Source code for camel.models.model_factory

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from camel.models.anthropic_model import AnthropicModel
from camel.models.azure_openai_model import AzureOpenAIModel
from camel.models.base_model import BaseModelBackend
from camel.models.gemini_model import GeminiModel
from camel.models.groq_model import GroqModel
from camel.models.litellm_model import LiteLLMModel
from camel.models.mistral_model import MistralModel
from camel.models.ollama_model import OllamaModel
from camel.models.open_source_model import OpenSourceModel
from camel.models.openai_compatibility_model import OpenAICompatibilityModel
from camel.models.openai_model import OpenAIModel
from camel.models.reka_model import RekaModel
from camel.models.samba_model import SambaModel
from camel.models.stub_model import StubModel
from camel.models.togetherai_model import TogetherAIModel
from camel.models.vllm_model import VLLMModel
from camel.models.zhipuai_model import ZhipuAIModel
from camel.types import ModelPlatformType, ModelType
from camel.utils import BaseTokenCounter

[docs] class ModelFactory: r"""Factory of backend models. Raises: ValueError: in case the provided model type is unknown. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create( model_platform: ModelPlatformType, model_type: Union[ModelType, str], model_config_dict: Dict, token_counter: Optional[BaseTokenCounter] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> BaseModelBackend: r"""Creates an instance of `BaseModelBackend` of the specified type. Args: model_platform (ModelPlatformType): Platform from which the model originates. model_type (Union[ModelType, str]): Model for which a backend is created can be a `str` for open source platforms. model_config_dict (Dict): A dictionary that will be fed into the backend constructor. token_counter (Optional[BaseTokenCounter]): Token counter to use for the model. If not provided, OpenAITokenCounter(ModelType. GPT_3_5_TURBO) will be used if the model platform didn't provide official token counter. api_key (Optional[str]): The API key for authenticating with the model service. url (Optional[str]): The url to the model service. Raises: ValueError: If there is not backend for the model. Returns: BaseModelBackend: The initialized backend. """ model_class: Any if isinstance(model_type, ModelType): if model_platform.is_open_source and model_type.is_open_source: model_class = OpenSourceModel return model_class( model_type, model_config_dict, url, token_counter ) if model_platform.is_openai and model_type.is_openai: model_class = OpenAIModel elif model_platform.is_azure and model_type.is_azure_openai: model_class = AzureOpenAIModel elif model_platform.is_anthropic and model_type.is_anthropic: model_class = AnthropicModel elif model_type.is_groq: model_class = GroqModel elif model_platform.is_zhipuai and model_type.is_zhipuai: model_class = ZhipuAIModel elif model_platform.is_gemini and model_type.is_gemini: model_class = GeminiModel elif model_platform.is_mistral and model_type.is_mistral: model_class = MistralModel elif model_platform.is_reka and model_type.is_reka: model_class = RekaModel elif model_type == ModelType.STUB: model_class = StubModel else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown pair of model platform `{model_platform}` " f"and model type `{model_type}`." ) elif isinstance(model_type, str): if model_platform.is_ollama: model_class = OllamaModel return model_class( model_type, model_config_dict, url, token_counter ) elif model_platform.is_vllm: model_class = VLLMModel elif model_platform.is_litellm: model_class = LiteLLMModel elif model_platform.is_openai_compatibility_model: model_class = OpenAICompatibilityModel elif model_platform.is_samba: model_class = SambaModel elif model_platform.is_together: model_class = TogetherAIModel return model_class( model_type, model_config_dict, api_key, token_counter ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown pair of model platform `{model_platform}` " f"and model type `{model_type}`." ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid model type `{model_type}` provided.") return model_class( model_type, model_config_dict, api_key, url, token_counter )