_missing_locations(tree) # Convert back to source modified_source = astor.to_source(tree) # Create a temporary file with the modified source temp_file = self._create_temp_file(modified_source, "py") cmd = shlex.split(f"python {temp_file!s}") except SyntaxError: # If parsing fails, run the original file cmd = shlex.split( self._CODE_EXECUTE_CMD_MAPPING[code_type].format( file_name=str(file) ) ) else: # For non-Python code, use standard execution cmd = shlex.split( self._CODE_EXECUTE_CMD_MAPPING[code_type].format( file_name=str(file) ) ) proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() return_code = proc.returncode # Clean up temporary file if it was created if ( self._CODE_TYPE_MAPPING[code_type] == "python" and 'temp_file' in locals() ): temp_file.unlink() if self.print_stdout and stdout: print("======stdout======") print(Fore.GREEN + stdout + Fore.RESET) print("==================") if self.print_stderr and stderr: print("======stderr======") print(Fore.RED + stderr + Fore.RESET) print("==================") # Build the execution result exec_result = "" if stdout: exec_result += stdout if stderr: exec_result += f"(stderr: {stderr})" if return_code != 0: error_msg = f"(Execution failed with return code {return_code})" if not stderr: exec_result += error_msg elif error_msg not in stderr: exec_result += error_msg return exec_result
[docs] def run( self, code: str, code_type: str, ) -> str: r"""Generates a temporary file with the given code, executes it, and deletes the file afterward. Args: code (str): The code string to execute. code_type (str): The type of code to execute (e.g., 'python', 'bash'). Returns: str: A string containing the captured stdout and stderr of the executed code. Raises: InterpreterError: If the user declines to run the code or if the code type is unsupported. """ code_type = self._check_code_type(code_type) # Print code for security checking if self.require_confirm: f"The following {code_type} code will run on your " "computer: {code}" ) while True: choice = input("Running code? [Y/n]:").lower() if choice in ["y", "yes", "ye", ""]: break elif choice in ["no", "n"]: raise InterpreterError( "Execution halted: User opted not to run the code. " "This choice stops the current operation and any " "further code execution." ) temp_file_path = self._create_temp_file( code=code, extension=self._CODE_EXTENSION_MAPPING[code_type] ) result = self.run_file(temp_file_path, code_type) temp_file_path.unlink() return result
def _create_temp_file(self, code: str, extension: str) -> Path: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="w", delete=False, suffix=f".{extension}" ) as f: f.write(code) name = return Path(name) def _check_code_type(self, code_type: str) -> str: if code_type not in self._CODE_TYPE_MAPPING: raise InterpreterError( f"Unsupported code type {code_type}. Currently " f"`{self.__class__.__name__}` only supports " f"{', '.join(self._CODE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.keys())}." ) return self._CODE_TYPE_MAPPING[code_type]
[docs] def supported_code_types(self) -> List[str]: r"""Provides supported code types by the interpreter.""" return list(self._CODE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.keys())
[docs] def update_action_space(self, action_space: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: r"""Updates action space for *python* interpreter""" raise RuntimeError( "SubprocessInterpreter doesn't support " "`action_space`." )