Source code for camel.models.samba_model

# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# =========== Copyright 2023 @ All Rights Reserved. ===========
import json
import os
import time
import uuid
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import httpx
from openai import OpenAI, Stream

from camel.configs import (
from camel.messages import OpenAIMessage
from camel.types import (
from camel.utils import (

[docs] class SambaModel: r"""SambaNova service interface.""" def __init__( self, model_type: str, model_config_dict: Dict[str, Any], api_key: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, token_counter: Optional[BaseTokenCounter] = None, ) -> None: r"""Constructor for SambaNova backend. Args: model_type (str): Model for which a SambaNova backend is created. Supported models via Fast API: ` fast-api?api_ref=128521`. Supported models via SambaVerse API is listed in ``. model_config_dict (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary that will be fed into API request. api_key (Optional[str]): The API key for authenticating with the SambaNova service. (default: :obj:`None`) url (Optional[str]): The url to the SambaNova service. Current support SambaNova Fast API: :obj:`" v1/chat/ completions"`, SambaVerse API: :obj:`"https://"` and SambaNova Cloud: :obj:`""` (default::obj:`""`) token_counter (Optional[BaseTokenCounter]): Token counter to use for the model. If not provided, `OpenAITokenCounter(ModelType. GPT_4O_MINI)` will be used. """ self.model_type = model_type self._api_key = api_key or os.environ.get("SAMBA_API_KEY") self._url = url or os.environ.get( "SAMBA_API_BASE_URL", "", ) self._token_counter = token_counter self.model_config_dict = model_config_dict self.check_model_config() if self._url == "": self._client = OpenAI( timeout=60, max_retries=3, base_url=self._url, api_key=self._api_key, ) @property def token_counter(self) -> BaseTokenCounter: r"""Initialize the token counter for the model backend. Returns: BaseTokenCounter: The token counter following the model's tokenization style. """ if not self._token_counter: self._token_counter = OpenAITokenCounter(ModelType.GPT_4O_MINI) return self._token_counter
[docs] def check_model_config(self): r"""Check whether the model configuration contains any unexpected arguments to SambaNova API. Raises: ValueError: If the model configuration dictionary contains any unexpected arguments to SambaNova API. """ if self._url == "": for param in self.model_config_dict: if param not in SAMBA_FAST_API_PARAMS: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected argument `{param}` is " "input into SambaNova Fast API." ) elif self._url == "": for param in self.model_config_dict: if param not in SAMBA_VERSE_API_PARAMS: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected argument `{param}` is " "input into SambaVerse API." ) elif self._url == "": for param in self.model_config_dict: if param not in SAMBA_CLOUD_API_PARAMS: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected argument `{param}` is " "input into SambaCloud API." ) else: raise ValueError( f"{self._url} is not supported, please check the url to the" " SambaNova service" )
[docs] @api_keys_required("SAMBA_API_KEY") def run( # type: ignore[misc] self, messages: List[OpenAIMessage] ) -> Union[ChatCompletion, Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]]: r"""Runs SambaNova's FastAPI service. Args: messages (List[OpenAIMessage]): Message list with the chat history in OpenAI API format. Returns: Union[ChatCompletion, Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]]: `ChatCompletion` in the non-stream mode, or `Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]` in the stream mode. """ if self.model_config_dict.get("stream") is True: return self._run_streaming(messages) else: return self._run_non_streaming(messages)
def _run_streaming( # type: ignore[misc] self, messages: List[OpenAIMessage] ) -> Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]: r"""Handles streaming inference with SambaNova's API. Args: messages (List[OpenAIMessage]): A list of messages representing the chat history in OpenAI API format. Returns: Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]: A generator yielding `ChatCompletionChunk` objects as they are received from the API. Raises: RuntimeError: If the HTTP request fails. """ # Handle SambaNova's Fast API if self._url == "": headers = { "Authorization": f"Basic {self._api_key}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } data = { "messages": messages, "max_tokens": self.token_limit, "stop": self.model_config_dict.get("stop"), "model": self.model_type, "stream": True, "stream_options": self.model_config_dict.get("stream_options"), } try: with "POST", self._url, headers=headers, json=data, ) as api_response: stream = Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]( cast_to=ChatCompletionChunk, response=api_response, client=OpenAI(api_key="required_but_not_used"), ) for chunk in stream: yield chunk except httpx.HTTPError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"HTTP request failed: {e!s}") # Handle SambaNova's Cloud API elif self._url == "": response = messages=messages, model=self.model_type, **self.model_config_dict, ) return response elif self._url == "": raise ValueError( " doesn't support" " stream mode" ) def _run_non_streaming( self, messages: List[OpenAIMessage] ) -> ChatCompletion: r"""Handles non-streaming inference with SambaNova's API. Args: messages (List[OpenAIMessage]): A list of messages representing the message in OpenAI API format. Returns: ChatCompletion: A `ChatCompletion` object containing the complete response from the API. Raises: RuntimeError: If the HTTP request fails. ValueError: If the JSON response cannot be decoded or is missing expected data. """ # Handle SambaNova's Fast API if self._url == "": headers = { "Authorization": f"Basic {self._api_key}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } data = { "messages": messages, "max_tokens": self.token_limit, "stop": self.model_config_dict.get("stop"), "model": self.model_type, "stream": True, "stream_options": self.model_config_dict.get("stream_options"), } try: with "POST", self._url, headers=headers, json=data, ) as api_response: samba_response = [] for chunk in api_response.iter_text(): if chunk.startswith('data: '): chunk = chunk[6:] if '[DONE]' in chunk: break json_data = json.loads(chunk) samba_response.append(json_data) return self._fastapi_to_openai_response(samba_response) except httpx.HTTPError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"HTTP request failed: {e!s}") except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to decode JSON response: {e!s}") # Handle SambaNova's Cloud API elif self._url == "": response = messages=messages, model=self.model_type, **self.model_config_dict, ) return response # Handle SambaNova's Sambaverse API else: headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "key": str(self._api_key), "modelName": self.model_type, } data = { "instance": json.dumps( { "conversation_id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "messages": messages, } ), "params": { "do_sample": {"type": "bool", "value": "true"}, "max_tokens_to_generate": { "type": "int", "value": str(self.model_config_dict.get("max_tokens")), }, "process_prompt": {"type": "bool", "value": "true"}, "repetition_penalty": { "type": "float", "value": str( self.model_config_dict.get("repetition_penalty") ), }, "return_token_count_only": { "type": "bool", "value": "false", }, "select_expert": { "type": "str", "value": self.model_type.split('/')[1], }, "stop_sequences": { "type": "str", "value": self.model_config_dict.get("stop_sequences"), }, "temperature": { "type": "float", "value": str( self.model_config_dict.get("temperature") ), }, "top_k": { "type": "int", "value": str(self.model_config_dict.get("top_k")), }, "top_p": { "type": "float", "value": str(self.model_config_dict.get("top_p")), }, }, } try: # Send the request and handle the response with httpx.Client() as client: response = self._url, # type: ignore[arg-type] headers=headers, json=data, ) raw_text = response.text # Split the string into two dictionaries dicts = raw_text.split('}\n{') # Keep only the last dictionary last_dict = '{' + dicts[-1] # Parse the dictionary last_dict = json.loads(last_dict) return self._sambaverse_to_openai_response(last_dict) # type: ignore[arg-type] except httpx.HTTPStatusError: raise RuntimeError(f"HTTP request failed: {raw_text}") def _fastapi_to_openai_response( self, samba_response: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> ChatCompletion: r"""Converts SambaNova Fast API response chunks into an OpenAI-compatible response. Args: samba_response (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of dictionaries representing partial responses from the SambaNova Fast API. Returns: ChatCompletion: A `ChatCompletion` object constructed from the aggregated response data. """ # Step 1: Combine the content from each chunk full_content = "" for chunk in samba_response: if chunk['choices']: for choice in chunk['choices']: delta_content = choice['delta'].get('content', '') full_content += delta_content # Step 2: Create the ChatCompletion object # Extract relevant information from the first chunk first_chunk = samba_response[0] choices = [ dict( index=0, # type: ignore[index] message={ "role": 'assistant', "content": full_content.strip(), }, finish_reason=samba_response[-1]['choices'][0]['finish_reason'] or None, ) ] obj = ChatCompletion.construct( id=first_chunk['id'], choices=choices, created=first_chunk['created'], model=first_chunk['model'], object="chat.completion", usage=None, ) return obj def _sambaverse_to_openai_response( self, samba_response: Dict[str, Any] ) -> ChatCompletion: r"""Converts SambaVerse API response into an OpenAI-compatible response. Args: samba_response (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary representing responses from the SambaVerse API. Returns: ChatCompletion: A `ChatCompletion` object constructed from the aggregated response data. """ choices = [ dict( index=0, message={ "role": 'assistant', "content": samba_response['result']['responses'][0][ 'completion' ], }, finish_reason=samba_response['result']['responses'][0][ 'stop_reason' ], ) ] obj = ChatCompletion.construct( id=None, choices=choices, created=int(time.time()), model=self.model_type, object="chat.completion", # SambaVerse API only provide `total_tokens` usage=CompletionUsage( completion_tokens=0, prompt_tokens=0, total_tokens=int( samba_response['result']['responses'][0][ 'total_tokens_count' ] ), ), ) return obj @property def token_limit(self) -> int: r"""Returns the maximum token limit for the given model. Returns: int: The maximum token limit for the given model. """ max_tokens = self.model_config_dict["max_tokens"] return max_tokens @property def stream(self) -> bool: r"""Returns whether the model is in stream mode, which sends partial results each time. Returns: bool: Whether the model is in stream mode. """ return self.model_config_dict.get('stream', False)